Pōvuls Efezā.
1 Un nūtyka, koleidz Apollo vēļ palyka Korintā, Pōvuls, apstaigōjis kolnōtūs apgobolus, atgōja uz Efezu. Te jys atroda dažus mōcekļus 2 un jim saceja: Vai jyus, pījamūt ticeibu, Svātū Goru sajēmet? Bet tī atbiļdēja: Mes pat naasam dzērdējuši, ka Svāts Gors ir. 3 Tad jys vaicōja: Kō tad kristeibā asat nūkristeiti? Tī atbiļdēja: Jōņa kristeibā. 4 Tad Pōvuls saceja: Jōņs tadei kristeja ļaudis ar grāku vaidēšonas kristeibu un aicynōja ticēt tam, kas pēc jō nōks, — Jezum. 5 Šytū izdzērduši jī pījēme kristeibu kunga Jezus vōrdā. 6 Kad Pōvuls uzlyka uz jim rūkas, nūsalaide uz jim Svātais Gors. Jī runōja svešōs volūdōs un pravītōja. 7 Vysa beja ap divpadsmit cylvāku.
8 Īīdams synagogā, jys treju mēnešu laikā drūšsirdeigi runōja un pōrlīcynojūši sludynōja Dīva vaļsteibu. 9 Kad daži, palīkūt aizcītynōti un naļaunūt sevis pōrlīcynōt, ļaužu prīškā zaimōja (Kunga) mōceibu, jys nu tim atsaškeire pats, ari mōcekļus atškeire un ikdīnas mōceja kaida Tyrana skūlā. 10 Un tys nūtyka diveju godu laikā, un visi Azijas īdzeivōtōji, kai jūdi, tai ari elleni, dzērdēja Kunga vōrdus. 11 Caur Pōvula rūkom Dīvs dareja naparostus breinumus. 12 Sliminīkim uzlyka pat mutes autus un prīkšautus, kas beja pī jō mīsas bejuši, un slimeiba nu jim atstōja, un ļaunī gori gōja prūjom. 13 Ari daži apkōrtklejojūšī jūdu ekzorcisti mēginōja kunga Jezus vōrdu pīsaukt pi tim, karajūs beja ļaunī gori, saceidami: Es jyusus zvārynoju Jezus, kuru Pōvuls sludynoj, vōrdā. 14 Tū dareja septeni jūdu vērsgoreidznīka Skena dāli. 15 Tōdēļ ļaunais gors atsasauce un jim saceja: Jezu es pazeistu, zynu ari Pōvulu, bet kas asat jyus? 16 Tad Tys cylvāks, kurā beja ļaunais gors, jim uzbruka un, divejus pōrspējis, tik stipri jūs vōrdzynōja, ka tī nu tōs sātas, pliki un cērtumim pōrklōti, aizbāga. 17 Ziņa par tū izaplateja storp visim Efezā dzeivojūšim jūdim un ellenim, un vysus pōrjēme baile, bet Kunga Jezus vōrds tyka slaveits.
18 Daudzejī ticeigī nōce, izzyna un izsyudzēja, kū beja darejuši. 19 Daudzeji citi, kas ar būršonu beja nūsadorbōjuši, atnese sovas grōmotas un, visim radzūt, tōs sadadzynōja. Tūs (grōmotu) vērteiba beja aprēkinōta uz pīcdesmit tyukstūšom sudobrinīku. 20 Tik spēceigi auga un styprynōjōs Kunga vōrds!
21 Pēc šytō Pōvuls ikš Gora nūdūmōja par Makedoniju un Achaju dūtīs uz Jeruzalemu. Jys dūmōja: Pēc tam, kad es tur byušu bejis, maņ ir jōredz Roma. 22 Tad, nūsyutejis uz Makedoniju divejus sovus paleigus, Timoteju un Erastu, pats vēļ kaidu laiku palyka Azijā.
Demetrijs ceļ namīru.
23 (Kunga) mōceibas dēļ tamā laikā izacēle lels namīrs. 24 Kaids zaltkalis, vōrdā Demetrijs, kas nu sudobra pagatavōja Artemidas svētneiceņas un caur tū sagōdōja amatnīkim lelu peļņu, 25 kai jūs, tai ari šam dorbam nūdūtūs strōdnīkus kūpā sasaucis, saceja: Veiri, jyus zynot, ka nu šō omota mums ir peļņa. 26 Bet tagad jyus taipat redzit un dzērdit, ka tys Pōvuls caur sovu mōceibu: ka tī naasūt dīvi, kas ar rūkom teik pagatavōti, pīrunōja un pi atkrisšonas pīvede daudzi ļaužu na tikai Efezā, bet ari natōli vysā Azijā. 27 Un tagad, na tikai šei omota nūzare ir apdraudāta, bet ari lelōs dīvītes Artemidas svētneica par nikū tiks skaiteita, un pat var nūtikt, ka majestate tōs, kuru vysa Azija un vyss pasauļs cīnej, sōks pagrimt. 28 Tū dzērdādami, ji ļūti aizadusmōja un klīdze: Efeza Artemida ir lela! 29 Namīrs izaplateja ari mīstā. Visi drōzēs teatrī un leidza īrōve Pōvula ceļa bīdrus Gaju un Aristarchu Makedonīti. 30 Kad Pōvuls gribēja īt pyuļa vydā, mōcekli jam tō naļōve. 31 Ari daži nu aziarchim, kas jam beja labvēleigi syuteidami pi jō lyudze, ka jys uz teatri naītu. 32 Tur klīdze kotrs pa sovam, jo sapuļce beja vātraiņa. Daudzejī pat nazynōja, kōdēļ ir sasalasejuši. 33 Tad nu pyuļa prīškā izvylka kaidu Aleksandru, kuru izbeideja jūdi. Tad Aleksandrs, pamōvis ar rūku, gribēja ļaudim runōt aizastōvēšonas runu. 34 Bet, kad pazyna, ka jys ir jūds, visi kai vīnā mutē natōļ divi stuņdes klīdze: Efeza Artemida ir lela! 35 Beigōs mīsta kanclers, nūmīrynōjis pyuli, saceja: Efeza veiri, kurs tad nu ļaudim nazyna, ka Efeza mīsts gūdynoj lelū Artemidu un jōs nu debesim nūkrytušū tālu? 36 Tai kai šytō apstreidēt nikas navar, tad jums vajaga sevi savaļdeit un naapdūmeigi nikō nadareit. 37 Jyus gon atvedet šytūs cylvākus, bet jī navā ni svātzagli, ni ari myusu dīvītes zaimōtōji. 38 Bet jo Demetrijam un jō omota bīdrim pret kū ir kaida syudzeiba, tad dēļ tō ir tīsas sēdes un tīsneši. Lai tad vīns ar ūtru tīsojās. 39 Bet, jo jums ir kaida cyta praseiba, tad tū var nūkōrtōt lykumeigā sapuļcē. 40 Tagad mes asam apdraudāti ar tū, ka myusus var par šōs dīnas namīru apsyudzēt un mums nav nikaida pamata, ar kū mes taidu burzmi varātu attaisnōt. 41 Un šytū pasacejis, jys slēdze sapuļci.
Paul in Ephesus
1 While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled across the hill country to Ephesus, where he met some of the Lord's followers. 2 He asked them, “When you put your faith in Jesus, were you given the Holy Spirit?”
“No!” they answered. “We have never even heard of the Holy Spirit.”
3 “Then why were you baptized?” Paul asked.
They answered, “Because of what John taught.”
4 Paul replied, “John baptized people so they would turn to God. But he also told them someone else was coming, and they should put their faith in him. Jesus is the one that John was talking about.” 5 After the people heard Paul say this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 Then Paul placed his hands on them. The Holy Spirit was given to them, and they spoke unknown languages and prophesied. 7 There were about twelve men in this group.
8 For three months Paul went to the synagogue and talked bravely with the people about God's kingdom. He tried to win them over, 9 but some of them were stubborn and refused to believe. In front of everyone they said terrible things about God's Way. Paul left and took the followers with him to the lecture hall of Tyrannus. He spoke there every day 10 for two years, until every Jew and Gentile in Asia had heard the Lord's message.
The Sons of Sceva
11 God gave Paul the power to work great miracles. 12 People even took handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched Paul's body, and they carried them to everyone who was sick. All of the sick people were healed, and the evil spirits went out.
13 Some Jewish men started going around trying to force out evil spirits by using the name of the Lord Jesus. They said to the spirits, “Come out in the name of that same Jesus that Paul preaches about!”
14 Seven sons of a high priest named Sceva were doing this, 15 when an evil spirit said to them, “I know Jesus! And I have heard about Paul. But who are you?” 16 Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on them and beat them up. They ran out of the house, naked and bruised.
17 When the Jews and Gentiles in Ephesus heard about this, they were so frightened that they praised the name of the Lord Jesus. 18 Many who were followers now started telling everyone about the evil things they had been doing. 19 Some who had been practicing witchcraft even brought their books and burned them in public. These books were worth about 50,000 silver coins. 20 So the Lord's message spread and became even more powerful.
The Riot in Ephesus
21 After all this had happened, Paul decided to visit Macedonia and Achaia on his way to Jerusalem. Paul had said, “From there I will go on to Rome.” 22 So he sent his two helpers, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia. But he stayed on in Asia for a while.
23 At that time there was serious trouble because of the Lord's Way. 24 A silversmith named Demetrius had a business that made silver models of the temple of the goddess Artemis. Those who worked for him earned a lot of money. 25 Demetrius brought together everyone who was in the same business and said:
Friends, you know we make a good living at this. 26 But you have surely seen and heard how this man Paul is upsetting a lot of people, not only in Ephesus, but almost everywhere in Asia. He claims that the gods we humans make are not really gods at all. 27 Everyone will start saying terrible things about our business. They will stop respecting the temple of the goddess Artemis, who is worshiped in Asia and all over the world. Our great goddess will be forgotten!
28 When the workers heard this, they got angry and started shouting, “Great is Artemis, the goddess of the Ephesians!” 29 Soon the whole city was in a riot, and some men grabbed Gaius and Aristarchus, who had come from Macedonia with Paul. Then everyone in the crowd rushed to the place where the town meetings were held.
30 Paul wanted to go out and speak to the people, but the Lord's followers would not let him. 31 A few of the local officials were friendly to Paul, and they sent someone to warn him not to go.
32 Some of the people in the meeting were shouting one thing, and others were shouting something else. Everyone was completely confused, and most of them did not even know why they were there.
33 Several of the Jewish leaders pushed a man named Alexander to the front of the crowd and started telling him what to say. He motioned with his hand and tried to explain what was going on. 34 But when the crowd saw that he was Jewish, they all shouted for two hours, “Great is Artemis, the goddess of the Ephesians!”
35 Finally, a town official made the crowd be quiet. Then he said:
People of Ephesus, who in the world doesn't know that our city is the center for worshiping the great goddess Artemis? Who doesn't know that her image which fell from heaven is right here? 36 No one can deny this, and so you should calm down and not do anything foolish. 37 You have brought men in here who have not robbed temples or spoken against our goddess.
38 If Demetrius and his workers have a case against these men, we have courts and judges. Let them take their complaints there. 39 But if you want to do more than that, the matter will have to be brought before the city council. 40 We could easily be accused of starting a riot today. There is no excuse for it! We cannot even give a reason for this uproar.
41 After saying this, he told the people to leave.