1 Ikvīns, kas tic, ka Jezus ir Kristus, ir pīdzimis nu Dīva. Un ikvīns, kas mīļoj dzymdynōtōju, mīļoj arī tū, kas nu jō ir pīdzimis. 2 Nu tō mes pazeistam vai mes mīļojam Dīva bārnus, ka mes mīļojam Dīvu un pyldam Jō bausleibas. 3 Mīlesteiba uz Dīvu pastōv tamā, ka mes izpyldam Jō bausleibas; un Jō bausleibas nava gryutas. 4 Jo vyss, kas ir dzimis nu Dīva uzvar pasauli. Un tei uzvara, kas pasauli ir uzvarējuse, ir myusu ticeiba.
5 Un kas tad cyts uzvar pasauli, jo na tys, kas tic, ka Jezus ir Dīva Dāls? 6 Jys ir tys, kas atnōce caur yudini un asni un Goru: Jezus Kristus. Un natik vīn ar yudini, bet gon ar yudini un asni. Un Gors ir tys, kas par tū līcynoj; un Gors ir taisneiba.
7 Trejs ir (dabasūs) kas līcynoj: (Tāvs, Vōrds un Svātais Gors, un šitī trejs ir vīns. 8 Un trejs ir vērs zemes, kas līcynoj): Gors, yudiņs un asnis, un šitī trejs ir vīnā.
9 Jo mes pījamam cylvāka līceibu, tad Dīva līceiba par jū ir daudz lelōka. Un Dīvs par sovu Dālu taidu līceibu ir devis.
10 Kas Dīva Dālam tic, tymā ir (Dīva) līceiba. Bet kas Dīvam natic, tys jū īskaita par meli, jo jys natic tai līceibai ar kuru Dīvs ir līcynōjis par sovu Dālu. 11 Un tei līceiba ir šaida: Dīvs deve mums myužeigū dzeivi un tei dzeive ir Jō Dālā. 12 Kam ir Dāls, tam ir arī dzeive, bet kam Dīva Dāla nava, tam nav arī dzeives.
13 Es šytū jums saraksteju, lai jyus zynōtu, ka jums ir myužeigō dzeive, jums, kas tycat Dīva Dāla Vōrdam. 14 Un tei ir cereiba, ka Jys myusus izklauseis, jo mes saskaņā ar jō grybu lyugsim. 15 Un jo mes zynom, ka Jys myusu lyugšonas izklausa, tad mes zynom arī tū, ka lyugtais mums jau ir. 16 Jo kas nūmona, ka jō brōļs dora grāku, kas nav nōveigs, tad lai jys par tū lyudzās un ar tū jam paleidz dzeivē, uz cik tys nav taids grāks, kas nas nōvi. Bet ir arī nōveigs grāks, un es nasoku, lai par tū kas lyugtūs. 17 Ikvīna nataisneiba ir grāks, bet ir arī grāks, kas nōves nanas.
18 Mes zynom, ka tys, kas nu Dīva ir dzimis, nagrākoj. Jo kas nu Dīva ir dzimis, tys sorgojās, un ļaunais jō naaizskar. 19 Mes zynom, ka mes asom nu Dīva, un ka vyss pasauļs ir nūgrimis ļaunumā.
20 Mes zynom, ka Dīva Dāls atnōce un mums īdeve saprasšonu, lai mes pazeitu eistynū (Dīvu). Un mes poši asom eistynajā (Dīvā), un Jō Dālā Jezū Kristū. Un Jys ir eistynais Dīvs un myužeigō dzeive.
21 Bērneņi, sorgojitēs nu elkdīveibas. (Amen).
Our Victory over the World
1 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Messiah is a child of God; and whoever loves a father loves his child also. 2 This is how we know that we love God's children: it is by loving God and obeying his commands. 3 For our love for God means that we obey his commands. And his commands are not too hard for us, 4 because every child of God is able to defeat the world. And we win the victory over the world by means of our faith. 5 Who can defeat the world? Only the person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Witness about Jesus Christ
6 Jesus Christ is the one who came with the water of his baptism and the blood of his death. He came not only with the water, but with both the water and the blood. And the Spirit himself testifies that this is true, because the Spirit is truth. 7 There are three witnesses: 8 the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and all three give the same testimony. 9 We believe human testimony; but God's testimony is much stronger, and he has given this testimony about his Son. 10 So those who believe in the Son of God have this testimony in their own heart; but those who do not believe God, have made a liar of him, because they have not believed what God has said about his Son. 11 The testimony is this: God has given us eternal life, and this life has its source in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has this life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.
Eternal Life
13 I am writing this to you so that you may know that you have eternal life—you that believe in the Son of God. 14 We have courage in God's presence, because we are sure that he hears us if we ask him for anything that is according to his will. 15 He hears us whenever we ask him; and since we know this is true, we know also that he gives us what we ask from him.
16 If you see a believer commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray to God, who will give that person life. This applies to those whose sins do not lead to death. But there is sin which leads to death, and I do not say that you should pray to God about that. 17 All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin which does not lead to death.
18 We know that no children of God keep on sinning, for the Son of God keeps them safe, and the Evil One cannot harm them.
19 We know that we belong to God even though the whole world is under the rule of the Evil One.
20 We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we know the true God. We live in union with the true God—in union with his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and this is eternal life.
21 My children, keep yourselves safe from false gods!