1 Un nūtyka, ka Jezus, pabeidzis sovim divpadsmit mōceklim dūt pamōceibas, aizgōja nu turīnes tōļōk mōceitu un sludynōtu jūs mīstūs.
Jōņa Kristeitōja syutni pi K. Jezus.
2 Tad Jōņs, izdzērdis cītumā par Kristus dorbim, nūsyuteja divejus nu sovim mōceklim, 3 lai pavaicōtu: Vai Tu esi Tys, kam ir jōatnōk, vai mums jōgaida cyts. 4 Jezus jim atbiļdēja: Ejte un pasokit Jōņam tū, kū dzēržat un radzat: 5 oklī redz, klibī staigōj, špitaleigī palīk teiri, kūrlī dzērd, myrušī pīsaceļ un nabogim teik sludynōts Evangelijs. 6 Un svēteigs ir tys, kurs nu Manis naīsaļaunoj!
7 Pēc jūs aizīšonas, Jezus sōce runōt ļaužu pulkim par Jōni: Kō vārtūs izgōjat tūksnesī? Vai nīdres, kuru vējs lūka? 8 Bet kō tad vārtūs izgōjat? Vai meikstōs drēbēs gārbta cylvāka? Raug, kuri nosoj meikstas drēbes, dzeivoj kēneņu pilīs. 9 Bet kō gon jyus izgōjat? Pravīša vārtūs? — Jā, Es jums soku: pōrōka par pravīti. 10 Jys ir tadei tys, par kuru ir raksteits:
Raug, Es syutu Tova vaiga prīškā sovu eņgeli,
kurs sagatavōs Tev ceļu.
11 Patīši, Es jums soku: Nivīns lelōks par Jōni Kristeitōju nu sīvītes nav dzimis; bet, tūmār, pats mozōkais dabasu vaļsteibā par jū ir lelōks. 12 Nu Jōņa Kristeitōja dīnom leidz šam laikam dabasu vaļsteiba cīš pōrspāku, un pōrvarātōji jū laupa. 13 Visi tadei pravīši un lykums pravītōja leidz Jōņam. 14 Un, jo gribit pīkrist, jys ir tys Eliass, kam beja jōnōk. 15 Kam ir auss dzērdēšonai, lai klausās.
K. Jezus pōrmat naticeigajim.
16 Kam gon lai Es pīleidzynoju šytū paaudzi? Jei ir leidzeiga bārnim, kuri sādādami uz tērga laukuma, sauc sovejim saceidami: 17 Mes jums stabulējom, bet jyus nadejojat; mes vaimaņōjom, bet jyus naraudōjot.
18 Beja atgōjis Jōņs: ni jys ēde, ni dzēre, bet jī saceja: jamā ir naškeists gors. 19 Atgōja Cylvāka Dāls, — ād un dzer, bet jī soka: Raug, cylvāks, kas mīļoj daudzi ēst un veinu dzērt; jys ir muitinīku un grēcinīku draugs! Un šei gudreiba nu jūs dorbim tyka attaisnōta.
20 Tad Jys sōce pōrmest mīstim, kuramūs beja nūtykuse lelōkō breinumu daļa, ka navaidēja par grākim.
21 Bāda, tev, Koradzain, bāda tev, Betsaida! Jo Tyrā un Sydonā byutu nūtykuši tī breinumi, kas pi jums nūtyka, jau seņ jī maisūs un palnūs byutu vaidējuši par grākim. 22 Tai tad, Es jums soku: Tīsas dīnā Tyrai un Sydonai byus vīgļōk, na kai jums.
23 Un tu, Kafarnaum, vai na leidz dabasim esi paaugstynōts? — Tu nūsleidēsi leidz eļnei. Jo Sodomā byutu nūtykuši tī breinumi, kas tevī nūtyka, jei dzeivōtu vēļ šudiņ. 24 Tai tad, Es jums soku: Sodomas apvydam tīsas dīnā byus vīgļōk, na kai tev.
Pateiceibas lyugšona.
25 Tamā laikā Jezus, jimdams vōrdu, saceja:
Tāvs, dabasu un zemes Kungs,
Es Tevi slaveju,
ka Tu šytū esi paslēpis pret gudrim un prōteigim,
bet atklōjis vīnkōršim.
26 Jā, Tāvs, Tev tai ir labpaticis.
27 Muns Tāvs Maņ vysu ir atdevis,
un nikas cyts napazeist Dāla, vīneigi Tāvs,
un nikas napazeist Tāva, vīneigi Dāls,
un tys, kam Dāls tū gribēs atklōt.
28 Ejte pi Manis visi,
kas cīšat vōrgus, un apgryutynōti esit,
un Es jums atvīglynōšu.
29 Jemit munu jyugu uz sevis
un mōcotēs nu Manis,
Es tadei asmu lānprōteigs un pazemeigu, sirdi;
un jyus atrassit sovai dvēselei mīru.
30 Muns jyugs tadei ir maigs
un muna nosta ir vīgla.
John the Baptist
(Luke 7.18-35)1 After Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he left and began teaching and preaching in the towns.
2 John was in prison when he heard what Christ was doing. So John sent some of his followers 3 to ask Jesus, “Are you the one we should be looking for? Or must we wait for someone else?”
4 Jesus answered, “Go and tell John what you have heard and seen. 5 The blind are now able to see, and the lame can walk. People with leprosy are being healed, and the deaf can hear. The dead are raised to life, and the poor are hearing the good news. 6 God will bless everyone who doesn't reject me because of what I do.”
7 As John's followers were going away, Jesus spoke to the crowds about John:
What sort of person did you go out into the desert to see? Was he like tall grass blown about by the wind? 8 What kind of man did you go out to see? Was he someone dressed in fine clothes? People who dress like that live in the king's palace. 9 What did you really go out to see? Was he a prophet? He certainly was. I tell you that he was more than a prophet. 10 In the Scriptures God says about him, “I am sending my messenger ahead to get things ready for you.” 11 I tell you no one ever born on this earth is greater than John the Baptist. But whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.
12 From the time of John the Baptist until now, violent people have been trying to take over the kingdom of heaven by force. 13 All the Books of the Prophets and the Law of Moses told what was going to happen up to the time of John. 14 And if you believe them, John is Elijah, the prophet you are waiting for. 15 If you have ears, pay attention!
16 You people are like children sitting in the market and shouting to each other,
17 “We played the flute,
but you would not dance!
We sang a funeral song,
but you would not mourn!”
18 John the Baptist did not go around eating and drinking, and you said, “That man has a demon in him!” 19 But the Son of Man goes around eating and drinking, and you say, “That man eats and drinks too much! He is even a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” Yet Wisdom is shown to be right by what it does.
The Unbelieving Towns
(Luke 10.13-15)20 In the towns where Jesus had worked most of his miracles, the people refused to turn to God. So Jesus was upset with them and said:
21 You people of Chorazin are in for trouble! You people of Bethsaida are in for trouble too! If the miracles that took place here had happened in Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have turned to God long ago. They would have dressed in sackcloth and put ashes on their heads. 22 I tell you on the day of judgment the people of Tyre and Sidon will get off easier than you will.
23 People of Capernaum, do you think you will be honored in heaven? You will go down to hell! If the miracles that took place in your town had happened in Sodom, it would still be standing. 24 So I tell you on the day of judgment the people of Sodom will get off easier than you.
Come to Me and Rest
(Luke 10.21Luke 22)25 At that moment Jesus said:
My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people. 26 Yes, Father, this is what pleased you.
27 My Father has given me everything, and he is the only one who knows the Son. The only one who truly knows the Father is the Son. But the Son wants to tell others about the Father, so they can know him too.
28 If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. 29 Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. 30 This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.