1 If you are chosen to preside at a banquet, don't put on airs. Just be like everyone else. Look after the guests before you sit down. 2 After you have performed your duties, you can sit down and enjoy yourself with the others. They will respect you for doing a good job.
3 If you are older than most of the guests, you may talk; that is your right. But you should know what you are talking about and not interrupt the music. 4 If entertainment is being provided, don't keep up a steady conversation; it's the wrong time to show off your wit. 5 Music at a banquet where wine is served is like a ruby set in gold. 6 Good music and good wine—an emerald set in gold.
7 If you are young, don't speak unless you have to, but never more than twice, and only if someone speaks to you first. 8 Come to the point and say it all in a few words. Show that you are well-informed, but stay quiet. 9 Don't treat important people as if you were their equal and don't make a nuisance of yourself by asking them a lot of questions. 10 The reputation of a modest person goes before him, as lightning before thunder.
11 Leave the party at the right time and never be the last to go. Don't linger at the door; just go straight home. 12 There you can enjoy yourself as you wish, but don't commit the sin of bragging. 13 And don't forget to thank your Creator for letting you enjoy so many good things.
Interpreting the Law
14 If you fear the Lord, you will accept his correction. He will bless those who get up early in the morning to pray. 15 Study his Law, and you will master it, unless you are insincere about it, in which case you will fail. 16 If you fear the Lord, you will know what is right, and you will be famous for your fairness. 17 Sinners have no use for correction, and will interpret the Law to suit themselves.
18 Sensible people will consider every opinion, but arrogant people will let nothing stand in their way. 19 Never do anything without thinking it through, and once you have done something, don't look back and wish you had done something else. 20 Don't take a course of action that is dangerous, and don't make the same mistake twice. 21 Don't be too sure of yourself, even when the way looks easy. 22 Always watch where you are going. 23 Whatever you do be careful; this is keeping the Lord's commands.
24 Believing in the Law means keeping the Lord's commands.
If you trust the Lord, you cannot lose.
Galda māksla: piedalīšanās svinībās
1 Par svinību vadītāju izvēlēts, nedižojies,
bet pārējo vidū esi kā visi citi!
Veltī tiem savas rūpes, tad apsēdies
2 un, visus savus pienākumus veicis, ērti atlaidies,
lai līdz ar pārējiem dalītos priekā
un saņemtu vainagu par labo kārtību.
3 Teic runu, vecaj, – tev pieklājas –
ar skaidru izpratni, bet mūziku neaizkavē;
4 priekšnesumam skanot, neizplūsti runās,
un nebārsties ar gudrību nelaikā!
5 Kā rubīns iestrādāts zelta rotā,
tā mūziķu sniegums svinībās, kurās dzer vīnu;
6 kā smaragds zelta zīmoggredzenā,
tā mūziķu melodijas ar saldu vīnu.
7 Teic runu, jaunekli, ja nepieciešams,
bet – pat ja tevi aicina – ne vairāk kā divas!
8 Izteicies kodolīgi: nedaudz vārdos pasaki daudz!
Esi kā tāds, kas zina, bet klusē!
9 Diženo vidū necenties būt viņiem līdzīgs,
kādam citam runājot, tukši nepļāpā:
10 kā pērkonam pa priekšu aizsteidzas zibens,
tā pieklājīgajam pa priekšu steidz atzinība.
11 Nepaliec pēdējais un piecelies laikā,
teci mājās un nelaiskojies!
12 Tur draiskojies un dari, kas ienāk prātā,
bet negrēko, izrunājoties augstprātīgi;
13 turpretī par visu teic savu Radītāju,
kas tevi ar saviem labumiem reibinājis.
14 Kas Kunga bīstas, audzināšanai ļaujas,
kas agri ceļas, gūs viņa labvēlību;
15 kas iedziļinās bauslībā, apgūs to,
turpretī liekulis jutīsies aizvainots.
16 Kas Kunga bīstas, uzmeklēs spriedumu
un viņa prasīto iedegs kā gaismu;
17 turpretī grēcinieks atraida pamācības
un meklē spriedumu pēc sava prāta.
18 Cilvēks ar apdomu neatstās bez ievērības padomu.
Bijību nepazīst svešais un augstprātīgais.
19 Neesi neapdomīgs savā rīcībā,
un tev nebūs tā jānožēlo.
20 Neej klumburainu ceļu –
un nepaklupsi uz akmeņiem.
21 Nepaļaujies uz gludu ceļu –
22 un savu bērnu piesargies!
23 Visā, ko dari, uzticies savai sirdij,
jo tā rīkoties nozīmē ievērot baušļus.
24 Kas uzticas bauslībai, ievēro baušļus,
kas paļaujas uz Kungu, nebūs zaudētājos.