Advice about Women
1 Don't be jealous of the wife you love. You will only be teaching her how to do you harm. 2 Do not surrender your dignity to any woman. 3 Keep away from other men's wives or they will trap you. 4 Don't keep company with female musicians; they will trick you. 5 Don't look too intently at a virgin, or you may find yourself forced to pay a bride price. 6 Don't give yourself to prostitutes, or you may lose everything you own. 7 So don't go looking about in the streets or wandering around in the run-down parts of town. 8 When you see a good-looking woman, look the other way; don't let your mind dwell on the beauty of any woman who is not your wife. Many men have been led astray by a woman's beauty. It kindles passion as if it were fire. 9 Don't sit down to eat with another man's wife or join her for a drink. You may give in to the temptation of her charms and be destroyed by your passion.
Friendships with Others
10 Never abandon old friends; you will never find a new one who can take their place. Friendship is like wine; it gets better as it grows older. 11 Don't be jealous of a sinner's success; you don't know what kind of disaster is in store for him. 12 Don't take pleasure in the things that make ungodly people happy; remember that they will be held guilty as long as they live. 13 If you keep away from someone who has the power to put you to death, you will not have to fear for your life; but if you must go near him, be very careful, or he may kill you. Be conscious that you are walking among hidden traps, that you are an easy target.
14 Get to know the people around you as well as you can, and take advice only from those who are qualified to give it. 15 Engage in conversation with intelligent people, and let the Law of the Most High be the topic of your discussions. 16 Choose righteous people for your dinner companions. Your chief pride should be your fear of the Lord.
17 A skilled worker is admired for the things he makes, and a leader's wisdom is proved by his words. 18 Someone who speaks rashly and recklessly is feared and hated by everyone in town.
Attiecības ar sievietēm
1 Neesi greizsirdīgs uz sievieti, kuru kļauj savās skaujās,
lai pats pret sevi neiemācītu ļaunu.
2 Neatvēli sevi sievietei,
lai tā neiegūtu varu pār tevi.
3 Nesatiecies ar sievieti, kas piedāvājas par mīļāko, lai nesapītos tās valgos.
4 Neuzturi attiecības ar skandinieci,
lai tā nepavedinātu tevi.
5 Neraugies cieši jaunavā,
lai viņas dēļ tev nenāktos piedzīvot sodu.
6 Neatvēli sevi ielas staigulēm,
lai nepazaudētu mantojumu.
7 Neveries apkārt pilsētas ielās
un nemaldies vientuļos nostūros!
8 Novērs skatienu no augumā daiļas sievietes
un nelūkojies svešā skaistumā!
Sievietes skaistuma dēļ daudzi ir aizmaldījušies
un iedegušies mīlestībā no tās daiļuma.
9 Nesēdi mielastā precētai sievietei līdzās,
un nebaudiet vīnu kopā,
lai tevī nemostas tieksme pēc tās
un neaizrauj tevi bojā.
Draugu un sabiedrības izvēle
10 Nepamet vecu draugu,
jo jauniegūtais nav tam pielīdzināms:
jauns vīns – jauns draugs,
būs veci – dzersi līksmodams.
11 Neapskaud grēcinieka godību,
jo tu nezini, kādu galu tas ņems.
12 Neiepriecini sevi ar bezdievīgo izpriecām,
atceries: neattaisnoti kapā tie kāps.
13 Turies atstatu no cilvēka, kam vara nonāvēt,
un tev nebūs jāraizējas bailēs no nāves;
bet, ja reiz tuvojies, ne soli nekļūdies,
lai tev nelaupa dzīvību.
Apzinies, ka tu soļo valgiem pa vidu
un virs pilsētas mūriem pa dzeguļiem pastaigājies.
14 Pēc savām spējām centies izprast tuvākos
un padomu vaicā gudrajiem!
15 Spried ar saprātīgajiem
un apgalvojumos pamatojies Visuaugstākā bauslībā!
16 Par galda biedriem izvēlies taisnīgos
un ar bijību pret Kungu lepojies!
Tautas vadoņi un augstprātība
17 Amatnieka slava – viņa rokās,
valsts galvas gudrība – viņa vārdos.
18 No balamutes pilsētā baidās
un vārdos neapdomīgo ienīst.