1 Jyus, kungi, padorit sovim kolpim tū, kas ir taisneigi un pīnōceigi. Jyus zynot, ka arī jums dabasūs ir Kungs.
2 Esit iztureigi lyugšonā, ar tū savīnojūt nūmūdu un pateiceibu. 3 Lyudzitēs arī par mums, lai Dīvs myusu sludynōšonai atdora durovas, ka es varātu sludynōt Kristus nūslāpumu, kurō dēļ es asmu aicynōts, 4 un ka es jū tai varātu sludynōt, kai man ir jōsludynoj.
5 Esit gudri satiksmē ar ōrpus asūšajim un izmontojit laiku. 6 Jyusu runa lai ir vysod laipna un kai ar sōli pōrjimta; jums ir jōzyna, kai ikvīnam atbiļdēt.
7 Par munim apstōklim jums plašōk pastōsteis Tychikus, nūmīļōtais brōļs, uzticeigais kolps un leidzstrōdnīks ikš Kunga, 8 kuru es nūsyuteju pi jums, lai jyus izzynōtu kai mums īt, un lai jys īprīcynōtu jyusu sirdis. 9 (Es jū nūsyuteju) reizē ar uzticeigū un nūmīļōtū brōli, jyusejū Onesimu. Jī jums pastōsteis vysu, kas šeit nūteik.
10 Jyusus sveicynoj Aristarchs, muns leidzcītumnīks un Marks, Barnabas brōļa dāls, — par jū es jums saceju, ka pi jums aizīs, lai jyus jū labi pījimtu, — 11 tad Jezus, sauktais Justus. Šitī ir vīneigī nu apgraizeitajim, kas kai leidzstrōdnīki Dīva vaļsteibā mani prīcynoj.
12 Jyusus sveicynoj jyusejais Epafrass, Jezus Kristus kolps. Jys sovōs lyugšonōs pastōveigi par jums ryupejās, lai jyus palyktu piļneibā un izpiļdeitu vysu, kū Dīvs grib. 13 Es varu par jū aplīcynōt, ka jys par jums un par brōlim, kas ir Laodikejā un Hierapolī, daudzi ryupejās. 14 Jyusus sveicynoj Lukass, nūmīļōtais ōrsts un Demas.
15 Sveicynojit brōļus Laodikejā, seviški Nymfu un draudzi jō mōjōs.
16 Leidzkū šitei vēstule pi jums byus pōrlaseita, pyulejitēs par tū, lai jū pōrlaseitu Laodikejas draudzē un lai jyus laseišonai sajimtu tū nu Laodikejas. 17 Pasokit Archipam: Raugīs par tū, ka tu tū omotu, kuru ikš Kunga esi sajēmis, izpiļdeitu.
18 Muns, Pōvula, pašrūceigs sveicīņs: Pīminit par munom važom! Ar jums lai ir žēlesteiba! (Amen).
1 Slave owners, be fair and honest with your slaves. Don't forget that you have a Master in heaven.
2 Never give up praying. And when you pray, keep alert and be thankful. 3 Be sure to pray that God will make a way for us to spread his message and explain the mystery about Christ, even though I am in jail for doing this. 4 Please pray that I will make the message as clear as possible.
5 When you are with unbelievers, always make good use of the time. 6 Be pleasant and hold their interest when you speak the message. Choose your words carefully and be ready to give answers to anyone who asks questions.
Final Greetings
7 Tychicus is the dear friend, who faithfully works and serves the Lord with us, and he will give you the news about me. 8 I am sending him to cheer you up by telling you how we are getting along. 9 Onesimus, the dear and faithful follower from your own group, is coming with him. The two of them will tell you everything that has happened here.
10 Aristarchus is in jail with me. He sends greetings to you, and so does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. You have already been told to welcome Mark, if he visits you. 11 Jesus, who is known as Justus, sends his greetings. These three men are the only Jewish followers who have worked with me for the kingdom of God. They have given me much comfort.
12 Your own Epaphras, who serves Christ Jesus, sends his greetings. He always prays hard that you may fully know what the Lord wants you to do and that you may do it completely. 13 I have seen how much trouble he has gone through for you and for the followers in Laodicea and Hierapolis.
14 Our dear doctor Luke sends you his greetings, and so does Demas.
15 Give my greetings to the followers at Laodicea, especially to Nympha and the church that meets in her home.
16 After this letter has been read to your people, be sure to have it read in the church at Laodicea. And you should read the letter that I have sent to them.
17 Remind Archippus to do the work that the Lord has given him to do.
18 I am signing this letter myself: PAUL.
Don't forget that I am in jail.
I pray that God will be kind to you.