Atbreivōšona nu grāka vērdzeibas.
1 Kū tad lai sokom? Vai paliksim grākā, lai pasavairōtu žēlesteiba? 2 Nimoz nē! Mes, kas grākam asom myruši, vai tad varam jymā tōļōk dzeivōt? 3 Vai tad jyus nazynot, ka mes vysi, kas ikš Jezus Kristus asom kristeiti, ikš Jō nōves asom kristeiti? 4 Tai tad, mes caur kristeibu īkš Jō nōves asom paglobōti, lai, kai Kristus caur Tāva gūdeibu pīsacēle nu myrūnim, tai arī mes dzeivōtu vysā jaunu dzeivi. 5 Un jo mes ar Jū asom saauguši Jō nōvē, tad byusim arī augšamceļšonā. 6 Mes zynom, ka myusu vacais cylvāks ir pīkolts krystā, lai iznyktu grēceigō mīsa, ka grākam mes vairs nakalpōtu. 7 Un tys, kas ir nūmiris, nu grāka ir attaisnōts.
8 Jo ar Kristu asam nūmyruši, mes tycam, ka ar Jū dzeivōsim. 9 Mes zynam, ka Kristus pīcalts nu myrūnim vairs namērst, nōve par Jū vairs navolda. 10 Kad myra, Jys deļ grāka nūmyra pavysam, un ka Jys dzeivoj — dzeivoj Dīvam. 11 Arī jyus sevi īskaitat taidūs, kas grākam ir nūmyruši, bet ikš Jezus Kristus (myusu Kunga) dzeivojat Dīvam.
12 Tōdēļ jyusu mērsteigajā mīsā grāks nadreikst vaļdeit tai, ka jyus pīkrystu jōs kōreibom. 13 Nadūdit sovu lūcekļu grākam par īrūčim, bet gon veļtejit sevi Dīvam kai taidus, kas nu myrūnim asat nōkuši dzeivē un jyusu lūcekli lai ir Dīvam taisneibas īrūči. 14 Grāks par jums lai navolda, jo jyus naasot padūti lykumam, bet gon žēlesteibai.
15 Kas tad nu tō? Vai tad mes tōpēc dreikstam grākōt, ka na lykumam asam padūti, bet žēlesteibai? Nimoz nē. 16 Vai tad jyus nazynat, ka jyus asat tō kolpi, kam jyus paklauseibā kolpōt apsūlat? vai tys byutu grākam uz nōvi, vai arī paklauseibai uz attaisnōšonu? 17 Paļdis Dīvam, ka jyus, kas bejot grāka vērgi, nu vysas sirds pīsakļōvet mōceibai, kurā jyus asat īvadeiti. 18 Nu grāka atbreivōti, jyus asat īstōjuši kolpōšonā taisneibai. 19 Jyusu mīseigōs vōjeibas dēļ, es runoju tū, kas ir ciļvēceigi: Kai jyus agrōk sovus lūcekļus nūdevet naceisteibas kalpeibā un natykumeibai, lai dzeivōtu bezdīveigi, tai tagad nūdūdit sovus lūcekļus taisneibas paklauseibā, lai dzeivōtu svātumam. 20 Koleidz jyus bejot grāka vērgi, taisneiba jyusu naskōre. 21 Bet kaidi tad tūlaik jums beja augli nu taidim dorbim, nu kurim jyus tagad kaunejatēs? Un tūs gols ir nōve. 22 Bet tagad, kad jyus nu grāka asat atbreivōti un palykuši par Dīva kolpim, jums kai (dorba) auglis ir svātums un gola mērkis — myužeigō dzeive. 23 Grāka atmoksa ir nōve, bet Dīva dōvona ir myužeigō dzeive ikš myusu Kunga Jezus Kristus.
Dead to Sin but Alive because of Christ
1 What should we say? Should we keep on sinning, so that God's gift of undeserved grace will show up even better? 2 No, we should not! If we are dead to sin, how can we go on sinning? 3 Don't you know that all who share in Christ Jesus by being baptized also share in his death? 4 When we were baptized, we died and were buried with Christ. We were baptized, so we would live a new life, as Christ was raised to life by the glory of God the Father.
5 If we shared in Jesus' death by being baptized, we will be raised to life with him. 6 We know that the persons we used to be were nailed to the cross with Jesus. This was done, so our sinful bodies would no longer be the slaves of sin. 7 We know sin doesn't have power over dead people.
8 As surely as we died with Christ, we believe we will also live with him. 9 We know that death no longer has any power over Christ. He died and was raised to life, never again to die. 10 When Christ died, he died for sin once and for all. But now he is alive, and he lives only for God. 11 In the same way, you must think of yourselves as dead to the power of sin. But Christ Jesus has given life to you, and you live for God.
12 Don't let sin rule your body. After all, your body is bound to die, so don't obey its desires 13 or let any part of it become a slave of evil. Give yourselves to God, as people who have been raised from death to life. Make every part of your body a slave that pleases God. 14 Don't let sin keep ruling your lives. You are ruled by God's undeserved grace and not by the Law.
Slaves Who Do What Pleases God
15 What does all this mean? Does it mean we are free to sin, because we are ruled by God's gift of undeserved grace and not by the Law? Certainly not! 16 Don't you know that you are slaves of anyone you obey? You can be slaves of sin and die, or you can be obedient slaves of God and be acceptable to him. 17 You used to be slaves of sin. But I thank God that with all your heart you followed the example set forth in the teaching you received. 18 Now you are set free from sin and are slaves who please God.
19 I am using these everyday examples, because in some ways you are still weak. You used to let the different parts of your body be slaves of your evil thoughts. But now you must make every part of your body serve God, so that you will belong completely to him.
20 When you were slaves of sin, you didn't have to please God. 21 But what good did you receive from the things you did? All you have to show for them is your shame, and they lead to death. 22 Now you have been set free from sin, and you are God's slaves. This will make you holy and will lead you to eternal life. 23 Sin pays off with death. But God's gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord.