Problems Caused by Money
1 Worrying about money will make you lose weight and lose sleep. 2 Worrying about business will keep you from sleeping just as surely as a serious illness does.
3 Rich people work hard to make a lot of money; then they can sit back and live in luxury. 4 Poor people work hard and have nothing to show for it, and when they rest, they are still poor.
5 No one who loves money can be judged innocent; his efforts to get rich have led him into sin. 6 Many people have been ruined because of money, brought face-to-face with disaster. 7 Money is a trap for those who are fascinated by it, a trap that every fool falls into.
8 A person who gets rich without sinfully chasing after money is fortunate. 9 Do you know anyone like that? If so, we will congratulate him for performing a miracle that no one else has ever been able to do. 10 If anyone has ever passed this test, he can well be proud. Has anyone ever known that he could get away with cheating someone, and not taken advantage of it? 11 If so, he deserves his wealth, and everyone will praise him for his generosity.
Behavior at Dinner Parties
12 When you sit down at a fancy banquet, don't let your mouth hang open, and don't say, “Look at all that food!” 13 It is impolite to have a greedy eye; remember that. Nothing in creation is greedier than the eye; that is why it sheds tears so often. 14 Don't reach out for everything you see, and don't elbow people out of the way to get at the food. 15 Be considerate of the other people at the table and treat them the way you want to be treated. 16 When you get your food, eat it like a human being. Don't smack and slurp; nobody can stand that. 17 It's good manners to be the first to stop eating; stuffing yourself is offensive. 18 If there are many people present, don't try to be the first to be served. 19 A little bit is plenty for anyone with good manners. Besides, you won't be short of breath when you go to bed. 20 People who eat too much get stomach aches and cannot sleep. If you don't overeat, you can get a good night's sleep and wake up early the next morning feeling fine. 21 But if you do get a stomach ache from eating too much, go off and vomit and you will feel better. 22 My child, if you listen to what I am saying and put it into practice, one of these days you will thank me for it. Be moderate in everything you do, and you will never get sick.
23 People appreciate a generous host, and he deserves their praise. 24 But everybody in town will complain about a host who is stingy with food, and their complaints are justified.
25 Don't try to prove your manhood by how much you can drink. Wine has been the ruin of many. 26 An arrogant person's character shows through when he is in a drunken argument, in the same way that iron is tested when it is heated red-hot and then dipped in water. 27 Wine can put new life into you if you drink it in moderation. What would life be like without it? Wine was created to make us happy. 28 If you drink it in moderation and at the right time, it can lift your spirits and make you cheerful, 29 but if you drink when you are angry and upset, it leads to headaches, embarrassment, and disgrace. 30 A drunken fool can lose his temper and hurt himself. His drinking makes him weak and an easy target for angry blows. 31 Never rebuke a person when you have both been drinking. Don't hurt his feelings while he is having a good time. It's not the time to criticize anyone, or to ask him to pay back a debt.
Manta un bagātība
1 Bezmiegs bagātības dēļ saēd miesu,
raizes bagātības dēļ izraisa bezmiegu,
2 raizes bezmiega dēļ neļauj iemigt,
smaga slimība izdzenā miegu.
3 Bagātais nopūlas, mantu vācot,
bet atpūšoties izbauda labumus;
4 nabagais pūlas, iztikai aptrūkstoties,
un atpūšoties piedzīvo trūkumu.

5 Kas zeltu mīl, tas netiks attaisnots;
kas dzenas pēc peļņas, peļņas dēļ maldīsies.
6 Zelta dēļ daudzi ir piedzīvojuši bojāeju
un sastapušies vaigu vaigā ar iznīcību.
7 Sprungulis, uz kura klupt, – zelts tiem, kurus sajūsmina,
katrs nelga nonāk tā gūstā.
8 Svētlaimīgs bagātais, par nevainojamu atzīts,
kas nav dzinies pēc zelta.
9 Kurš? Mēs teiksim to svētlaimīgu,
jo viņš ir tas, kas darījis brīnumus tautā.
10 Kurš, pateicoties zeltam, ir kļuvis pilnīgs?
Tam būs ko lepoties.
Kurš, lai gan varējis, nav noziedzies,
nav ļaunu darījis, kaut bija iespējams?
11 Tā labklājība nostiprināsies,
un sapulcējušies par viņa žēlastības dāvanām stāstīs.
Galda māksla: ēšana
12 Pie bagātīga galda sēžot,
nedzesē mēli, nesaki: “Nu gan te ir daudz!”
13 Atceries: vai gan ir radīts kas ļaunāks
kā nenovīdīga acs? Lai kāds ir iemesls – tā raud.
14 Neizstiep roku pēc nolūkotā!
Nesniedzies bļodā reizē ar citu!
15 Izproti otru, vadoties pats pēc sevis!
Esi apdomīgs savā rīcībā!
16 Ēd kā cilvēks to, kas tev priekšā.
Nerij! Citādi nebūsi ieredzēts.
17 Labi audzināts, mitējies pirmais!
Lai nešķistu piedauzīgs, neesi nesātīgs!
18 Sēžot ar daudziem kopā,
neizstiep roku pirmais.
19 Cik nedaudz vajadzīgs, lai diezgan būtu
audzinātam cilvēkam – un netrūks elpas gultā;
20 ar sātu ēdušam – veselīgs miegs,
un, agri cēlies, tas labi jutīsies.
Turpretī nesātīgo moka bezmiegs,
nelabums un graizes, –
21 bet, ja nu esi spiests pieēsties,
piecelies un izvemies – varēsi atpūsties.
22 Uzklausi mani, bērns, un neizturies nievājoši,
un beigās atzīsi manis teikto:
esi čakls visā, ko vien dari,
un tev nepiemetīsies nekāda vaina.
23 Kas izturas pie galda izcili, to lūpas slavē.
Uz liecībām par viņa pievilcību var paļauties.
24 Kas izturas slikti pie galda, to pilsētā paļā,
un liecības par viņa nepievilcīgumu patiesas.
Galda māksla: vīna dzeršana
25 Nemērojies spēkiem ar vīnu,
jo vīns ir iznīcinājis daudzus;
26 tēraudu pārbauda ēze ar rūdīšanu,
ar spēkošanos – sirdi augstprātīgajiem vīns.
27 Vīns, ja vien ar mēru dzerts,
ar cilvēka dzīvi salīdzināms:
kas tam par dzīvi, kam vīna nav!
Vīns radīts cilvēku līksmībai.
28 Vīns īstajā brīdī un samērā
raisa gaviles sirdī, līksmību dvēselē.
29 Rūgtumu dvēselē izraisa vīns,
dzerts aizkaitinājuma brīdī, strīdos un lielā daudzumā.
30 Dzērums vairo nelgas niknumu un tuvina klupienu,
mazina spēku un dara viegli ievainojumu.
31 Neizsaki pārmetumus tuvākajam svinībās, kurās dzer vīnu,
neizturies nievājoši, tuvākajam līksmojot,
ar aizvainojošiem vārdiem neapveltī viņu
un neuzmācies, atprasot parādu!