Israel's Victory
1 When the soldiers heard what had happened, they were horrified 2 and began to tremble with fear. They all scattered in different directions from the camp, making no effort to stay together as they tried to escape along the paths in the mountains and valleys. 3 The soldiers who had camped in the mountains around Bethulia also began to retreat. Then all the Israelite soldiers came charging down on them.
4 Uzziah sent messengers to the towns of Betomesthaim, Bebai, Choba, and Kola, and throughout the land of Israel to tell everyone what had happened and to urge them to join in pursuing and destroying the enemy. 5 When they received the message, they all attacked the Assyrians and chased them as far as Choba, slaughtering them as they went. Even the people of Jerusalem and others living in the mountains joined the attack when the messengers told them what had happened in the Assyrian camp. The people of the regions of Gilead and Galilee blocked the path of the retreating Assyrians and inflicted heavy losses on them. They pursued them as far as the region around Damascus.
6 The rest of the people in Bethulia went down to the Assyrian camp, plundered it and carried away enough loot to make themselves very rich. 7 When the Israelite soldiers returned from the slaughter, they helped themselves to what was left. There was so much of it that the people of the towns and villages in the hill country also shared in the loot.
Israel Celebrates the Victory
8 The High Priest Joakim and the Council of Israel came from Jerusalem to see for themselves what great things the Lord had done for his people and to meet Judith and congratulate her. 9 When they arrived, they all praised her, “You are Jerusalem's crowning glory, the heroine of Israel, the pride and joy of our people! 10 You have won this great victory for Israel by yourself. God, the Almighty, is pleased with what you have done. May he bless you as long as you live.”
All the people responded, “Amen.”
11 It took the people thirty days to finish looting the camp of the Assyrians. Judith was given Holofernes' tent, all his silver, his bowls, his couches, and all his furniture. She took them and loaded as much as she could on her mule; then she brought her wagons and loaded them too. 12 All the Israelite women came to see her; they sang her praises and danced in her honor. On this joyful occasion Judith and the other women waved ivy-covered branches 13 and wore wreaths of olive leaves on their heads. Judith took her place at the head of the procession to lead the women as they danced. All the men of Israel followed, wearing wreaths of flowers on their heads, carrying their weapons, and singing songs of praise.
Asīrieši krīt panikā, un jūdi tos slepkavo
1 Kad tie, kas bija teltīs, izdzirdēja, kas noticis, viņi pārbijās. 2 Bailes un drebuļi sagrāba viņus, un nebija neviena, kas palika uz vietas, bet, cits citu neredzēdami, tie pa galvu, pa kaklu metās bēgt pa līdzenuma visiem ceļiem prom no kalnienes. 3 Arī tie, kas bija izvietoti kalnienē apkārt Betulijai, metās bēgt. Tad visi israēlieši, ikviens viņu karotājs, metās ārā viņiem virsū, 4 un Ozija nosūtīja ziņnešus uz Betomestaimu un Bebaju, un Hobaju, un Kolu, un uz visām vietām Israēlā par to, kas piepildījies, un aicināja visus uzbrukt ienaidniekam, lai to padzītu. 5 Kad israēlieši to dzirdēja, visi kā viens uzbruka viņiem un kāva viņus līdz pat Hobai, tāpat arī tie, kas ieradās no Jeruzālemes un no visas kalnienes, kad viņiem paziņoja par notikumiem viņu ienaidnieka kara nometnē, un, uzbrūkot no sāniem no Galadas un no Galilejas, sakāva tos, līdz nonāca pie Damaskas un tās apkārtnē. 6 Arī pārējie Betulijas iedzīvotāji uzklupa asīriešu kara nometnei un izpostīja to, un iedzīvojās pamatīgās bagātībās. 7 Israēlieši, atgriezušies no kaušanas, saņēma pāri palikušo, un arī ļaudis no ciemiem un arī ganu apmetnēm kalnienē un līdzenumā sagrāba milzīgu laupījumu, jo mantu bija neiedomājami daudz.
Vecajie un tauta daudzina Judīti par uzvaru
8 Augstais priesteris Joakims un israēliešu vecajo sapulce, kas mitinājās Jeruzālemē, nāca skatīt visus labumus, ko Kungs bija darījis Israēlam, un lai ieraudzītu Judīti un viņu sveicinātu. 9 Kad viņi pie tās iegāja, tie visi viņu vienprātībā slavēja un tai sacīja: “Tu esi Jeruzālemes augstums, tu esi Israēla diženums, tu esi mūsu tautas varenais daudzinājums. 10 Viena pati tu visu to esi izdarījusi, viena esi atgriezusi Israēlam visus labumus, un Dievs par to priecājas; lai Kungs, Visuvaldītājs, tevi svētī uz mūžīgiem laikiem.” Visa tauta piebalsoja: “Lai tā notiek!” 11 Un tauta turpināja laupīt asīriešu nometni trīsdesmit dienas un atdeva Judītei Holoferna telti un visus viņa dārgumus un zviļņus, un mazgājamos traukus, un visus viņa rīkus, un viņa, visu to paņēmusi, uzkrāva savam mūlim un jūdza ratus, un sakrāva vezumos. 12 Visas Israēla sievas saskrēja viņu uzlūkot un viņu slavēja, un izveidoja ap viņu dejotāju pulku, un viņa ņēma rokās ar efejām apvītus vīnakoka zarus un deva tos sievām, 13 un viņas izrotājās ar olīvkoka zariem – viņa pati un pārējās; un viņa gāja tautai pa priekšu ar visām sievām, kas dejoja un līksmojās, un tām sekoja Israēla vīri kaujas bruņojumā, rotājušies vainagiem un skanīgās balsīs līksmi dziedādami. 14 Judīte visa Israēla priekšā sāka dziedāt pateicības dziesmu, un visa tauta dziedāja viņai līdzi.