Jōņs Kristeitōjs.
1 Jezus Kristus, Dīva Dāla, Evangelija sōkums: 2 Kai pravīša Izaja rokstūs ir teikts:
Raug, Es syutu īprīkš Tevis sovu eņgeli,
lai jys sagatavōtu Tovu ceļu.
3 Tuksnesī sauc bolss:
Gatavojit Kungam ceļu,
taisnas dorit Jō stygas.
4 Tuksnesī pasarōdeja Jōņs Kristeitōjs un sludynōja grāku atlaisšonai grāku vaidēšonas kristeibu.
5 Pī jō gōja vyss Judeas apgobols un jeruzalemīši. Jī tyka Jordana upē kristeiti un izzyna sovus grākus. 6 Jōņs beja gērbīs kameļa spolvu audumā un apsajūzis ar ōdas syksnu, un ēde sisiņus un meža madu. 7 Jys sludynōja saceidams: Pēc manis nōks Tys, kurs ir par mani spēceigōks. Es naasmu cīneigs, pakreitūt Jō prīškā, atraiseit Jō kūrpem saišku. 8 Es jyusus krystu yudinī, Jys jyusus kristeis Svātā Gorā.
K. Jezus pījam kristeibu.
9 Tamōs dīnōs Jezus atgōja nu Galilejas Nazeretes un Jordanā tyka nu Jōņa nūkristeits. 10 Un tūbreid, izejūt nu yudiņa, jys īraudzeja atsadoram dabasus un (Svātū) Goru, kai bolūdi, nūsalaižam (un palīkam) vērs Jō. 11 Nu dabasim atskanēja bolss: Tu esi muns nūmīļōtais Dāls; Tu maņ esi pateikams.
K. Jezus ītur gavēni.
12 Tūbreid Gors Jū nūvede tuksnesī. 13 Tuksnesī Jys nūbeja četrudesmit dīnu (un četrudesmit nakšu) un tyka valna kārdynōts. Jys dzeivōja zvēru vydā; un eņgeli Jam kolpōja.
Pirmī K. Jezus mōcekļi.
14 Pēc Jōņa apcītynōšonas, Jezus atgōja uz Galileju un sludynōja Dīva (vaļsteibas) Evangeliju, 15 saceidams: Laiks jau ir izapiļdejis, un Dīva vaļsteiba ir tyvu. Atsagrīzit nu grākim un ticit Evangelijam.
16 Īdams Galilejas jyurai garum, Jys īraudzeja Seimani un jō brōli Andrivi, matam jyurā teiklus; jo jī beja zvejnīki. 17 Jezus tim saceja: Ejte Maņ pakaļ. Es jyusus padareišu par ļaužu zvejōtōjim. 18 Jī tyuleņ, pamatuši teiklu, gōja Jam pakaļ.
19 Pagōjis drusku tōļōk, Jys īraudzeja Zebedeja dālu Jākubu un jō brōli Jōni, sēžūt laivā un lōpejūt sovus teiklus. 20 Un tyuleņ jūs paaicynōja, un jī, pamatuši laivā sovu tāvu Zebedeju un olgōčus, gōja Jam pakaļ.
K. Jezus padora vasalu valna apsāstū.
21 Tad jī atgōja uz Kafarnaumu; un tyuleņ sabata dīnā (Jezus), īgōjis synagogā, mōceja. 22 Nu Jō mōceibas breinōjōs, jo Jys mōceja tai, kai Tys, kam ir vara, bet na tai, kai Rokstim mōceitī.
23 Jūs synagogā beja vīns naškeistō gora apsāsts cylvāks. Jys klīdze, 24 saceidams: Kas Tev ar mums kūpejs, Jezus Nazarīt? Atgōji myusus iznycynōt? Es zynu, kas Tu esi, — Dīva Svātais. 25 Jezus tam pīdraudēja saceidams: Klus un ej nu jō ōrā! 26 Naškeistais gors nūrausteja tū, un, bļaudams lelā bolsā, izgōja nu tō ōrā. 27 Visi breinōjōs, un vīns ūtra vaicōja saceidami: Kas tys ir? Pavysam jauna mōceiba! Pat naškeistajim gorim Jys pīsoka, un tī Jō klausa.
28 Un tyuleņ Jō slava izaplateja uz vysom pusem pa vysu Galilejas pīrūbeža apgobolu.
K. Jezus Pītera mōjā.
29 Izgōjuši nu synagogas, jī aizgōja reizē ar Jākubu un Jōni uz Seimaņa un Andriva sātu. 30 Seimaņa sīvas mōte gulēja karstīnē, un jī tyuleņ Jam par tū pastōsteja. 31 Jys, pīgōjis klōt, pajēme jū aiz rūkas un pīcēle. Karstine tyuleņ jū pamete, un jei jim pīkolpōja.
32 Vokorā, pēc saules nūrītēšonas, sanese pi Jō vysaidus sliminīkus un valna apsāstūs. 33 Un vyss mīsts beja sasalasejis pi durovom. 34 Daudzejūs sliminīkus nu dažaidom slimeibom Jys padareja vasalus un daudz ļaunūs goru izdzyna ōrā, bet ļaunajim gorim runōt naļōve, jo tī Jū pazyna.
35 Reitam atejūt, Jys, agri pīsacēlis, aizgōja uz vīntuleigu vītu un tur lyudzēs. 36 Seimaņs un tī, kas ar Jū beja, steidzēs Jam pakaļ 37 Un, Jū atroduši, saceja: Visi Tevis meklej. 38 Bet Jys atbiļdēja: Īsim cytur, uz citim kaimiņu mīstim. Ari tur Maņ jōsludynoj, jo tamdēļ Es asmu atgōjis.
39 Tad Jys gōja pa vysu Galileju, sludynōja jūs synagogōs un dzyna ōrā ļaunūs gorus.
K. Jezus padora vasalu špitaleigū.
40 Tad kaids špitaleigais, pīgōjis pi Jō un pakritis ceļūs, lyudze: Jo Tu gribi, vari padareit mani teiru. 41 Jezus apsažālōja par jū, izstīpe sovu rūku, pīsaskōre pi Jō un saceja: Es grybu, esi teirs! 42 Koleidz Jezus tū saceja, špitaleiba jū pamete, un jys palyka teirs. 43 Jezus tyuleņ jam pavēlēja īt tōļōk, 44 pīsaceidams: Nastōsti šytō nikam! Bet gon ej, un parōdi sevi goreidznīkam un upurej par sovu atteireišonu, kū Moizešs ir pīsacejis, kai līceibu jim.
45 Tūmār, tys aizgōjis stōsteja, kas nūticis, un tū vysu dareja zynomu tai, ka Jezum nabeja vairs varams, ļaudim radzūt, īīt mīstā. Un tōdēļ Jys palyka ōrpusē, vīntuleigōs vītōs. Tūmār, pi Jō gōja nu vysom pusem.
The Preaching of John the Baptist
(Matthew 3.1-12Luke 3.1-18John 1.19-28)
1 This is the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 2 It began just as God had said in the book written by Isaiah the prophet,

“I am sending my messenger
to get the way ready
for you.
3 In the desert
someone is shouting,
‘Get the road ready
for the Lord!
Make a straight path
for him.’ ”

4 So John the Baptist showed up in the desert and told everyone, “Turn back to God and be baptized! Then your sins will be forgiven.”
5 From all Judea and Jerusalem crowds of people went to John. They told how sorry they were for their sins, and he baptized them in the Jordan River.
6 John wore clothes made of camel's hair. He had a leather strap around his waist and ate grasshoppers and wild honey.
7 John also told the people, “Someone more powerful is going to come. And I am not good enough even to stoop down and untie his sandals. 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!”
The Baptism of Jesus
(Matthew 3.13-17Luke 3.21Luke 22)
9 About that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. 10 As soon as Jesus came out of the water, he saw the sky open and the Holy Spirit coming down to him like a dove. 11 A voice from heaven said, “You are my own dear Son, and I am pleased with you.”
Jesus and Satan
(Matthew 4.1-11Luke 4.1-13)
12 At once God's Spirit made Jesus go into the desert. 13 He stayed there for 40 days while Satan tested him. Jesus was with the wild animals, but angels took care of him.
Jesus Begins His Work
(Matthew 4.12-17Luke 4.14Luke 15)
14 After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee and told the good news that comes from God. 15 He said, “The time has come! God's kingdom will soon be here. Turn back to God and believe the good news!”
Jesus Chooses Four Fishermen
(Matthew 4.18-22Luke 5.1-11)
16 As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen and were casting their nets into the lake. 17 Jesus said to them, “Follow me! I will teach you how to bring in people instead of fish.” 18 Right then the two brothers dropped their nets and went with him.
19 Jesus walked on and soon saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat, mending their nets. 20 At once Jesus asked them to come with him. They left their father in the boat with the hired workers and went with him.
A Man with an Evil Spirit
(Luke 4.31-37)
21 Jesus and his disciples went to the town of Capernaum. Then on the next Sabbath he went into the synagogue and started teaching. 22 Everyone was amazed at his teaching. He taught with authority, and not like the teachers of the Law of Moses. 23 Suddenly a man with an evil spirit in him entered the synagogue and yelled, 24 “Jesus from Nazareth, what do you want with us? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are! You are God's Holy One.”
25 Jesus told the evil spirit, “Be quiet and come out of the man!” 26 The spirit shook him. Then it gave a loud shout and left.
27 Everyone was completely surprised and kept saying to each other, “What is this? It must be some new kind of powerful teaching! Even the evil spirits obey him.” 28 News about Jesus quickly spread all over Galilee.
Jesus Heals Many People
(Matthew 8.14-17Luke 4.38-41)
29 As soon as Jesus left the synagogue with James and John, they went home with Simon and Andrew. 30 When they got there, Jesus was told that Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever. 31 Jesus went to her. He took hold of her hand and helped her up. The fever left her, and she served them a meal.
32 That evening after sunset, all who were sick or had demons in them were brought to Jesus. 33 In fact, the whole town gathered around the door of the house. 34 Jesus healed all kinds of terrible diseases and forced out a lot of demons. But the demons knew who he was, and he did not let them speak.
35 Very early the next morning before daylight, Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray. 36 Simon and the others started looking for him. 37 And when they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you!”
38 Jesus replied, “We must go to the nearby towns, so that I can tell the good news to those people. This is why I have come.” 39 Then Jesus went to their synagogues everywhere in Galilee, where he preached and forced out demons.
Jesus Heals a Man
(Matthew 8.1-4Luke 5.12-16)
40 A man with leprosy came to Jesus and knelt down. He begged, “You have the power to make me well, if only you wanted to.”
41 Jesus felt sorry for the man. So he put his hand on him and said, “I want to! Now you are well.” 42 At once the man's leprosy disappeared, and he was well.
43 After Jesus strictly warned the man, he sent him on his way. 44 He said, “Don't tell anyone about this. Just go and show the priest that you are well. Then take a gift to the temple as Moses commanded, and everyone will know that you have been healed.”
45 The man talked about it so much and told so many people, that Jesus could no longer go openly into a town. He had to stay away from the towns, but people still came to him from everywhere.