1 After him came Nathan, who was a prophet at the time of David.
2 As the choice fat portion of the fellowship offering is reserved for the Lord, so David was chosen from among the Israelites. 3 He played with lions and bears as if they were lambs or little goats. 4 When he was still a boy, he killed a giant to rescue his people. He put a stone in his sling, took aim, and put an end to Goliath's bragging. 5 He prayed to the Lord, the Most High, and was given the strength to kill that famous soldier, so that the nations would have respect for the power of his people. 6 The people honored him for killing his tens of thousands, and when he was crowned king, they praised him for being chosen by the Lord. 7 He wiped out all his enemies and permanently crushed the Philistines, so that they never again became a threat.
8 In everything David did, he gave thanks and praise to the Holy Lord, the Most High. He loved his Creator and sang praises to him with all his heart. 9 He put singers at the altar to provide beautiful music. 10 He set the times of the festivals throughout the year and made them splendid occasions; the Temple rang with the Lord's praises all day long. 11 The Lord forgave David's sin and established his power forever. He made a covenant with him that he and his descendants would reign in splendor over Israel.
12 David prepared the way well for his son, a wise man, to rule after him. 13 There was no war while Solomon was king. God gave him peace on all his borders, so that he could build for the Lord a Temple which would stand forever. 14 How wise you were, Solomon, when you were young! Your knowledge was like the Nile in flood. 15 Your influence reached over all the world; your proverbs and riddles were known everywhere. 16 You were famous everywhere, and people loved you for bringing peace. 17 Nations around the world held you in admiration for your songs, proverbs, parables, and witty sayings. 18 You gathered silver and gold as if it were tin or lead, all in the name of the Lord God of Israel.
19 But your lust for women was your downfall. 20 You stained your reputation and that of your descendants. They suffered punishment for that foolishness of yours, which caused them so much grief. 21 It divided the nation, and a rival kingdom arose in northern Israel. 22 But the Lord will always be merciful and keep all his promises. He will never destroy the descendants of David, whom he chose and who loved him. So for Israel's sake he allowed David's family to survive.
Rehoboam and Jeroboam
23 Solomon followed his ancestors in death and left one of his sons to rule after him. This was Rehoboam, a man of little intelligence and great foolishness, whose policies caused a rebellion.
There was also the unspeakable Jeroboam, who led northern Israel in sinful ways. 24 His people became so sinful that they were exiled from their land. 25 They tried all kinds of wickedness until the Lord took vengeance on them.
1 Un pēc tam cēlās Nātāns,
lai pravietotu Dāvida laikā.
2 Kā atsevišķi atdalīts ir pateicības upura taukums,
tā Dāvids – Israēla tautā;
3 ar lauvām kā ar kazlēniem viņš spēlējās,
ar lāčiem – kā ar ganāmpulka jēriem.
4 Vai tad jaunībā viņš nenokāva milzeni,
no negoda neatbrīvoja tautu,
atvēzējoties ar lingas akmeni,
Goliāta lielīgumam darot galu?
5 Viņš piesauca Kungu, Visuaugstāko,
un viņa labajai rokai Kungs piešķīra spēku
nonāvēt vīru, varenu kaujā,
un apliecināt savas tautas spēku.
6 Tā desmitiem tūkstošu dēļ tauta godināja viņu,
Kunga svētības dēļ – cildināja,
ar godības vainagu sumināja,
7 jo viņš apkāva naidniekus, kas bija visapkārt,
iznīcināja pretiniekus filistiešus
un satrieca to spēku līdz pat šai dienai.
8 Viņš teica Svēto, Visuaugstāko,
ar slavinājuma vārdiem it visā, ko vien darīja,
ar visu savu sirdi dziedāja slavas dziesmas
un mīlēja viņu – savu Radītāju.
9 Psalmotājus viņš nostādīja altārim līdzās,
lai melodijas saldi atbalsotos,
10 svētkiem piešķīra diženumu
un noteica svētku laikus gadā,
lai Kunga svētais vārds tiktu cildināts
un jau no agra rīta atbalsotos svētnīcā.
11 Kungs piedeva viņam grēkus,
uz mūžīgiem laikiem cēla godā viņa spēku,
dāvāja ķēniņu derību viņam
un goda troni Israēlā.
12 Gudrs dēls nāca pēc viņa,
un, pateicoties viņam, tas dzīvoja plašumos.
13 Miera laikā valdīja Sālamans,
kam mieru uz robežām piešķīra Dievs,
lai viņa vārdā tas uzceltu namu
un uz mūžīgiem laikiem svētnīcu darinātu.
14 Cik gan gudrs tu kļuvi jaunībā,
sapratnes pārpilns kā upe!
15 Tavs gars apņēma zemi,
kuru piepildīji ar mīklainām līdzībām.
16 Tavs vārds sasniedza nomaļas salas.
Tevi mīlēja tava miera dēļ.
17 Ar dziesmām, sakāmvārdiem, līdzībām,
ar skaidrojumiem tu pārsteidzi pasauli.
18 Par Israēla Dievu sauktā
Kunga Dieva vārdā
tev krājās zelts kā alva,
kā svins tev vairojās sudrabs.
19 Tu atvēlēji savus sānus sievietēm,
ar savu miesu tu ļāvies to varai;
20 tu aptraipīji savu godību
un apgānīji savus pēcnācējus,
tā izraisot dusmas pār bērniem
un pārmetumus par savu muļķību,
21 izraisot ķēniņvaras šķelšanos
un neuzticīgas ķēniņvalsts rašanos no Efraima.
22 Taču savu žēlastību Kungs neliegs nekad
un neatkāpsies no saviem vārdiem,
viņš neizdeldēs sava izredzētā atvasi
un neiznīcinās tā pēcnācējus, kas mīlējis viņu.
Jēkabam viņš ir saglabājis atlikumu
un Dāvida saknes dzinumu – Dāvidam.
23 Kad Sālamans nolikās atdusēties ar tēviem,
viņš atstāja vienu no saviem pēcnācējiem,
muļķībā dižu, sapratnē nabagu – Rehabeāmu,
kas ar savu neapdomību sadumpoja tautu,
24 un Jārobāmu, Nebāta dēlu,
kas ieveda grēkā Israēlu
un pavedināja grēcīgos ceļos Efraimu.
Viņu grēki tik ļoti vairojās,
ka viņus izraidīja no zemes:
25 viņi bija lūkojuši īstenot visu, kas ļauns,
līdz pienāca atmaksa.