1 Wisdom is the book of God's commandments, the Law that will last forever. All who hold onto her will live, but those who abandon her will die. 2 Turn to Wisdom, people of Israel, and take hold of her. Make your way toward the splendor of her light. 3 Do not surrender our glorious privileges to any other people. 4 How happy we are, people of Israel; we have the advantage of knowing what is pleasing to God!
Comfort for Jerusalem
5 Take courage, my people, you are the ones who keep Israel's name alive. 6 You were sold to Gentile nations, but not to be destroyed. Because you made God angry, he handed you over to your enemies. 7 When you offered sacrifices to demons instead of to God, you angered the one who made you. 8 You forgot the Eternal God, who had nourished you as a child, and so you brought grief to Jerusalem, who had been like a mother to you. 9 Jerusalem saw that God was punishing you because he was angry, and she said to all the neighboring cities, “Look at the great misery that God has brought on me. 10 I saw my sons and daughters taken into captivity, a captivity brought on them by the Eternal God. 11 I brought up my children with great delight, but I cried and mourned when they were taken from me. 12 Let no one take pleasure in my suffering now that I am a widow and so many of my children have been taken from me. They turned away from God's Law, and their sins have made me a deserted city. 13 They had no respect for his commandments and would not live by them; they refused to let him guide them in the way of righteousness.
14 “All you neighboring cities, come and consider how the Eternal God has sent my children into exile. 15 He brought against them a nation from far away, a shameless nation that speaks a foreign language and has no respect for the elderly and no pity for children. 16 These people carried off my beloved sons and took away my daughters, and I was left a widow, completely alone.
17 “My children in exile, I can do nothing to help you. 18 Only the one who brought this punishment upon you can rescue you from your enemies. 19 Go your own way, my children; live your own life! I am all alone. 20 I have taken off the robes I wore during days of peace, and I have dressed myself like a person in mourning. I will cry out to the Eternal God for help as long as I live.
21 “Take courage, my children, and cry out to God for help. He will rescue you from oppression, from the power of your enemies. 22 I am confident that the Eternal God will soon set you free. The Holy One, your eternal savior, will make me happy when he shows you mercy. 23 I cried and wailed when you were taken away, but God will bring you back and will make me happy forever. 24 Just as the neighboring cities watched as you were taken captive, so they will soon see the Eternal God coming in glorious splendor to rescue you. 25 My children, endure God's punishment with patience. Your enemies have persecuted you, but you will soon see them destroyed and at your mercy. 26 My children, I spoiled you with love, but you have had to follow rugged paths; you were carried off like sheep caught in an enemy raid.
27 “Take courage, my children, and cry out to God for help. He punished you, but he will not forget you. 28 Just as you were once determined to turn away from God, now turn back and serve him with ten times more determination. 29 The one who brought these calamities upon you will rescue you and bring you everlasting joy.”
Jerusalem Is Assured of Help
30 Take courage, Jerusalem. God, who gave you your name, will now bring comfort to you. 31 Misery will come to those who mistreated you and then rejoiced when you fell. 32 Misery will come to those cities that made your children slaves. Misery will be the fate of Babylon, that city which swallowed up your children. 33 Just as that city rejoiced when you fell and took delight in your ruin, so now she will mourn when she herself is deserted. 34 I will turn her proud boastings into mourning and take away her large population in which she took pride. 35 I, the Eternal God, will send down fire on her, and it will burn for many days. Her ruins will be haunted by demons for a long time to come.
36 Look to the east, Jerusalem, and see the joy that God is bringing to you. 37 Look, your children are coming home, the children that were taken from you. They have been gathered together from the east and from the west by the command of God, the Holy One. And now they are coming home, rejoicing in the glory of God.
1 Šī ir Dieva baušļu grāmata un bauslība, kas pastāv uz mūžiem. Visi, kas pie tās turas, dzīvos, kas to atmetīs, mirs.
2 Atgriezies, Jēkab, un paņem to
un vadi savu ceļu tās gaismas spožumā.
3 Neatdod savu slavu citam un to,
kas nes labumu tev, – svešai tautai.
4 Mēs esam laimīgi, Israēl, jo mēs zinām,
kas Dievam ir tīkams.
Dziesma par atjaunošanu
5 Esi droša, mana tauta, Israēla piemineklis!
6 Jūs esat pārdoti citām tautām ne uz
pazudināšanu, bet, tādēļ ka
sadusmojāt Dievu,
jūs esat nodoti pretinieku rokās.
7 Jūs nokaitinājāt savu Radītāju,
nesot upurus dēmoniem, nevis Dievam.
8 Jūs aizmirsāt to, kurš jūs ir barojis – mūžam
dzīvo Dievu –, un apbēdinājāt arī savu
barotāju Jeruzālemi.
9 Tā redzēja Dieva dusmas, kas pār jums
nākušas, un teica: “Klausieties,
Ciānas ļaudis, Dievs man ir uzsūtījis
lielas bēdas,
10 jo es pieredzēju savu dēlu un meitu
gūstniecību, ko mūžīgais Dievs
viņiem uzsūtījis.
11 Es viņus audzināju ar prieku, bet atlaidu
ar asarām un bēdām.
12 Lai neviens nepriecājas par mani,
jo esmu atraitne un daudzu atstāta;
es esmu pamesta savu bērnu grēku dēļ,
jo viņi novērsās no Dieva bauslības.
13 Viņi neatzina Dieva taisnību un nestaigāja
viņa baušļu noteiktos ceļus, un nemina
mācības takas viņa taisnīgumā.
14 Nāciet, Ciānas ļaudis, un pieminiet
manu dēlu un meitu gūstniecību,
ko mūžīgais Dievs
viņiem uzsūtījis;
15 viņš uzsūtīja tiem tautu no tālienes,
kas svešā valodā runā;
tie neprata kauna
sirmgalvja priekšā un
neiežēlojās par bērnu.
16 Viņi aizveda atraitnei viņas mīļos dēlus,
atņēma meitas un pameta vienu.
17 Ko gan es varu jums palīdzēt?
18 Tas, kurš jums uzsūtījis ļaunumu,
arī atbrīvos jūs no jūsu ienaidnieku rokām.
19 Nāciet, bērni, nāciet,
jo es esmu galīgi pamesta.
20 Es esmu novilkusi miera drēbes
un apvilkusies maisa drānas kā lūdzēja
un skaļi saukšu pēc
mūžīgā Dieva visas savas dienas.
21 Esiet droši, bērni, sauciet pēc Dieva,
un viņš atpestīs jūs no varmācības,
no jūsu ienaidnieku rokām.
22 Es cerēju, ka mūžīgais Dievs jūs glābs,
un viņš, Svētais,
man deva prieku savā žēlastībā,
kas drīz nāks pār jums no mūžīgā,
kas ir jūsu glābējs.
23 Es atlaidu jūs ar bēdām un asarām,
bet Dievs man atdos jūs ar prieku
un līksmību uz laiku laikiem.
24 Gluži tāpat, kā Ciānas ļaudis ir redzējuši jūsu
gūstniecību, tā drīz viņi redzēs jūsu
izglābšanu, kas nāks jums no Dieva
ar lielu slavu un
Mūžīgā spožumu.
25 Bērni, pacietīgi panesiet Dieva dusmas,
kas nākušas pār jums. Tevi ir vajājis tavs
ienaidnieks, bet drīz tu redzēsi viņa bojāeju,
un tavas kājas būs uz viņa kakla.
26 Tiem, kurus lutināju, bija ejams ērkšķains ceļš,
tos aizveda kā ganāmpulku,
ko nolaupījis ienaidnieks.
27 Iedrošinieties, bērni, sauciet pēc Dieva,
jo viņš, kas jums visu to uzsūtījis,
par jums atcerēsies.
28 Kā reiz jūsu lēmums bija aiziet no Dieva,
tā tagad desmitkārt stiprāk meklējiet viņu
un atgriezieties.
29 Jo tas, kurš jums uzsūtījis postu, sūtīs jums
mūžīgu prieku līdz ar jūsu glābšanu.”
30 Esi droša, Jeruzāleme! Tas, kurš tev devis
vārdu, tevi mierinās.
31 Nožēlojami ir tie, kas tev darījuši ļaunu un
priecājušies par tavu krišanu.
32 Nožēlojamas ir pilsētas, kurām tavi bērni
ir vergojuši, un nožēlojama ir tā zeme,
kas paņēmusi tavus dēlus.
33 Gluži tāpat, kā tās priecājās par tavu krišanu
un līksmoja par tavu postu, tā bēdāsies par
pašas iznīkšanu.
34 Es atņemšu tai lepošanos ar tās daudzajām
tautām, un tās dižošanās kļūs par bēdu
35 No Mūžīgā pār to nāks uguns daudzas dienas,
un uz ilgu laiku tur iemitināsies dēmoni.
36 Jeruzāleme, vērs savu skatienu uz austrumiem
un ieraugi prieku, kas nāk tev no Dieva.
37 Redzi, nāk tavi dēli,
kurus tu biji aizlaidusi prom,
viņi nāk svētā vārda savesti kopā
no austrumiem līdz rietumiem,
priecādamies par Dieva godību.