1 Vēļōk otkon Jezus pasarōdeja sovim mōceklim uz Tyberijas jyuras krosta nōkūšā veidā: 2 Seimaņs Pīters, Tomass, sauktais Dydymass, Natanieļs nu Galilejas Kana, Zebedeja dāli un vēļ divi Jō mōcekli beja sasalasejuši kūpā. 3 Seimaņs Pīters jim saceja: Es īšu zyvu zvejōtu. Jī atbiļdēja: Ari mes īsim tev leidza.
Jī aizgōja un sasāda laivā, bet tanī naktī nikō nanūgiva.
4 Atejūt reitam, uz krosta stōvēja Jezus. Bet mōcekli napazyna, ka tys ir Jezus. 5 Tad Jezus jūs vaicōja: Bārni, vai jums ir kū ēst? Tī Jam atbiļdēja: Nē. 6 Jys tim saceja: Īmetit teiklu pa lobajai laivas pusei un atrassit. Jī īmete, — un, zyvu daudzuma dēļ, vairs navarēja izviļkt.
7 Tad tys mōceklis, kuru Jezus mīļōja, Pīteram saceja: Šytys ir Kungs. Kai tik Seimaņs Pīters izdzērda, ka Kungs ir, nūmete nu sevis vērsdrēbes, jo jys beja vīgli apsaviļcis, — un laides jyurā. 8 Citi mōcekli brauce pēc jō pakaļ ar laivu, vylkdami sev leidza teiklu ar zivim, jo jī nabeja tōli nu molas, apmāram divi simti ūlekšu.
9 Izkōpuši uz krosta, jī īraudzeja īkūrtu guni, salyktas zivis un maizi. 10 Jezus jim saceja: Atnesit zyvu, kuras tagad pīzvejōjot. 11 Seimaņs Pīters īkōpe laivā un izvylka krostā teiklu, pōrpiļdeitu ar symts pīcdesmit trejom lelom zivim. Lai gon tūs tik daudzi beja, tūmār teikls nasatryuka.
12 Tad Jezus jim saceja: Ejte āstu. Bet nivīns nu mōceklim naīsadrūšynōja nu Jō pavaicōt: Kas Tu esi, jo zynōja, ka Jys ir Kungs. 13 Jezus, pajēmis maizi, tyuleņ izdaleja jim, tai pat ari zivis.
14 Šitei beja jau trešō reize, kad Jezus, pīsacēlis nu myrūnim, pasarōdeja mōceklim.
K. Jezus īceļ Pīteri par Bazneicas vērsgonu.
15 Pēc ēsšonas Jezus Seimaņam Pīteram saceja: Seimaņ, Jōņa dāls, vai Tu Mani mīļoj vairōk par šitim? Jys atbiļdēja: Tai, Kungs, Tu zini, ka es Tevi mīļoju. Jys jam saceja: Goni munus jārus. 16 Jys otkon ūtrreiz vaicōja: Seimaņ, Jōņa dāls, vai tu Mani mīļoj? Jys atbiļdēja: Tai, Kungs, Tu zini, ka es Tevi mīļoju. Un Jys tam saceja: Goni munus jārus. 17 Jys vaicōja trešu reizi: Seimaņ, Jōņa dāls, vai tu Mani mīļoj? Tad Pīters palyka skumeigs, ka trešu reizi nu jō vaicoj: Vai tu Mani mīļoj? un Jam atbiļdēja: Kungs, Tu vysu zini, Tu ari zini, ka es Tevi mīļoju. Jezus jam saceja: Goni munas vuškas! 18 Patīši, patīši, Es tev soku: Koleidz tu vēļ beji jauns, tu pats sevi jūzi un gōji, kur tu gribēji, bet, kad tu paliksi vacs, tad izstīpsi sovas rūkas, un kas cyts tevi jūzs un vess tur, kur tu nagribi. 19 Ar šitim vōrdim Jys pasaceja, caur kaidu nōvi jam beja jōuzslavei Dīvs. Pēc tō Jys jam saceja: Ej Maņ pakaļ.
20 Pīters atsagrīzis īraudzeja, ka pēc jūs īt pakaļ ari tys mōceklis, kuru Jezus mīļōja, kurs vakareņu laikā pi Jō kryutim dusēja un vaicōja: Kungs, kurs ir tys, kas Tevi nūdūs. 21 Īraudzejis jū, Pīters nu Jezus vaicōja: Kas nūtiks ar šytū? 22 Jezus jam atbiļdēja: Jo Es grybātu, ka jys tai palyktu, koleidz atīšu, kas tev par tū? — Tu ej Maņ pakaļ.
23 Brōļu vydā tad izaplateja ziņa, ka tys mōceklis namēršūt. Bet Jezus jam nateice, ka jys namērs, bet tikai: Jo Es grybātu, ka jys tai palyktu, koleidz atīšu, kas tev par tū?
24 Šytys ir tys mōceklis, kurs par tom lītom līcynoj, un kurs jōs saraksteja, un mes zynom, ka jō līceiba ir patīseiga.
25 Vēļ daudzi cytu lītu Jezus padareja; bet es dūmoju, ka, jo kas grybātu jōs vysas smaļki apraksteit, pasauļs navarātu aptvert grōmotu, kuras vajadzātu pīraksteit. (Amen).
Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples
1 Jesus later appeared to his disciples along the shore of Lake Tiberias. 2 Simon Peter, Thomas the Twin, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, and the brothers James and John, were there, together with two other disciples. 3 Simon Peter said, “I'm going fishing!”
The others said, “We will go with you.” They went out in their boat. But they didn't catch a thing that night.
4 Early the next morning Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize who he was. 5 Jesus shouted, “Friends, have you caught anything?”
“No!” they answered.
6 So he told them, “Let your net down on the right side of your boat, and you will catch some fish.”
They did, and the net was so full of fish that they could not drag it up into the boat.
7 Jesus' favorite disciple told Peter, “It's the Lord!” When Simon heard it was the Lord, he put on the clothes he had taken off while he was working. Then he jumped into the water. 8 The boat was only about 100 meters from shore. So the other disciples stayed in the boat and dragged in the net full of fish.
9 When the disciples got out of the boat, they saw some bread and a charcoal fire with fish on it. 10 Jesus told his disciples, “Bring some of the fish you just caught.” 11 Simon Peter got back into the boat and dragged the net to shore. In it were 153 large fish, but still the net did not rip.
12 Jesus said, “Come and eat!” But none of the disciples dared ask who he was. They knew he was the Lord. 13 Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave some of it to his disciples. He did the same with the fish. 14 This was the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from death.
Jesus and Peter
15 When Jesus and his disciples had finished eating, he asked, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than the others do?”
Simon Peter answered, “Yes, Lord, you know I do!”
“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus said.
16 Jesus asked a second time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter answered, “Yes, Lord, you know I love you!”
“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus told him.
17 Jesus asked a third time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus had asked him three times if he loved him. So he told Jesus, “Lord, you know everything. You know I love you.”
Jesus replied, “Feed my sheep. 18 I tell you for certain that when you were a young man, you dressed yourself and went wherever you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will hold out your hands. Then others will wrap your belt around you and lead you where you don't want to go.”
19 Jesus said this to tell how Peter would die and bring honor to God. Then he said to Peter, “Follow me!”
Jesus and His Favorite Disciple
20 Peter turned and saw Jesus' favorite disciple following them. He was the same one who had sat next to Jesus at the meal and had asked, “Lord, who is going to betray you?” 21 When Peter saw this disciple, he asked Jesus, “Lord, what about him?”
22 Jesus answered, “What is it to you, if I want him to live until I return? You must follow me.” 23 So the rumor spread among the other disciples that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say he would not die. He simply said, “What is it to you, if I want him to live until I return?”
24 This disciple is the one who told all of this. He wrote it, and we know he is telling the truth.
25 Jesus did many other things. If they were all written in books, I don't suppose there would be room enough in the whole world for all the books.