The Search for Justice
1 Love justice, you rulers of the world. Set your minds sincerely on the Lord, and look for him with all honesty. 2 Those who do not try to test him will find him; he will show himself to those who trust him. 3 Dishonest thoughts separate people from God, and if we are foolish enough to test him, his power will put us to shame. 4 Wisdom will never be at home with anyone who is deceitful or a slave of sin. 5 Everyone who is holy has learned to stay away from deceitful people. He will not stay around when foolish thoughts are being expressed; he will not feel comfortable when injustice is done.
God Is Aware of What We Say
6 Wisdom is a spirit that is friendly to people, but she will not forgive anyone who speaks against God, for God knows our feelings and thoughts, and hears our every word. 7 Since the Lord's spirit fills the entire world, and holds everything in it together, she knows every word that people say. 8 No one who speaks wickedly will escape notice; sooner or later he will receive just punishment. 9 The intentions of ungodly people will be closely examined; their words will be reported to the Lord, and then they will get the punishment that their wickedness deserves. 10 God will tolerate no challenge, and since he hears everything, you cannot hide your complaining from him. 11 So be sure that you do not go around complaining—it does no good—and don't engage in bitter talk. The most secret things you say will have their consequences, and lying will destroy your soul.
God Did Not Create Death
12 Do not bring on your own death by sinful actions. 13 God did not invent death, and when living creatures die, it gives him no pleasure. 14 He created everything so that it might continue to exist, and everything he created is wholesome and good. There is no deadly poison in them. No, death does not rule this world, 15 for God's justice does not die.
16 Ungodly people have brought death on themselves by the things they have said and done. They yearn for death as if it were a lover. They have gone into partnership with death, and it is just what they deserve.
Aicinājums iemīlēt taisnīgumu
1 Iemīliet taisnīgumu, jūs, kas valdāt pār zemi, labestīgu prātu domājiet par Kungu,
nedalītu sirdi viņu meklējiet, –
2 kas viņu neizaicina, tiem viņš ir atrodams,
tiem atklājas, kas paļaujas uz viņu.
3 Turpretī šķir no Dieva greizi spriedumi
un neprāši, kas varenību pārbauda, tiek apkaunoti,
4 jo ļaunprātīgā dvēselē gudrība neienāks
un grēka savalgotā miesā nemājos.
5 Audzinātājs Svētais Gars viltus vairīsies,
stāvēs atstatu no neprātīgiem spriedumiem
un, netaisnībai tuvojoties, kaunēdamies atkāpsies,
6 tādēļ, ka gudrība ir cilvēku mīļotājs Gars,
un viņa neatstās bez soda to, kam zaimi uz lūpām.
Dievs, dziļāko domu liecinieks,
patiesīgs raugās sirdī, ik vārdā ieklausās,
7 jo Kunga Gars ir piepildījis apdzīvoto zemi,
ik valodu zina viņš, kas visu vieno un saista.
8 Tādēļ neviens, kas netaisnību runā, nepaslēpsies
un tiesa, vainu pierādot, nepaies secen.
9 Tiks izmeklēti bezdievīgā nodomi,
un viņa teiktais nonāks Kunga priekšā,
lai viņa pārkāpumus apsūdzētu,
10 jo kaismīgai ausij, kas visā ieklausās,
nepaslīd garām kurnētāju ņurdoņa.
11 Tad nu sargieties no liekas kurnēšanas,
no ļaunas mēļošanas vairieties,
jo slepenībā teiktais nepagaisīs
un melīga mute dvēseli pazudina.
12 Ar saviem dzīves maldiem nemeklējiet nāvi,
ar saviem roku darbiem neatsauciet iznīcību!
13 Nedz nāvi Dievs ir radījis,
nedz dzīvo bojāejā baudu rod,
14 jo esamībai radījis viņš visu.
Kas pasaulē radīts, viss kalpo dzīvībai,
nav iznīcības indes tajā, kas ir radīts,
virs zemes nav mirušo valstības,
15 jo nemirstīgs ir taisnīgums.
Bezdievīgo izvēle
16 Turpretim bezdievīgie nāvi piesauc
ar vārdiem un darbiem,
par draugu to uzskatot,
kaisdami pamazām gaist
un līgumu slēdz ar nāvi,
tai piederēt pelnījuši,