The Greatness of God
1 The Lord, who lives forever, created the whole universe, 2 and he alone is just. 4 He has given no one enough power to describe what he has done, and no one can investigate it completely. 5 Who can measure his majestic power? Who can tell the whole story of his merciful actions? 6 We cannot add to them; we cannot subtract from them. There is no way to comprehend the marvelous things the Lord has done. 7 When we come to the end of that story, we have not even begun; we are simply at a loss for words.
Human Beings Are Nothing
8 What are human beings? Of what use are we? The good that we do—the evil that we do—what does it all mean? 9 If we live a hundred years, we have lived an unusually long time, 10 but compared with all eternity, those years are like a drop of water in the ocean, like a single grain of sand. 11 That is why the Lord is so patient with us, why he is so free with his mercy. 12 He looks at us and knows that we are doomed to die; that is why he is so willing to forgive us. 13 We can show compassion to someone we know, but the Lord shows compassion for all humanity. He corrects us; he disciplines us; he teaches us. Like a shepherd tending sheep, he brings us back to himself. 14 He will have compassion on us if we accept his guidance and are eager for him to show us where we are wrong.
Kindness and Charity
15 My child, when you help someone, don't reprimand him at the same time. When you make a gift, don't say anything that hurts. 16 Your words count for more than what you give. Even dew gives some relief during a spell of hot weather. 17 Yes, kind words are more effective than the best of gifts, and if you are really concerned, you will give both. 18 It is stupid to be unkind and insulting. No one's eyes are going to sparkle at a gift that you resent giving.
19 Know what you are talking about before you speak, and give attention to your health before you get sick. 20 Examine your conscience before the Lord judges you; then when that time comes, he will forgive you. 21 Humble yourself before you are punished with sickness. When you have sinned, show repentance. 22 If you make a promise to the Lord, keep it as soon as you can. Don't wait until you are about to die to set things straight. 23 But before you make such a promise, be prepared to keep it. Don't try to test the Lord's patience. 24 Think! Do you want him to be angry with you on the day you die? When you face his judgment, do you want him to turn his back on you? 25 When you have all you want, think what it is like to be hungry, what it is to be poor. 26 Things can change in a single day; the Lord can act very quickly. 27 If you are wise, you will be careful in everything you do. When sin is all around you, be especially careful that you do not become guilty. 28 Every intelligent person can recognize wisdom and will honor anyone who shows it. 29 If you appreciate wisdom when you hear it, you will become wise yourself, and your words will be a source of wisdom for others.
30 Don't be controlled by your lust; keep your passions in check. 31 If you allow yourself to satisfy your every desire, you will be a joke to your enemies. 32 Don't indulge in luxurious living; the expense of it will ruin you. 33 Don't make yourself a beggar by borrowing for expensive banquets when you don't have enough money of your own.
Cilvēka niecība un Dieva žēlastība
1 Kas mūžīgi dzīvo, Visumu radījis visu.
2 Kungs vienīgais, izrādīsies, ir taisnīgs,
un cita nav kā tikai viņš.
3 Viņš Visumu valda, turēdams saujā,
viss klausa viņa gribai,
jo savā spēkā viņš, Valdnieks pār visiem,
šķir svēto no laicīgā tajos.
4 Nevienu viņš nav iecēlis par savu darbu vēstītāju.
Viņa dižajam veikumam kurš gan izsekot spētu?
5 Kurš spētu izmērot viņa diženuma spēku?
Kurš spētu izstāstīt par katru žēlastību?
6 Nedz vairojami, nedz mazināmi,
nedz izdibināmi ir Kunga brīnumdarbi;
7 kad cilvēks izdibināt beidz – ir tikai sācis,
kad mitējas – no pārsteiguma mulst.

8 Kas gan ir cilvēks? Kam gan tas der?
Kāds labums no viņa? Kāds ļaunums?
9 Simt gadu cilvēkam – liels dienu skaits,
un katram atdusa pienāk, nav aprēķināma tā.
10 Kā ūdens piliens jūrā, smiltīs zvirgzds,
tā mazumiņš gadu mūžības dienā,
11 un tādēļ Kungs ir iecietīgs pret cilvēkiem
un tos ar savu žēlastību apvelta.
12 Viņš cilvēka nelaimi redz, zina, cik ļauna ir tā,
un tādēļ piedošanu bagātīgi dāvina.
13 Cilvēks žēlo savu tuvāko – Kungs žēlo visus,
gan pārmetot, gan audzinot, gan pamācot,
gan atgriežot kā gans ganāmpulku,
14 un tos, kas, pamācību pieņēmuši, pieteikto steidz īstenot,
viņš apžēlo.
15 Nesagandē labo ar pārmetumiem, dēls,
nepavadi dāvanu ar vārdiem, kas sāpina.
16 Vai tad rasa nav tā, kas versmi remdina?
Vārdi vairāk jaudā nekā dāvana.
17 Rau, vārds, vai tas nav vairāk par dāvanu labu?
Ar žēlastību apveltītais dāvā tos abus.
18 Muļķis nežēlo apvainojumus;
no nenovīdīgā dāvanas acis asaro.
19 Pirms runā, mācies!
Pirms esi saslimis, gādā par sevi!
20 Pirms sprieduma izmeklē sevi,
un apraugot un piemeklējot tev piedos.
21 Pirms esi saslimis – zemojies!
Ja esi grēkojis – atgriezies!
22 Nekavējies izpildīt laikā, ko esi solījis,
un neatliec līdz nāves stundai nenokārtojis!
23 Gatavojies, pirms lūdzies, un nerīkojies kā cilvēks,
kas izturas izaicinoši pret Kungu;
24 piemini viņa niknumu beigu dienās
un atmaksas mirkli – viņam novēršot vaigu.
25 Pārpilnības laikā piemini bada laikus,
nabadzību un trūkumu – pārticības dienās.
26 Bija rīts, un ir vakars, un laiks ir jau cits.
Kunga priekšā viss notiek drīz.

27 Gudrs cilvēks ir it visā apdomīgs
un izvairās no pārkāpuma grēku laikos.
28 Ik saprātīgais pazīst gudrību
un slavē tās atradēju.
29 Kam izteicienos netrūkst sapratnes, arī pats ar gudrību iepazīsies,
un straumēm plūdīs no tā trāpīgi sakāmvārdi.
Labāk uzticēties
vienīgajam Valdniekam
nekā nedzīvu sirdi
pieķerties nedzīvajam.
Izvairīšanās no iekāres
30 Neseko savām iekārēm
un nepadodies savām kaislībām.
31 Sev iekāres patikas gādādams,
tu sevi atvēli naidniekam, ko ļauni līksmoties tam.
32 Nelīksmojies dižā greznībā,
lai maksājot tu nenonāktu trūkumā.
33 Nekļūsti nabags, dzīrodams uz parāda,
kad pašam nekā nav kabatā,
jo citādi tu būsi sazvērējies pats pret savu dzīvi.