Sv. Pōvula apostoliskō vara.
1 Un es, Pōvuls, pats jyusus aicynoju caur Kristus lānprōteibu un pīmīleibu, es, kas acīs pret jums asmu kautreigs, bet nu tōlīnes byudams, pret jums asmu drūšsirdeigs. 2 Es jyusus lyudzu, ka man pi jums asūt navajadzātu drūšsirdeigi un pašapzineigi uzastōt, kai es asmu nūdūmōjis uzastōt pret dažim cylvākim, kas dūmoj, ka mes dzeivojūt mīseigi. 3 Mes gon mīsā dzeivojam, bet mes pēc mīsas nakarojam. 4 Jo īrūči, ar kurim mes karojam, nav mīseigi bet gon ikš Dīva eistyn spēceigi, lai sagrautu nūstyprynōjumu: 5 mes iznycynojam tūs padūmus un ikvīnu lepneibu, kas sevi augstynoj pret Dīva pazeišonu, un aplancam ikvīnu dūmu, lai tei byutu Kristum paklauseiga, 6 un asam gotovi nūstrōpēt ikvīnu napaklauseibu, leidz kū jyusu paklauseiba byus piļneiga.
7 Raugatēs uz Tō, kas stōv pret acim. Jo kas pats sevi īskaita pi tim, kas pīdar Kristum, tad lai jys tū vairōk padūmoj par tū, ka mes Kristum pīdaram tai pat, kai jys. 8 Un jo es grybātu pylnvaras dēļ, kuru mums Kungs jyusu uzceļšonai, bet na nūjaukšonai, ir īdevis, vairōk dīžōtīs, arī tad es natikšu aizkaunāts. 9 Bet lai naizaskota tai, itkai es ar sovom vēstulem grybātu jyusus baidēt. 10 Jo soka: Vēstules gon ir uzstōjeigas un spēceigas, bet jō personeigō uzastōšona ir kautreiga un jō runai nav īspaida. 11 Kas tai runoj, tys lai īgaumej, ka mes byudami klōtu tai pat parōdeisim dorbūs, kai nu tōlīnes vēstules vōrdūs rōdam.
12 Mes gon naīsadrūšynōjam sevis īskaiteit pi taidim, vai arī sevis pīleidzynōt taidim, kas poši sevi īteic. Jī sevi mērej poši ar sevi un jī sevi saleidzynoj poši ar sevi un caur tū parōda sovu naprōteibu. 13 Mes bezmēreigi nasadižojam, bet gon pēc tō apgobola māra, kuru Dīvs mums ir nūrōdejis un tys snādzās pat leidz jums. 14 Mes pōrōk tōli nasasnādzam, itkai mes nabyutu pi jums atgōjuši, jo mes Kristus Evangeliju sludynōdami leidz jums nūnōcem. 15 Mes cyta dorbu dēļ pōrōk nasadīžojam, bet mums ir cereiba, ka leidz kū jyusu ticeiba pasalelynōs sovas darbeibas apgobolā, mes arī pi jums nūkļyusim lelōkā atzineibā. 16 Tad mes varēsim Evangeliju nest pōri par jyusu apgobolu, nimoz nasadīžojūt nu dorbim, kas veikti svešā apgobolā. 17 Kas grib dižōtīs, lai dižojās ikš Kunga. 18 Jo na tys ir eists, kas pats sevi īteic, bet gon tys, kū Kungs īteic.
Paul Defends His Work for Christ
1 Do you think I am a coward when I am with you and brave when I am far away? Well, I ask you to listen, because Christ himself was humble and gentle. 2 Some people have said we act like the people of this world. So when I arrive, I expect I will have to be firm and forceful in what I say to them. Please don't make me treat you that way. 3 We live in this world, but we don't act like its people 4 or fight our battles with the weapons of this world. Instead, we use God's power that can destroy fortresses. We destroy arguments 5 and every bit of pride that keeps anyone from knowing God. We capture people's thoughts and make them obey Christ. 6 And when you completely obey him, we will punish anyone who refuses to obey.
7 You judge by appearances. If any of you think you are the only ones who belong to Christ, then think again. We belong to Christ as much as you do. 8 Maybe I brag a little too much about the authority that the Lord gave me to help you and not to hurt you. Yet I am not embarrassed to brag. 9 And I am not trying to scare you with my letters. 10 Some of you are saying, “Paul's letters are harsh and powerful. But in person, he is a weakling and has nothing worth saying.” 11 Those people had better understand that when I am with you, I will do exactly what I say in my letters.
12 We won't dare compare ourselves with those who think so much of themselves. But they are foolish to compare themselves with themselves. 13 We won't brag about something we don't have a right to brag about. We will only brag about the work God has sent us to do, and you are part of that work. 14 We are not bragging more than we should. After all, we did bring the message about Christ to you.
15 We don't brag about what others have done, as if we had done those things ourselves. But I hope as you become stronger in your faith, we will be able to reach many more of the people around you. That has always been our goal. 16 Then we will be able to preach the good news in other lands where we cannot take credit for work someone else has already done. 17 The Scriptures say, “If you want to brag, then brag about the Lord.” 18 You may brag about yourself, but the only approval that counts is the Lord's approval.