K. Jezus īt par labeibas lauku.
1 Tamā laikā Jezus gōja sabatā par labeibas teirumu. Jō mōcekli, byudami izolkuši, sōce plyukt vōrpas un ēst. 2 Tū radzādami, farizeji Jam saceja: Raug, tovi mōcekli dora tū, kas sabatā dareit ir nūlīgts.
3 Bet Jys atbiļdēja: Vai jyus nalasejot, kū padareja Davids, kad jys un jō leidzgōjēji beja izolkuši? 4 Kai jī, īgōjuši Dīva nomā, ēde upuru maizi, kuru ni jys, ni jō leidzgōjēji nadreikstēja ēst, bet tik vīn prīsteri. 5 Vai jyus naasat lasejuši lykumā, ka sabatūs svētneicā prīsteri lauž sabata mīru un tūmār ir bez vaiņas? 6 Es jums soku, ka te ir kas lelōks par svētneicu. 7 Jo jyus byutu saprotuši kū tys nūzeimoj: Na upuru, bet žāļsirdeibas grybu, tad nabyutu navaineigūs nūtīsōjuši. 8 Cylvāka Dāls ir tadei sabata Kungs.
Izdzīdynōšona sabatā.
9 Aizīdams nu turīnes tōļōk, Jys īgōja jūs synagōgā. 10 Un, raug, tur beja vīns cylvāks ar nūkoltušu rūku. Jī nu Jō vaicōja: Vai breivi sabatā dzīdynōt? — jī meklēja pamata, lai Jū apsyudzātu. Bet Jys tim atbiļdēja: 11 Kurs tad nu jums byutu taids cylvāks, kas, ka sabata dīnā īkrystu dūbē vīneigō vuška, najemtu un navylktu jōs ōrā? 12 Cik gon cylvāks ir vērteigōks par vīnu vušku. Tai tad, sabatā lobu dareit ir atļauts. 13 Tad jys saceja tam cylvākam: Izstīp sovu rūku. Tys izstīpe, un jei palyka vasala, kai ūtrō.
14 Bet farizeji, izgōjuši ōrā, nūturēja apsprīdi par tū, kai Jū nūnōvātu.
15 Zynōdams tū, Jezus aizgōja nu turīnes prūjom. Daudzi ļaužu gōja Jam pakaļ, un Jys vysus dareja vasalus, 16 un aizlīdze jim par Jū runōt, 17 lai izapiļdeitu pravīša Izaja vōrdi, kurs saceja:
18 Raug, tys ir muns kolps, kuru Es sev izlaseju,
Muns nūmīļōtais, kurā muna dvēsele atrūn gondarejumu.
Uz Jō Es likšu sovu Goru,
Un Jys sludynōs pogōnim taisneibu.
19 Jys nasastreidēs un naklaigōs,
Nivīns uz laukumim Jō bolsa nadzērdēs.
20 Jys nanūlauzs aizlaustōs nīdres
Un naapdzēss degļa, kurs vēļ kvēļ,
Koleidz Jys taisneibu pīvess pi uzvaras.
21 Un Jō vōrds ir pogōnu cereiba.
22 Tad atnese pi Jō vīnu valna apsāstū, kas reizē beja okls un māms. Un Jys tū padareja vasalu tai, ka māmais runōja un redzēja. 23 Ļaužu bori breinōjōs un saceja: Vai tik šytys nav Davida Dāls? 24 Bet farizeji, tū dzērdādami, saceja: Jys cytaiž naizdzan valnu, kai tik caur ļaunūs goru vērsinīku Beļzebubu.
Ļaunais gors sovejūs orā nadzan.
25 Bet Jezus, zynōdams jūs dūmas, jim saceja: Ikvīna vaļsts, kura poša sevī ir sasaškāluse, izniks; nivīns mīsts un nivīna sāta, kurs pats sevī ir sasaškēlis, napastōvēs. 26 Jo satans dzan ōrā satanu, tad pats sevī ir sasaškēlis: un kai tad pastōvēs jō kēnests? 27 Un jo es caur Beļzebubu izdzanu ļaunūs gorus, caur kū tad izdzan tūs jyusu dāli? 28 Tōpēc jī byus jyusu tīsōtōji. Bet, jo Es ļaunūs gorus izdzanu ar Dīva Goru, tad patīši Dīva vaļsteiba pi jums ir atgōjuse. 29 Un kai gon var kas, īprīkš nasasējis styprō, īsalauzt styprō mōjā un izlaupeit jō montu? — Tad tikai jys varēs jō mōju izlaupeit. 30 Kas nav ar Mani, tys ir pret Mani; kas ar Mani nakrōj, tys izbōrsta.
31 Tōdēļ jums soku: Ikvīns grāks un zaimōšona cylvākim byus atlaists, bet zaimōšona pret Goru atlaista nabyus. 32 Kas pasoka vōrdu pret Cylvāka Dālu, tam tiks atlaists; bet jo kas saceis pret Svātū Goru, tam natiks atlaists ni šamā pasaulī, ni nōkūšā. 33 Vai kūku atzeistit par lobu un jō augli par lobu; vai ari kūku atzeistit par nalobu un jō augli par nalobu. Kūku tadei pazeist nu jō auglim. 34 Jyus čyusku dzymums! Kai tad jyus byudami ļauni varat lobu runōt? Tadei nu sirds pōrpiļneibas mute runoj. 35 Lobs cylvāks nu sova lobō krōjuma izjam lobu, ļauns cylvāks nu sova ļaunō krōjuma izjam ļaunu. 36 Un Es jums soku: Nu ikvīna tukša vōrda, kū cylvāki runoj, byus tīsas dīnā jōnūdūd rēkins. 37 Tai tad, atkōreigi nu sovim vōrdim, tu tiksi attaisnōts, un atkōreigi nu sovim vōrdim, tu tiksi nūtīsōts.
Jonasa zeime.
38 Tad daži Rokstim mōceitī un farizeji jēme vōrdu un Jam saceja: Mōceitōj, mes grybam redzēt nu Tevis zeimi.
39 Bet Jys tim atbiļdēja saceidams: Ļauns un lauleibas lauzējs dzymums zeimes pīprosa, bet cyta zeime jam nabyus dūta, kai tik pravīša Jonasa zeime. 40 Kai Jonass nūbeja trejs dīnas un trejs naktis lelzivs vādarā, tai Cylvāka Dāls byus trejs dīnas un trejs naktis zemes sirdī. 41 Ninivīši pasaceļs pi tīsas pret šū dzymumu un jū nūtīsōs, jo jī, Jonasa sludynōšonas dēļ, atsagrīze nu grākim, un, raug, te ir lelōks na kai Jonass. 42 Dīnvydu kēnenīne ceļsīs pi tīsas pret šū dzymumu un jū nūtīsōs; jo jei atgōja nu zemes gola, lai dzērdātu Salomona gudreibu, bet, raug, te ir lelōks na kai Salomons.
Atpakaļ krisšona grākūs.
43 Kad naškeistais gors izīt nu cylvāka, tad jys moldōs pa izkoltušom vītom un meklej sev atpyutas, bet naatrūn. 44 Tad soka: Grīzšūs atpakaļ uz sovu mōju, nu kurīnes asu izgōjis. Un jys atgōjis atrūn jū breivu, izslauceitu un izpuškōtu. 45 Tad īt, pajam ar sevi septeņus cytus, ļaunōkus par sevi gorus, un sagōjuši tur dzeivoj; un pādejais tō cylvāka stōvūklis ir ļaunōks par pyrmū. Taipat nūtiks ari ar šytū ļaunū dzymumu.
K. Jezus radinīki.
46 Koleidz Jys vēļ ļaudim runōja, raug, Jō mōte un Jō brōli stōvēja ōrā, grybādami ar jū runōt. 47 Kaut kas Jam pasaceja: Raug, Tova mōte un Tovi brōli stōv ōrā un grib ar Tevi runōt. 48 Bet Jys tam saceitōjam atbiļdēja: Kas ir muna mōte un kas ir muni brōli? 49 Un, pastīpis rūku uz sovim mōceklim, saceja: Raug, — muna mōte un muni brōli! 50 Kas pylda muna debeseigō Tāva grybu, tys ir muns broļs, mōsa un mōte.
A Question about the Sabbath
(Mark 2.23-28Luke 6.1-5)
1 One Sabbath, Jesus and his disciples were walking through some wheat fields. His disciples were hungry and began picking and eating grains of wheat. 2 Some Pharisees noticed this and said to Jesus, “Why are your disciples picking grain on the Sabbath? They are not supposed to do this!”
3 Jesus answered:
You surely must have read what David did when he and his followers were hungry. 4 He went into the house of God, and then they ate the sacred loaves of bread that only priests are supposed to eat. 5 Haven't you read in the Law of Moses that the priests are allowed to work in the temple on the Sabbath? But no one says they are guilty of breaking the law of the Sabbath. 6 I tell you there is something here greater than the temple. 7 Don't you know what the Scriptures mean when they say, “Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to be merciful to others?” If you knew what this means, you would not condemn these innocent disciples of mine. 8 So the Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath.
A Man with a Paralyzed Hand
(Mark 3.1-6Luke 6.6-11)
9 Jesus left and went into one of their synagogues, 10 where there was a man whose hand was paralyzed. Some Pharisees wanted to accuse Jesus of doing something wrong, so they asked him, “Is it right to heal someone on the Sabbath?”
11 Jesus answered, “If one of your sheep fell into a ditch on the Sabbath, wouldn't you lift it out? 12 People are worth much more than sheep, and so it is right to do good on the Sabbath.” 13 Then Jesus told the man, “Hold out your hand.” The man did, and it became as healthy as the other one.
14 The Pharisees left and started making plans to kill Jesus.
God's Chosen Servant
15 When Jesus found out what was happening, he left there and large crowds followed him. He healed all of their sick, 16 but warned them not to tell anyone about him. 17 So God's promise came true, just as Isaiah the prophet had said,

18 “Here is my chosen servant!
I love him,
and he pleases me.
I will give him my Spirit,
and he will bring justice
to the nations.
19 He won't shout or yell
or call out in the streets.
20 He won't break off a bent reed
or put out a dying flame,
but he will make sure
that justice is done.
21 All nations will place
their hope in him.”
Jesus and the Ruler of the Demons
(Mark 3.20-30Luke 11.14-23Luke 12.10)
22 Some people brought to Jesus a man who was blind and could not talk because he had a demon in him. Jesus healed the man, and then he was able to talk and see. 23 The crowds were so amazed they asked, “Could Jesus be the Son of David?”
24 When the Pharisees heard this, they said, “He forces out demons by the power of Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons!”
25 Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said to them:
Any kingdom where people fight each other will end up ruined. And a town or family that fights will soon destroy itself. 26 So if Satan fights against himself, how can his kingdom last? 27 If I use the power of Beelzebul to force out demons, whose power do your own followers use to force them out? Your followers are the ones who will judge you. 28 But when I force out demons by the power of God's Spirit, it proves that God's kingdom has already come to you. 29 How can anyone break into a strong man's house and steal his things, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can take everything.
30 If you are not on my side, you are against me. If you don't gather in the harvest with me, you scatter it. 31-32 I tell you any sinful thing you do or say can be forgiven. Even if you speak against the Son of Man, you can be forgiven. But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven, either in this life or in the life to come.
A Tree and Its Fruit
(Luke 6.43-45)
33 A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. You can tell what a tree is like by the fruit it produces. 34 You are a bunch of evil snakes, so how can you say anything good? Your words show what is in your hearts. 35 Good people bring good things out of their hearts, but evil people bring evil things out of their hearts. 36 I promise you on the day of judgment, everyone will have to account for every careless word they have spoken. 37 On that day they will be told they are either innocent or guilty because of the things they have said.
A Sign from Heaven
(Mark 8.11Mark 12Luke 11.29-32)
38 Some Pharisees and teachers of the Law of Moses said, “Teacher, we want you to show us a sign from heaven.”
39 But Jesus replied:
You want a sign because you are evil and won't believe! But the only sign you will get is the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 He was in the stomach of a big fish for three days and nights, just as the Son of Man will be deep in the earth for three days and nights. 41 On the day of judgment the people of Nineveh will stand there with you and condemn you. They turned to God when Jonah preached, and yet here is something far greater than Jonah. 42 The Queen of the South will also stand there with you and condemn you. She traveled a long way to hear Solomon's wisdom, and yet here is something much greater than Solomon.
Return of an Evil Spirit
(Luke 11.24-26)
43 When an evil spirit leaves a person, it travels through the desert, looking for a place to rest. But when the demon doesn't find a place, 44 it says, “I will go back to the home I left.” When it gets there and finds the place empty, clean, and neat, 45 it goes off and finds seven other evil spirits even worse than itself. They all come and make their home there, and the person ends up in worse shape than before. That's how it will be with you evil people of today.
Jesus' Mother and Brothers
(Mark 3.31-35Luke 8.19-21)
46 While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and brothers came and stood outside because they wanted to talk with him. 47 Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside and want to talk with you.”
48 Jesus answered, “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” 49 Then he pointed to his disciples and said, “These are my mother and my brothers! 50 Anyone who obeys my Father in heaven is my brother or sister or mother.”