Alcimus Speaks against Judas
(1 Maccabees 7.1-21)1 Three years later, Judas and his men learned that Demetrius son of Seleucus had sailed into the port of Tripolis with a powerful army and a fleet. 2 It was reported that he had killed King Antiochus and his guardian Lysias and had taken over the country.
3 There was a man by the name of Alcimus, who had formerly been High Priest but who had gladly adopted the Greek way of life during the revolt. Realizing that he could never again be High Priest and fearful of what the Jews might do to him, 4 he went to see King Demetrius in the year 151. On this occasion he presented the king with a gold crown and a palm branch, together with some olive branches traditionally presented to the Temple, but he said nothing about his plans. 5 Later, however, he got the chance to put his foolish plans into effect when Demetrius summoned him to a meeting of his advisers and asked him what the Jews were intending to do.
Alcimus said, 6 “The followers of Judas Maccabeus think of themselves as devout and patriotic; they love war and are constantly inciting the people to rebellion and will never leave the nation in peace. 7 It is their fault that I no longer hold the glorious position of High Priest, to which I am entitled by birth. And so I have come here, 8 primarily out of a genuine concern for your interests as king, but also out of consideration for my own people, for the foolish policies of Judas and his followers have brought terrible suffering on our entire nation. 9 When Your Majesty has examined all the details of these matters, please act in your usual kind and generous manner to relieve the oppression of our nation and its people. 10 As long as Judas is alive, it will be impossible for our nation to enjoy peace.”
Demetrius Sends Nicanor to Attack Judas
11 As soon as Alcimus had finished his speech, the other advisers quickly seized this opportunity to arouse Demetrius' anger against Judas, because they also hated him. 12 So King Demetrius immediately appointed Nicanor, who was the commander of his elephant forces, to be governor of Judea, and sent him there 13 with orders to kill Judas, scatter his followers, and make Alcimus High Priest of the greatest Temple in all the world. 14 All the foreigners in Judea, who had fled from Judas' attacks, now rushed to join forces with Nicanor, because they thought that any defeat or trouble that came to the Jews would be to their own advantage.
15 The Jews heard that Nicanor was attacking and that the foreigners in their country were giving him their support. So they threw dirt on themselves and prayed to their God, who had chosen their nation as his possession forever and had never failed to help them in time of need. 16 Then Judas, their leader, gave the orders, and they immediately marched out to engage the enemy in battle near the village of Adasa. 17 Judas' brother Simon was fighting Nicanor but was gradually losing the battle because of an unexpected move on the part of the enemy. 18 However, when Nicanor heard how bravely and courageously Judas and his men were fighting for their country, he decided not to settle the matter in battle. 19 Instead, he sent Posidonius, Theodotus, and Mattathias to make a treaty with the Jews.
20 After the terms of the treaty had been worked out in detail, Nicanor informed his troops, and they unanimously agreed. 21 Then a day was set on which the leaders would meet in private. Ceremonial chairs were brought out from each camp and set up. 22 Judas had taken the precaution of placing battle-ready troops in strategic places, in case of sudden treachery on the part of the enemy. But the two leaders had a friendly meeting. 23 Nicanor stayed on in Jerusalem for some time after that. He did not mistreat the Jews in any way, and even sent away the people who had come over to his side. 24 The two men became the best of friends, and Judas was Nicanor's constant companion. 25 Nicanor urged him to marry and start a family. So Judas did this and settled down to a peaceful life.
Nicanor Turns against Judas
26 When Alcimus noticed how well Nicanor and Judas were getting along, he obtained a copy of the treaty and went to see King Demetrius. He told the king that Nicanor was disloyal to the government, because he had appointed the traitor Judas to be his successor. 27 These false accusations infuriated the king, and in his anger he wrote to Nicanor, informing him that he was dissatisfied with the treaty and ordering him to arrest Judas Maccabeus and send him to Antioch at once.
28 When this message reached Nicanor, he was hurt and didn't know what to do, because he did not like having to break an agreement with a man who had kept his part of the bargain. 29 Yet it was impossible for him to ignore the king's command, so he began looking for a way to trap Judas. 30 Judas, however, noticed that Nicanor was becoming hostile and rude toward him, and he knew that this was a bad sign. So he gathered a large number of his followers and went into hiding.
31 When Nicanor realized that Judas had outsmarted him, he went to the great and holy Temple at the time when the priests were offering sacrifice and ordered them to surrender Judas to him. 32 But the priests declared under oath that they had no idea where Judas was hiding. 33 Then Nicanor raised his right arm in the direction of the Temple and made a solemn threat: “If you do not hand Judas over to me as a prisoner, I will level God's Temple to the ground, demolish this altar, and on this spot build a glorious temple to Dionysus.” 34 Then he left, and immediately the priests lifted their arms toward heaven and prayed to God, the faithful Defender of our nation: 35 “Lord, you are in need of nothing, yet it has pleased you to place your Temple here and to live among us. 36 You alone are holy, and your Temple has only recently been purified, so now protect its holiness forever.”
Razis Dies for His Country
37 One of the leaders in Jerusalem, a man by the name of Razis, was denounced to Nicanor. It was said that he had helped his people in many ways and was so highly respected by them that he was known as “the Father of the Jews.” 38 During the early days of the revolution he had risked his life for Judaism and had been brought to trial because of his loyalty. 39 Wanting to show clearly how much he disliked the Jews, Nicanor sent more than 500 soldiers to arrest Razis, 40 because he thought his arrest would be a crippling blow to the Jews. 41 The soldiers were about to capture the tower where Razis had gone. They were forcing open the gates to the courtyard, and the order had been given to set the door on fire. Razis realized there was no escape, so he tried to commit suicide with his sword, 42 preferring to die with honor rather than suffer humiliation at the hands of evil men.
43 Under the pressure of the moment, Razis misjudged the thrust of the sword, and it did not kill him. So, while the soldiers were swarming into the room, he rushed to the wall and jumped off like a brave hero into the crowd below. 44 The crowd quickly moved back, and he fell in the space they left. 45 Still alive, and burning with courage, he got up, and with blood gushing from his wounds, he ran through the crowd and finally climbed a steep rock. 46 Now completely drained of blood, he tore out his intestines with both hands and threw them at the crowd, and as he did so, he prayed for the Lord of life and breath to give them back to him. That was how he died.
Dēmētrija nākšana pie varas
1 Pēc trim gadiem tie, kas bija kopā ar Jūdu, uzzināja, ka Dēmētrijs, Seleika dēls, ieradies Tripoles ostā ar lielu karaspēku un daudz kuģiem, 2 sagrābis šo zemi un nogalinājis Antiohu un viņa aizbildni Līsiju. 3 Kāds Alkins, kas agrāk bija virspriesteris, bet juku laikos tīšuprāt pakļāva sevi nešķīstībai, sapratis, ka viņam nekādi nav iespējams glābiņš un liegta piedalīšanās svētajā upurēšanā, 4 151. gadā devās pie ķēniņa Dēmētrija, lai tam pasniegtu zelta vainagu, palmas zaru un turklāt vēl olīvas zarus, kas tika uzskatīti par templim piederīgiem. Tajā dienā viņš neko nesāka. 5 Nogaidījis savai neprātībai izdevīgu brīdi, kad ķēniņš viņu uzaicināja uz sinedriju un iztaujāja par jūdu noskaņojumu un nodomiem, viņš sacīja: 6 “Tie jūdi, kurus sauc par hasīdiem un kurus vada Jūda Makabejs, veicina karus un dumpojas, neļaudami valstī nodibināt mieru un kārtību. 7 Viņu dēļ man ir atņemts no tēvu tēviem mantotais goda amats – es runāju par virspriestera amatu, tādēļ esmu ieradies šeit, 8 pirmkārt, patiesi norūpējies par labumu, kas pienākas ķēniņam, otrkārt, domādams par mūsu pašu pilsoņiem, jo minēto ļaužu nesaprātības dēļ mūsu tautai jādzīvo lielā trūkumā. 9 To visu tagad zinādams, tu, ķēniņ, būdams savā labvēlībā visiem pretimnākošs, parūpējies par šo zemi un par mūsu nomākto tautu. 10 Jo, kamēr Jūda ir dzīvs, valstī nav iespējams miers.”
Nikanora iecelšana amatā
11 Kad tas bija pateikts, ķēniņam tuvu stāvošie cilvēki, kas bija naidīgi noskaņoti pret Jūdu, vēl vairāk iekarsināja Dēmētriju. 12 Viņš tūlīt lika ierasties Nikanoram, kura uzraudzībā bija ziloņi, un, nozīmējis viņu par karavadoni, sūtīja pret Jūdeju, 13 pavēlēdams pašu Jūdu nogalināt, bet viņa līdzgaitniekus izklīdināt un Alkimu iecelt par lielā tempļa virspriesteri. 14 Jūdejas cittautieši, bēgdami prom no Jūdas, bariem pievienojās Nikanoram, cerēdami, ka jūdu nelaimes un posts kļūs viņiem par veiksmi.
Nikanors slēdz mieru ar Jūdu
15 Jūdi, padzirdējuši par Nikanora tuvošanos un cittautiešu pievienošanos viņam, kaisīja sev zemi uz galvas un vērsās ar lūgšanām pie viņa, kurš bija iedibinājis savu tautu līdz mūžības galam un vienmēr ar savu parādīšanos aizstāvēja to, kas bija viņa daļa. 16 Tad pēc karavadoņa pavēles viņi tūlīt devās ceļā un sastapās ar ienaidnieku pie Desavas ciema. 17 Simons, Jūdas brālis, jau metās virsū Nikanoram, bet pretinieku pēkšņais apjukums, ko izraisīja bailes, viņu apstādināja. 18 Proti, Nikanors, dzirdēdams par Jūdas karavīru vīrišķību un drosmi cīņās par tēvzemi, par labāku uzskatīja izvairīties lietu izšķirt ar asinīm. 19 Tādēļ viņš sūtīja Posidoniju, Teodotu un Matafiju, lai tie noslēdz mieru. 20 Pēc ilgākas pārspriešanas, kad vadonis to paziņoja tautai, visi izteica vienprātīgu atzinumu un piekrita slēgt mieru. 21 Viņi noteica dienu, kurā sanāktu vadoņi vieni paši. Katram bija sagādātas nestuves un nolikti sēdekļi. 22 Jūda bija izvietojis piemērotās vietās bruņotus vīrus, kas bija gatavībā, ja no ienaidnieku puses pēkšņi notiktu kāda ļaundarība. Sarunās valdīja saskanība. 23 Nikanors kādu laiku pavadīja Jeruzālemē. Neko nepiedienīgu viņš nedarīja un savus ļaudis, kas tur bariem bija sanākuši, viņš atlaida. 24 Pastāvīgi viņš turēja Jūdu savā tuvumā un no sirds viņam pieķērās. 25 Viņš mudināja Jūdu apprecēties un radīt bērnus. Jūda apprecējās, norimās un pievērsās mierīgai dzīvei.
26 Bet Alkims, redzēdams viņu savstarpējo labvēlību vienam pret otru un uzzinājis par notikušo vienošanos, aizgāja pie Dēmētrija un teica, ka Nikanora ieceres ir pretējas valsts interesēm, jo viņš ir nozīmējis par savu pēcteci Jūdu, kurš taču ir naidīgi noskaņots pret ķēniņa valsti. 27 Ķēniņš sadusmojās un, šī pagalam nekrietnā vīra apmelojumu iespaidā aizkaitināts, sūtīja Nikanoram rakstisku ziņu, kurā izteica gaužu neapmierinātību ar viņu vienošanos. Viņš pavēlēja Makabeju sagūstīt un visā drīzumā atgādāt uz Antiohiju. 28 Kad šī ziņa nonāca pie Nikanora, viņš samulsa un jutās apbēdināts par to, ka panāktā vienošanās jāatceļ, lai gan nekāda netaisnība no Makabeja puses nebija izdarīta. 29 Bet, tā kā pretoties ķēniņam nebija iespējams, viņš nogaidīja izdevīgu brīdi, lai ar viltību šo pavēli izpildītu. 30 Makabejs pamanīja, ka Nikanors pret viņu sāk izturēties arvien nelaipnāk un satiekoties ir skarbāks nekā parasti. Apjautis, ka šāda nelaipnība nav uz labu, viņš savāca diezgan lielu daudzumu savu vīru un paslēpās no Nikanora. 31 Kad Nikanors saprata, ka Makabejs viņu ir viltībā lieliski pārspējis, viņš ieradās dižajā un svētajā templī, kad priesteri tur veica upurēšanu, un pavēlēja izdot šo vīru. 32 Tie apzvērēja, ka nezinot, kur atrodas meklētais. 33 Tad Nikanors, izstiepis labo roku pret templi, zvērēja: “Ja jūs neizdosiet man Jūdu, sagūstītu važās, es nolīdzināšu līdz ar zemi šo Dieva svētvietu, sagraušu altāri un šajā vietā uzcelšu spožu Dionīsa templi.” 34 To pateicis, viņš aizgāja. Priesteri pacēla rokas pret debesīm un piesauca to, kurš vienmēr ir iestājies par mūsu tautu. 35 Viņi teica: “Kungs, lai gan tev nekā nevajag, tu tomēr vēlējies, lai templis ir tava mājvieta pie mums. 36 Un tagad, Kungs, tu vissvētākais Svētais, pasargā uz mūžiem šo nesen atjaunoto namu neaptraipītu.”
Razisa nāve
37 Nikanoram tika ziņots par kādu Jeruzālemes vecajo, vārdā Raziss, kas bija draudzīgs pilsoņiem, un viņam bija laba slava; savas labvēlības dēļ viņš tika dēvēts par jūdu tēvu. 38 Iepriekšējos juku laikos viņš stingri iestājās par jūdaismu un ar visu dedzību ziedoja miesu un dvēseli jūdaismam. 39 Nikanors, gribēdams parādīt, cik lielu nepatiku viņš jūt pret jūdiem, nosūtīja vairāk nekā piecsimt karavīru, lai tie Razisu sagūstītu, 40 jo viņš domāja, ka, to sagūstīdams, viņš jūdiem nodarīs ļaunumu. 41 Kad karavīru pūlis jau grasījās ieņemt torni un ar spēku centās ielauzties caur pagalma vārtiem un lika atnest uguni, lai vārtus aizdedzinātu, Raziss, no visām pusēm pakļauts sagūstīšanas briesmām, cirta sev ar zobenu, 42 gribēdams labāk cildeni nomirt nekā nokļūt rokās noziedzniekiem un pieļaut, ka viņa gods tiek necienīgi pazemots. 43 Bet cīņas steigā viņš nebija labi nomērķējis zobena cirtienu, un, kad pūlis jau bija caur vārtiem ielauzies, viņš drosmīgi uzskrēja uz mūra un vīrišķīgi metās lejup pūlī. 44 Tas pašķīrās, un izveidojās tukša vieta; tās vidū Raziss nokrita. 45 Vēl elpodams un dusmās degdams, viņš piecēlās kājās, lai gan asinis plūda straumēm un ievainojumi bija smagi, un, izskrējis cauri pūlim, nostājās uz kādas kraujas klints. 46 Jau pilnīgi zaudējis asinis, viņš izrāva sev iekšas un, saņēmis ar abām rokām, iesvieda tās pūlī; tad viņš piesauca dzīvības un gara Valdnieku un lūdza, lai tas viss viņam tiktu atkal atdots atpakaļ; tā viņš aizgāja no dzīves.