Longing for God's House
1 How I love your Temple, Lord Almighty!
2 How I want to be there!
I long to be in the Lord's Temple.
With my whole being I sing for joy
to the living God.
3 Even the sparrows have built a nest,
and the swallows have their own home;
they keep their young near your altars,
Lord Almighty, my king and my God.
4 How happy are those who live in your Temple,
always singing praise to you.
5 How happy are those whose strength comes from you,
who are eager to make the pilgrimage to Mount Zion.
6 As they pass through the dry valley of Baca,
it becomes a place of springs;
the autumn rain fills it with pools.
7 They grow stronger as they go;
they will see the God of gods on Zion.
8 Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty.
Listen, O God of Jacob!
9 Bless our king, O God,
the king you have chosen.
10 One day spent in your Temple
is better than a thousand anywhere else;
I would rather stand at the gate of the house of my God
than live in the homes of the wicked.
11 The Lord is our protector and glorious king,
blessing us with kindness and honor.
He does not refuse any good thing
to those who do what is right.
12 Lord Almighty, how happy are those who trust in you!
Cik jauki ir tavi mājokļi, Pulku Kungs!
1 Korvedim. Gatas arfu pavadījumā. Koraha dēlu psalms .
2 Cik jauki ir tavi mājokļi,
Pulku Kungs!
3 Mana dvēsele alkst un vārgst
pēc Kunga pagalmiem,
mana sirds un mana miesa
gavilē dzīvajam Dievam!
4 Pat putns rod mājas
un bezdelīga ligzdu,
lai perētu putnēnus
pie taviem altāriem,
Pulku Kungs, mans Ķēniņ un Dievs,
5 svētīti, kas tavā namā mīt
un allaž slavē tevi!
6 Svētīti ļaudis, kuru spēks – tevī,
tempļa ceļš – viņu sirdīs!
7 Kad tie nāk cauri Balzamkoku ielejai,
tā izverd avotus,
to svētībā ietin lītavas.
8 Tie dodas no spēka pie spēka,
līdz visi stāv Dieva priekšā Ciānā!
9 Kungs, Pulku Dievs,
uzklausi manu lūgšanu!
Sadzirdi, Jēkaba Dievs!
10 Mūsu vairogu uzlūko, Dievs,
raugies tava svaidītā vaigā!
11 Laba ir diena tavos pagalmos,
starp tūkstoš to izvēlos –
sēdēt pie mana Dieva sliekšņa
nekā mājot neganto teltīs!
12 Jo saule un vairogs ir Kungs Dievs –
jo žēlastību un godību dāvā Kungs
un neliedz laba tiem, kas krietnumā staigā!
13 Pulku Kungs,
svētīts ir cilvēks, kurš tev paļaujas!