1 Mes gon zynom, ka mums, leidz kū myusu laiceigais miteklis byus nūjaukts, Dīvs uzceļs dabasūs myužeigū mitekli, kas nabyus calts ar cylvāku rūkom. 2 Tagadejā miteklī ilgom pōrpiļdeiti mes vaižam, lai mums vērsā tyktu uzgārbts debeseigais miteklis. 3 Un jo mes tamā byusim īgārbti, tad mes plyki nabyusim. 4 Koleidz asom šymā miteklī, mes byudami stipri apgryutynōti vaižam, jo mes nagrybam nūsavilkt, bet gon grybam vērsā uzvilkt, lai mērsteigū uzjimtu dzeive. 5 Un tys, kas myusus uz tū pazeimōja, ir Dīvs, kas mums kai īprīkšgolvōjumu īdeve Goru. 6 Mes asam pōrlīcynōti un vīnmār zynam, ka mes, koleidz šytamā mīsā dzeivojam, nu Kunga asam tōli, 7 jo mes veļ pastōvam ticeibā, bet na (Dīva) redzēšonā. 8 Tai tad, pōrlīceibas un gribēšonas dzeiti, lobōk byut tōli nu mīsas un dzeivōt pi Kunga, 9 mes cenšamēs vai mōjōs asūt, vai arī svešumā, byut Jam pateikami. 10 Mums visim byus jōīsarūn Kristus tīsas krāsla prīškā, lai ikvins sajimtu atmoksu par tū, kū jys vērszemes dzeivē lobu vai ļaunu ir darejis.
Apostola pašaizlīdzeiba.
11 Tai tad, Kunga bailes pōrjimti mes cenšamēs pōrlīcynōt cylvākus. Dīvs myusus zyna skaidri, un kai es ceru, arī jyusu sirdsapziņas myusus skaidri pazeist. 12 Mes jums sevis ūtrreiz naīteicam, bet gon jums dūdam izdeveibu par mums lepnōtīs, lai jums byutu kū pasaceit pret tim, kas dzanās pēc ōrejōs slavas, bet na pēc īkšejōs. 13 Jo mes bejom ōrprōtā, tad tys beja Dīva dēļ; jo mes asam prōteigi, tad tys ir jyusu dēļ. 14 Kristus mīlesteiba myusus pōrjam vysā, jo mēs apdūmojam sekūšū: Jo vins nūmyra vysu dēļ, tad visi ir myruši. 15 Jā, Jys nūmyra vysu dēļ, lai tī, kas ir dzeivi, nadzeivōtu sevis poša dēļ, bet gon Tō dēļ, kas par jim ir nūmiris un augšamcēlīs.
16 Tōpēc mes nu šō laika nikō vairs pēc mīsas natīsojam, un, jo mes pēc mīsas asam nūtīsōjuši Kristu, tad lai tagad Jō vairs tai natīsojam. 17 Jo kas ir ikš Kristus, tys ir jauna radeiba; vacō ir iznykuse un, raug, jauna klivuse! 18 Tys vyss nōk nu Dīva, kas caur Kristu myusus ar sevi samīrynōja un mums uzticēja samīrynōšonas omotu. 19 Dīvs caur Kristu sasamīrynōja ar pasauli un jam vairs grāku naīskaita, un mums uzticēja samīrynōšonas mōceibu. 20 Mes asam Kristus syutni un caur mums runoj Dīvs. Kristus vītā mes jyusus lyudzam: Izleigstit ar Dīvu! 21 Jys Tū, kas nikaida grāka nazynōja, nūdeve izleigšonas upuram, lai mes caur Jū Dīva prīškā byutu attaisnōti.
1 For we know that when this tent we live in—our body here on earth—is torn down, God will have a house in heaven for us to live in, a home he himself has made, which will last forever. 2 And now we sigh, so great is our desire that our home which comes from heaven should be put on over us; 3 by being clothed with it we shall not be without a body. 4 While we live in this earthly tent, we groan with a feeling of oppression; it is not that we want to get rid of our earthly body, but that we want to have the heavenly one put on over us, so that what is mortal will be transformed by life. 5 God is the one who has prepared us for this change, and he gave us his Spirit as the guarantee of all that he has in store for us.
6 So we are always full of courage. We know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord's home. 7 For our life is a matter of faith, not of sight. 8 We are full of courage and would much prefer to leave our home in the body and be at home with the Lord. 9 More than anything else, however, we want to please him, whether in our home here or there. 10 For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by him. We will each receive what we deserve, according to everything we have done, good or bad, in our bodily life.
Friendship with God through Christ
11 We know what it means to fear the Lord, and so we try to persuade others. God knows us completely, and I hope that in your hearts you know me as well. 12 We are not trying again to recommend ourselves to you; rather, we are trying to give you a good reason to be proud of us, so that you will be able to answer those who boast about people's appearance and not about their character. 13 Are we really insane? It is for God's sake. Or are we sane? Then it is for your sake. 14 We are ruled by the love of Christ, now that we recognize that one man died for everyone, which means that they all share in his death. 15 He died for all, so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but only for him who died and was raised to life for their sake.
16 No longer, then, do we judge anyone by human standards. Even if at one time we judged Christ according to human standards, we no longer do so. 17 Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come. 18 All this is done by God, who through Christ changed us from enemies into his friends and gave us the task of making others his friends also. 19 Our message is that God was making all human beings his friends through Christ. God did not keep an account of their sins, and he has given us the message which tells how he makes them his friends.
20 Here we are, then, speaking for Christ, as though God himself were making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ's behalf: let God change you from enemies into his friends! 21 Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God.