The High Priest Alcimus and the Campaign of Nicanor
(2 Maccabees 14.1-362 15.1-36)
1 In the year 151, Demetrius son of Seleucus left Rome and with a few men landed at a town on the Mediterranean coast, where he proclaimed himself king. 2 As he was making his way to the royal palace of his ancestors, the soldiers arrested Antiochus the Fifth and Lysias, planning to take them to Demetrius. 3 When Demetrius heard about it, he said, “I don't want to see them.” 4 So the soldiers killed them, and Demetrius took the throne.
5 Then all the godless traitorous Jews led by Alcimus, who wanted to be High Priest, went to Demetrius. 6 They brought accusations against the other Jews and said, “Judas and his brothers have killed everybody who supported you, and they have driven us out of our country. 7 We advise you to send someone whom you can trust to go and inspect all the damage done to our property and the king's territory and to punish Judas, his brothers, and all who support them.”
8 King Demetrius chose one of his advisers, a man by the name of Bacchides, who was the governor of Greater Syria. He was an important man in the empire and loyal to the king. 9 He was sent along with the godless Alcimus, whom the king had appointed High Priest; Alcimus had orders to take revenge on the Jews. 10 They left Antioch and arrived in Judea with a large army. Bacchides tried to trick Judas and his brothers by sending to them messengers with offers of peace. 11 But when Judas and his brothers saw what a large army they had brought, they did not believe what the messengers said.
12 A group of teachers of the Law came to Alcimus and Bacchides, asking for justice. 13 These devout and patriotic men were the first of the Jews to try to make peace with Alcimus and Bacchides. 14 They trusted Alcimus, who was a priest descended from Aaron, and they thought he would not cause them any harm. 15 Alcimus assured them of his peaceful intentions and solemnly promised that no harm would come to them or their friends. 16 But as soon as they began to trust him, he arrested 60 of them and put them all to death on the same day. As the scripture says,
17 “The blood of your faithful people was poured out,
their bodies were scattered around Jerusalem,
and there was no one left to bury the dead.”
18 When this happened, all the people were afraid of Alcimus and Bacchides, and they said, “They don't know what truth or justice means. They gave their solemn word and then broke it!” 19 Bacchides left Jerusalem and set up his headquarters at Beth Zaith. He ordered the arrest of some of the faithful Jews and even many of the renegades who had willingly joined him; he had them killed and thrown into a deep pit. 20 Bacchides put the country under the control of Alcimus, left troops there to help him, and returned to the king.
21 Alcimus then began his struggle to establish himself as High Priest. 22 Every troublemaker in the country joined him. They gained control of the land of Judea and caused great difficulties for the Jews. 23 Judas saw that the trouble Alcimus and his men had caused was even worse than the damage done by the Gentiles. 24 So he went around the whole country of Judea taking revenge on all the men who had willingly joined Alcimus and preventing them from leaving the towns and going into the country. 25 When Alcimus saw that Judas and his men were growing more powerful and when he realized that he would not be able to stand against them, he returned to the king and accused them of great crimes.
26 Then the king sent Nicanor, one of his most honored officers, who hated the Jews, with orders to exterminate them. 27 Nicanor came to Jerusalem with a big army. He tried to trick Judas and his brothers by sending peace offers. He said, 28 “There need not be any quarrel between you and me. I will come to you with a small escort for a friendly private conversation.” 29 When he came to Judas, they exchanged polite greetings, but Judas' enemies were ready to kidnap him. 30 When Judas learned that Nicanor's visit was part of a plot against him, he was afraid and decided not to meet him again. 31 Nicanor realized that his plan had been discovered, so he left Jerusalem to meet Judas in battle near Capharsalama. 32 About 500 of Nicanor's men were killed, and the rest of the army escaped to the fort in Jerusalem.
33 Some time later Nicanor went to Mount Zion. Some of the priests left the Temple and, along with some of the leaders of the people, went to welcome him with words of peace and to show him the burnt offering that was being sacrificed on behalf of the king. 34 But he ridiculed them and made them ceremonially unclean by spitting on them. He spoke proudly 35 and angrily threatened them with an oath, “Unless Judas and his army are surrendered to me immediately, I will burn this Temple down as soon as I return after my victory.” And he left in a rage.
36 The priests went into the courtyard and stood facing the altar and the Temple. They started weeping and prayed, 37 “Lord, you chose this Temple to bear your name and to be a place of prayer and intercession for your people. 38 Now, take vengeance on this man and his army; let them die in battle. Remember how they spoke evil of you, and let none of them survive.”
39 Nicanor left Jerusalem and set up his headquarters at Beth Horon, where the Syrian army joined him. 40 Meanwhile, Judas set up camp at Adasa with 3,000 men. There Judas prayed, 41 “Lord, the Scriptures tell us that when a king sent messengers to insult you, your angel went out and killed 185,000 of his soldiers. 42 Now, in the same way, crush this army before us today and let everyone know that Nicanor is being punished because he insulted your holy Temple. Punish him as his wickedness deserves.”
43 The armies met in battle on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, and Nicanor's army was defeated. Nicanor himself was the first to be killed in the battle, 44 and when his soldiers saw that he was dead, they threw down their weapons and fled. 45 The Jews pursued them all day long from Adasa to Gezer. As they followed, they kept sounding the call to battle on the trumpets, 46 and from all the surrounding villages of Judea people came out and attacked the fleeing enemy from the sides. This forced them back toward the Jews who were chasing them, and all of the enemy were killed in the fight. Not one of them survived.
47 The Jews took the loot and then cut off Nicanor's head and his right arm, which he had extended so arrogantly. They brought his head and his arm to be put on display outside Jerusalem. 48 There was great rejoicing among the Jews. They set that day aside as a special day of celebration, 49 and decreed that the thirteenth day of Adar should be observed as an annual day of celebration. 50 There was peace in the land of Judea for a little while.
Dēmētrijs I kļūst par ķēniņu
1 Simt piecdesmit pirmajā gadā Dēmētrijs, Seleika dēls, devās prom no Romas un ar nedaudziem vīriem nonāca kādā piejūras pilsētā un sāka tur valdīt. 2 Un notika, kad tas nāca savu tēvu ķēniņa namā, karaspēks apcietināja Antiohu un Lisiju, lai tos atvestu pie viņa. 3 Kad šī lieta tapa viņam zināma, viņš sacīja: “Pat nerādiet man viņus!” 4 Tad karavīri tos nokāva, un Dēmētrijs sēdās savas valsts ķēniņa tronī.
Alkims – augstais priesteris
5 Pēc tam pie ķēniņa ieradās visi Israēla bauslības nicinātāji un bezdievji; tos vadīja Alkims, kas vēlējās kļūt par augsto priesteri. 6 Tie apsūdzēja tautu ķēniņa priekšā, sacīdami: “Jūda un viņa brāļi ir nogalinājuši visus tavus draugus un arī mūs ir padzinis no mūsu zemes, 7 tādēļ tagad sūti kādu uzticamu vīru, lai viņš dotos turp un redzētu visu to postu, ko viņš nodarījis mums un visam ķēniņa apgabalam, un lai sodītu viņu un visus tos, kas viņam palīdzējuši.” 8 Tad ķēniņš izvēlējās Bakhidu, kādu ķēniņa draugu, kas valdīja viņpus upei , tas bija varens un uzticams ķēniņam, 9 un sūtīja to kopā ar Alkimu, ko viņš bija iecēlis par augsto priesteri, un lika tam atriebties Israēla dēliem. 10 Bakhids cēlās un devās ar lielu karaspēku uz Jūdejas zemi, viņš arī nosūtīja vēstnešus pie Jūdas un tā brāļiem ar viltus miera piedāvājumu. 11 Taču tie nepieņēma viņa vēstījumu, jo redzēja, ka viņš ieradies ar lielu karaspēku. 12 Tad sapulcējās pie Alkima un Bakhida rakstu mācītāju padome, lai izzinātu patiesību, 13 tie bija hasīdi, kas pirmie no Israēla dēliem meklēja ar tiem mieru, 14 un tie sacīja: “Kopā ar karaspēku ir ieradies vīrs no Ārona dzimtas, viņš nedarīs mums nekā ļauna.” 15 Arī Alkims runāja ar tiem miermīlīgi un zvērēja: “Mēs nevēlamies darīt ļaunu ne jums, ne jūsu draugiem.” 16 Tā tie uzticējās viņam, bet viņš sagūstīja no tiem sešdesmit vīru un tos kādā dienā nokāva, itin kā rakstīts: 17 tie izmētājuši tavu svēto miesas un izlējuši viņu asinis visapkārt Jeruzālemei, un nav neviena, kas tos apglabā. 18 Tad uznāca visai tautai bailes un drebēšana no atnācējiem, un viņi sacīja: “Nav pie tiem tiesas un taisnības, tie ir pārkāpuši vienošanos un lauzuši zvērestu, ko tie zvērējuši.” 19 Bet Bakhids devās prom no Jeruzālemes un izvietojās Bētzatā. Viņš nosūtīja kareivjus, un tie sagūstīja daudz vīru, kas no viņiem bēga, kā arī dažus no tautas; tie nokāva viņus un iemeta dziļā akā. 20 Tad, uzticējis zemi Alkimam un atstājis pie viņa karaspēku, lai tas viņam palīdzētu, Bakhids devās pie ķēniņa. 21 Bet Alkims cīnījās par augstā priestera amatu. 22 Pie viņa ieradās visi, kas musināja tautu, un tad tie savaldīja Jūdejas zemi un nodarīja lielu postu Israēlā. 23 Kad Jūda redzēja, ka viss ļaunums, ko darījis Alkims un israēlieši, kas bija ar viņu, ir lielāks nekā cittautiešu nodarījums, 24 viņš apstaigāja visus apkārtējos Jūdejas apgabalus un atriebās tiem vīriem, kas no viņa bija aizbēguši; tā viņš panāca, ka viņi vairs nepostīja šajā apgabalā. 25 Alkims redzēja, ka Jūda ar saviem sekotājiem pieaug spēkā, un saprata, ka viņš nevarēs tiem stāvēt pretī, tādēļ viņš atgriezās pie ķēniņa un tos nekrietni apsūdzēja.
Nikanora sakāve
26 Un ķēniņš sūtīja Nikanoru, vienu no saviem slavenajiem karavadoņiem, kas bija liels Israēla nīdējs un pretinieks, lai tas izdeldētu šo tautu. 27 Nikanors atnāca uz Jeruzālemi ar lielu karaspēku un nosūtīja pie Jūdas un viņa brāļiem vēstnešus ar viltus miera piedāvājumu: 28 “Lai mums nebūtu ar jums jākaro, es nākšu pie jums ar nedaudz vīriem, lai mēs mierā tiktos ar jums vaigu vaigā.” 29 Tad viņš ieradās pie Jūdas, un tie mierā sveicināja viens otru, bet Nikanora karotāji bija sagatavojušies satvert Jūdu. 30 Taču Jūdam kļuva zināms viņu nodoms, ka viņi nākuši ar viltu, tādēļ Jūda sabijās un negribēja vairs redzēt viņa vaigu. 31 Kad Nikanors saprata, ka viņa nolūks ir tapis zināms, viņš izgāja Jūdam pretī kaujai netālu no Kafarsalamas. 32 Tur krita daudzi, kas bija ar Nikanoru, kādi pieci tūkstoši vīru, un viņš bēga uz Dāvida pilsētu.
33 Un pēc šiem notikumiem Nikanors devās augšā uz Ciānas kalnu. Viņam pretī no svētnīcas iznāca daži priesteri un tautas vecajie, lai viņu miermīlīgi sveiktu un parādītu viņam dedzināmo upuri, kas tiek upurēts par ķēniņu. 34 Bet viņš tos izsmēja, nolamāja, ņirgājās par tiem un runāja ar viņiem augstprātīgi. 35 Viņš arī dusmās zvērēja: “Ja Jūda un viņa karaspēks tagad netiks nodots manās rokās un es pats atgriezīšos atpakaļ sveikā, es nodedzināšu šo templi.” Un viņš aizgāja lielās dusmās. 36 Tad priesteri iegāja templī, nostājās altāra un svētvietas priekšā un sacīja: 37 “Tu izvēlējies šo namu, lai tas tiktu nosaukts tavā vārdā, lai tas būtu lūgšanu un aizlūgšanu nams tavai tautai, 38 atmaksā šim vīram un viņa karapulkam, lai tie krīt no zobena, piemini viņu zaimus un nedod viņiem kur palikt.” 39 Nikanors izgāja no Jeruzālemes un izvietojās Bēt-Horonā; tur viņš apvienojās ar Sīrijas karaspēku. 40 Arī Jūda ar saviem trīs tūkstošiem vīru izvietojās Adasā; un Jūda lūdza Dievu: 41 “Kad tie, kas bija ar ķēniņu , zaimoja, tad izgāja tavs eņģelis un nokāva simt astoņdesmit piecus tūkstošus, 42 tāpat arī šodien satriec šo karaspēku mūsu priekšā, lai pārējie atzīst, ka Nikanors ļaunu runājis pret taviem svētumiem un ka viņš saņem atbilstošu tiesu par savām ļaundarībām.” 43 Karapulki sāka kauju adāra mēneša trīspadsmitajā dienā, un Nikanora karaspēks tika sakauts, un viņš pats krita pirmais šajā kaujā. 44 Kad Nikanora karaspēks redzēja, ka viņš ir kritis, tie pameta ieročus un aizbēga. 45 Israēlieši vajāja tos veselu dienu, visu ceļu no Adasas līdz pat Gezeras pievārtei, un pūta taures viņiem nopakaļ. 46 Tad iznāca ļaudis no visiem apkārtējiem Jūdejas ciemiem un tos aplenca, viņi spieda tos atpakaļ pret tiem, kas dzinās tiem pakaļ, un tā tie visi krita no zobena, un neviens nepalika dzīvs. 47 Bet israēlieši saņēma laupījumu un viņu krājumus, tie nocirta Nikanoram galvu un viņa labo roku, ko viņš tik augstprātīgi bija pacēlis, un aiznesa un izkāra apskatīšanai pie Jeruzālemes. 48 Tad tauta vareni līksmojās un svinēja šo dienu kā lielas līksmības dienu, 49 viņi nolēma svinēt šo dienu katru gadu adāra mēneša trīspadsmitajā dienā. 50 Tā nedaudz dienu Jūdejas zemei bija miers.