The Death of Judas
1 When Demetrius heard that Nicanor and his army had been annihilated, he again sent Bacchides and Alcimus to the land of Judea, this time with the Syrian wing of the army. 2 They moved along Gilgal Road, laid siege to Mesaloth in Arbela, captured it, and killed many people. 3 In the first month of the year 152, they set up camp opposite Jerusalem. 4 From there they marched to Berea with 20,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry.
5 Judas had camped at Elasa, with 3,000 experienced soldiers. 6 But when they saw the enormous size of the enemy army, they were terrified. So many men deserted that only 800 Jewish soldiers were left. 7 When Judas saw that his army was dwindling away and that the battle was about to begin, he was worried because there was not enough time to bring his army together. 8 He was discouraged, but he said to those who were still with him, “Let's prepare for the attack; maybe we can still defeat them.”
9 His men tried to talk him out of it. “We are not strong enough,” they said. “Let's retreat now and save our lives. Then we can return with reinforcements and fight the enemy. We don't have enough men now.”
10 Judas replied, “Never let it be said that I ran from a battle. If our time has come, let's die bravely for our fellow Jews and not leave any stain on our honor.”
11 The Syrian army came out of the camp and took up battle positions against the Jews. The cavalry was divided into two parts. The shock troops were in the front lines, but the archers and those who used slings went ahead of the main formation. 12 Bacchides took his position on the right. The infantry advanced, protected on both sides by the cavalry, and the war trumpets were blown. The soldiers of Judas also sounded their trumpets. 13 The ground shook from the noise when the two armies met, and they fought from morning until evening.
14 When Judas saw that Bacchides and the main force of the Syrian army was on the right, all his bravest men joined him, 15 and they crushed the Syrians' right wing. They pursued them as far as the foothills. 16 But when the Syrians on the left wing saw that their right wing had been crushed, they turned to attack Judas and his men from the rear. 17 The fighting became very fierce, and many on both sides were killed. 18 Finally Judas himself was killed. Then all his men fled. 19 Jonathan and Simon took their brother's body and buried it in the family tomb at Modein, 20 and there at the tomb they wept for him. All Israel mourned for him in great sorrow for many days. They said, 21 “It can't be! The mighty hero and savior of Israel has been killed!”
22 The other deeds of Judas, his battles, his courageous deeds, and his great accomplishments, were too many to write down.
Jonathan Succeeds Judas
23 After the death of Judas, the lawless traitors began to reappear everywhere in Judea, and all the wicked people returned. 24 Also at that time there was a severe famine, and the whole country went over to the side of the renegades. 25 Bacchides deliberately appointed some renegade Jews as rulers over the country. 26 These men hunted down the friends of Judas and brought them all before Bacchides, and he subjected them to torture and humiliation. 27 It was a time of great trouble for Israel, worse than anything that had happened to them since the time prophets ceased to appear among them.
28 Then all the friends of Judas came together and said to Jonathan, 29 “Since your brother Judas died, there has been no one like him to lead us against our enemies, against Bacchides and those of our own nation who oppose us. 30 So today we choose you to succeed him as our ruler and commander to carry on our war.” 31 Jonathan accepted the leadership that day and took the place of his brother Judas.
The Campaigns of Jonathan
32 When Bacchides learned of this, he made up his mind to kill Jonathan. 33 But when this news reached Jonathan, he fled, with his brother Simon and their men, to the wilderness of Tekoa and set up camp at the pool of Asphar. ( 34 Bacchides learned about this on the Sabbath and crossed the Jordan with his whole army. ) 35 Jonathan sent his brother John, who was responsible for the soldiers' families, to ask the Nabateans, with whom he was on friendly terms, for permission to store with them the large amount of baggage they had. 36 But the Jambrites of Medeba attacked John, took him captive, and carried off all the baggage. 37 Some time later Jonathan and his brother Simon learned that the Jambrites were about to celebrate an important wedding and that there would be a bridal procession from the town of Nadabath. The bride was the daughter of one of the great princes of Canaan. 38 Jonathan and Simon had wanted revenge for the death of their brother John, so they and their men went up on one of the mountains and hid. 39 They kept watch and saw a noisy crowd loaded down with baggage. The bridegroom, his friends, and his relatives were on their way to meet the bride's party. They were heavily armed and were playing musical instruments and drums. 40 The Jews attacked from their ambush and killed many of them; the rest escaped into the mountains, while the Jews carried off all their possessions. 41 So the wedding was turned into a time of mourning and their joyful music into funeral songs. 42 Jonathan and Simon had taken full revenge for the death of their brother, and they returned to the marshes along the Jordan.
43 Bacchides heard about this and arrived on the Sabbath at the banks of the Jordan with a large army. 44 Jonathan said to his men, “Now we must fight for our lives. We are in a worse situation than we have ever been in before. 45 The enemy is in front of us, the river is behind us, and marshes and thickets are on both sides of us; there is no way out. 46 So pray now for the Lord to save us from our enemies.”
47 The battle began and Jonathan and his men were just about to kill Bacchides, when he escaped to the rear of the army. 48 So Jonathan and his men jumped into the Jordan and swam to the other side to escape, and the Syrian army did not cross the river to follow them. 49 That day Bacchides lost about 1,000 men.
50 After Bacchides returned to Jerusalem, the Syrians built fortifications with high walls and barred gates for a number of towns in Judea: Emmaus, Beth Horon, Bethel, Timnath, Pirathon, Tephon, and the fortress in Jericho. 51 In all of these he placed troops to harass the Jews. 52 He also strengthened the fortifications of the towns of Bethzur and Gezer and of the fort in Jerusalem. He placed army units in them and stored up supplies there. 53 Then he took the sons of the leading men of the country as hostages and imprisoned them in the fort.
54 In the second month of the year 153, the High Priest Alcimus ordered that the wall of the inner court of the Temple be torn down. This would have destroyed what the prophets had accomplished; but just as the work began, 55 he had a stroke, and work was stopped. Paralyzed and unable to open his mouth, he could not speak or even make a will for his family. 56 He died in great torment. 57 When Bacchides learned that Alcimus was dead, he returned to King Demetrius, and the land of Judea had peace for two years.
58 Then all the renegades got together and said, “Look, Jonathan and his men are living in peace and security. If we bring Bacchides here now, he can capture them all in a single night.” 59 They went to discuss the matter with Bacchides, 60 and he set out with a large army. He sent secret letters to all his allies in Judea, asking them to seize Jonathan and his men. But they were not able to do so because the plot was discovered. 61 Jonathan and his men captured 50 of the traitorous leaders who had been involved in the plot and put them to death. 62 Then Jonathan, Simon, and their forces withdrew to Bethbasi in the wilderness. They rebuilt the fallen fortifications and strengthened the town's defenses. 63 When Bacchides learned about all this, he got his whole army together and alerted his supporters in Judea. 64 He attacked Bethbasi from all sides and built siege platforms. After the battle had gone on for a long time, 65 Jonathan slipped out into the country with a small body of men and left his brother Simon in charge of the town. 66 Jonathan defeated Odomera and his people, and then attacked and destroyed the Phasirite camp. Once defeated, they joined Jonathan and advanced with him in his attack against Bacchides. 67 At the same time, Simon and his men rushed from the town and burned the siege platforms. 68 In the battle Bacchides was pressed so hard that all his plans came to nothing, and he was defeated. 69 He was so furious with the traitorous Jews who had urged him to come to Judea that he put many of them to death.
Then Bacchides decided to return to his own country, 70 but when Jonathan learned of this, he sent ambassadors to Bacchides to arrange for peace terms and the return of Jewish prisoners. 71 Bacchides agreed to do as Jonathan asked and gave him his solemn promise that he would let him live in peace the rest of his life. 72 Bacchides handed over the prisoners and returned to his own country. Never again did he come into Jewish territory. 73 War came to an end in Israel. Jonathan settled in Michmash and began to govern the people and to eliminate the renegade Jews from Israel.
Jūdas nāve
1 Bet, kad Dēmētrijs dzirdēja, ka Nikanors un viņa karavīri krituši karā, viņš nolēma Bakhidu un Alkimu otrreiz sūtīt uz Jūdeju un karaspēka labā spārna pulkus viņiem līdzi. 2 Tie devās pa ceļu caur Gilgālu un izvietojās pie Mesalotas, kas atradās Arbelā, ieņēma to un nogalināja daudz cilvēku. 3 Simt piecdesmit otrā gada pirmajā mēnesī tie nostājās pie Jeruzālemes, 4 bet tad cēlās un devās uz Beroju ar divdesmit tūkstošiem kājnieku un diviem tūkstošiem jātnieku. 5 Jūda bija izvietojies Belasā, un trīs tūkstoši izlases vīru bija kopā ar viņu. 6 Kad tie redzēja ienaidnieka karaspēka lielumu, tie ļoti nobijās, un daudzi no karapulka bēga, un atlika ne vairāk kā astoņi simti vīru. 7 Kad Jūda redzēja, ka viņa karaspēks ir izklīdis un pretinieks mācas virsū, viņa sirds pagura, jo viņš redzēja, ka viņam vairs nav atlicis laika, lai to sapulcinātu; 8 un viņš itin kā pamira. Tad viņš sacīja atlikušajiem vīriem: “Celsimies un dosimies pretī mūsu ienaidniekiem, mēs taču vēl varam ar tiem cīnīties.” 9 Bet tie mēģināja viņu atrunāt, sacīdami: “Mēs to nevaram gan, labāk glābsim tagad savu dzīvību, bet vēlāk atgriezīsimies kopā ar saviem brāļiem un tad karosim pret viņiem, jo mūsu ir maz.” 10 Tad Jūda sacīja: “Rīkoties šādi – bēgt no viņiem? Tikai ne to! Bet, ja ir pienākusi mūsu stunda, tad arī vīrišķīgi mirsim par mūsu brāļiem; nedosim iemeslu apkaunot mūsu godu.” 11 Tad pretinieku karaspēks pameta nometni un nostājās viņiem pretī, jātnieki sadalījās divās daļās, un karaspēka priekšā izgāja lingotāji un loka šāvēji, un priekšgalā gāja spēcīgākie karavīri; bet Bakhids bija pie labā spārna pulka. 12 Karaspēka ierinda tuvojās no divām pusēm, un abos karaspēkos pūta kara taures. 13 Zeme līgojās no karapulku radītā trokšņa, un kauja turpinājās no rīta līdz vakaram. 14 Kad Jūda redzēja, ka Bakhids un spēcīgākie karavīri ir karaspēka labajā pusē, viņam pievienojās drosmīgākie vīri, 15 un tie satrieca labā spārna pulku un vajāja tos līdz pat Azota kalnam. 16 Bet tie, kas bija karaspēka pusē, redzēja, ka labā spārna pulks ir sakauts, un viņi pagriezās, lai sekotu Jūdam un tiem, kas kopā ar viņu. 17 Kauja kļuva nežēlīga, un krita daudz vīru gan vienā, gan otrā pusē; 18 krita arī Jūda, bet atlikušie bēga. 19 Tad Jonatāns un Simons paņēma sava brāļa miesas un apglabāja viņu Modeīnā viņa tēvu kapavietā, 20 un apraudāja viņu. Un viss Israēls vaimanāja par viņu ar gaužām vaimanām un sēroja daudzas dienas, sacīdami: 21 “Kā tad tā, nu kritis varenais, kas glābis Israēlu?!” 22 Bet pārējie Jūdas darbi, cīņas un varoņdarbi, ko viņš darījis, un viņa izcilība nav aprakstīta, jo tā visa bija ļoti daudz.
Jonatāns kļūst par vadītāju un sakauj Bakhidu
23 Un notika pēc Jūdas nāves, ka visos Jūdejas novados bezdievīgie atkal pacēla savu galvu un saradās visādi ļaundari. 24 Tanīs dienās izcēlās arī liels bads, un visa zeme atkrita un pieslējās viņiem. 25 Tad Bakhids izraudzījās bezdievīgus vīrus un iecēla viņus par zemes kungiem, 26 un viņi izsekoja un uzmeklēja Jūdas draugus, veda tos pie Bakhida, un viņš tiem atriebās un par tiem ņirgājās. 27 Israēlā izcēlās lielas bēdas, kādas vēl nebija bijušas kopš brīža, kad tiem vairs nebija dots neviens pravietis. 28 Tad sapulcējās kopā visi Jūdas draugi un sacīja Jonatānam: 29 “Kopš tā brīža, kad nomira tavs brālis Jūda, Israēlā vairs nav tāda vīra, kas būtu viņam līdzīgs, nav tāda, kas varētu doties pret ienaidniekiem un Bakhidu, un tiem mūsu ienaidniekiem, kas mūsu pašu tautā. 30 Tad nu mēs šodien esam izvēlējušies tevi, lai mums viņa vietā būtu vadonis, kas mūs vada karā.” 31 Un Jonatāns tajā pašā brīdī pārņēma vadību un stājās sava brāļa Jūdas vietā.
32 Kad Bakhids to uzzināja, viņš meklēja Jonatānu nogalināt, 33 bet Jonatāns, viņa brālis Simons un visi, kas bija ar viņiem, dabūjuši to zināt, bēga uz Tekoas tuksnesi un uzcēla nometni pie Asfara ezera ūdeņiem. 34 Bet Bakhids, saņēmis šo ziņu, sabatā kopā ar savu karaspēku pārcēlās pāri Jardānai. 35 Tad Jonatāns sūtīja savu brāli Johanānu, tautas vadītāju, un lūdza nabatiešus, lai tie ļautu pie viņiem noglabāt viņa lielos krājumus. 36 Bet izgāja Jambres dēli, tie, kas no Mēdabas, un satvēra Johanānu un paņēma arī visu, kas tam bija, un aizgāja. 37 Pēc visiem šiem notikumiem Jonatānam un Simonam, viņa brālim, paziņoja: “Jambres dēli rīko lielas kāzas un ved līgavu, kas esot kāda varena kanaāniešu augstmaņa meita, ar lielu pavadītāju pulku no Nadabatas.” 38 Tad viņi atcerējās sava brāļa Johanāna asinis un devās augšup, un paslēpās kalna aizsegā. 39 Viņi pacēla savas acis un skatījās, un redzi – trokšņains pūlis un daudz saiņu, un tiem pretī pilnā apbruņojumā iznāca līgavainis ar saviem draugiem un saviem brāļiem, spēlēdami timpānus un citus mūzikas instrumentus. 40 Tad tie, kas bija ar Jonatānu, metās ārā no slēpņa un viņus nokāva, daudzi krita ievainoti, bet pārējie aizbēga kalnos; un tie saņēma visu viņu mantu; 41 un kāzas pārvērtās par vaimanām un priecīgā muzicēšana par bēru dziesmām. 42 Tā tie atrieba sava brāļa asinis un atgriezās Jardānas purvainajos apgabalos. 43 Bet Bakhids to visu bija dzirdējis un sabatā atnācis ar lielu karaspēku Jardānas krastā. 44 Tad Jonatāns sacīja tiem, kas bija kopā ar viņu: “Celsimies gan un cīnīsimies par savu dzīvību, jo šodien vairs nav tā, kā bija agrāk. 45 Redzi, ienaidnieks ir mūsu priekšā un mums aizmugurē, bet Jardānas ūdeņi abās pusēs un purvs un brikšņi visapkārt, mums nav kur izvairīties. 46 Un tagad kliedziet uz debesīm, lai tiekat paglābti no ienaidnieka rokas.” 47 Sākās kauja, un Jonatāns izstiepa savu roku, lai satriektu Bakhidu, bet tas izvairījās no viņa atkāpdamies. 48 Tad Jonatāns kopā ar savējiem metās Jardānas ūdeņos un pārpeldēja uz otru krastu, bet pretinieks nesekoja tiem pāri Jardānai. 49 Un Bakhida pusē tai dienā krita ap tūkstoš vīru. 50 Viņš atgriezās Jeruzālemē un uzcēla Jūdejā nocietinātas pilsētas: cietokšņus Jērikā, Emmausā, Bēt-Horonā, Bētelē, Timnatā, Faratonā un Teponā; tie bija ar augstiem mūriem, vārtiem un stipriem aizšaujamiem. 51 Viņš izvietoja tajos karaspēku, lai tas darītu ļaunu Israēlam. 52 Viņš nocietināja Bēt-Cūru un Gezeras pilsētu, un arī klints cietoksni un izvietoja visās šajās vietās karaspēku, un ierīkoja pārtikas krātuves. 53 Viņš paņēma par ķīlniekiem zemes vadoņu dēlus un ieslodzīja tos klints cietoksnī Jeruzālemē. 54 Simt piecdesmit trešā gada otrajā mēnesī Alkims pavēlēja nojaukt iekšējo sienu, kas atdalīja svētnīcas pagalmus, tā viņš gribēja nojaukt praviešu darbu, un viņi arī sāka to jaukt. 55 Tajā pašā brīdī Alkimu ķēra trieka, un viņa darbi apstājās, viņš tika paralizēts, un viņa mute tika aizdarīta, un viņš vairs nevarēja izteikt ne vārda un nodot rīkojumus par savu namu. 56 Un tā Alkims nomira lielās mokās. 57 Kad Bakhids redzēja, ka Alkims ir miris, viņš atgriezās pie ķēniņa. Tad bija miers Jūdejas zemē divus gadus.
58 Bet visi bezdievji sanāca kopā un nolēma: “Redzi, Jonatāns un tie, kas ar viņu, dzīvo mierā un drošībā, tādēļ tagad iesim un vedīsim šurp Bakhidu, lai viņš visus tos vienā naktī sagūsta.” 59 Tad viņi devās pie Bakhida un paziņoja tam šo lēmumu. 60 Tad viņš cēlās, lai ietu uz Jūdeju ar lielu karaspēku, un nosūtīja slepenu vēstuli saviem sabiedrotajiem Jūdejā, ka tie sagūstītu Jonatānu un tos, kas ar viņu, bet tie nespēja, jo šis nodoms nāca viņiem zināms. 61 Un Jonatāns ar saviem ļaudīm sagūstīja apmēram piecdesmit tās zemes vīru, kas bija šī ļaunā nodoma ierosinātāji, un tos nogalināja. 62 Tad Jonatāns un Simons un viņu ļaudis devās projām uz Bētbasu, kas atradās tuksnesī, un uzcēla no jauna, kas bija nopostīts, un to nocietināja. 63 Kad Bakhids to uzzināja, viņš sapulcināja lielu karaspēku, paziņoja arī tiem, kas Jūdejā, 64 un atnācis aplenca Bētbasu, karoja pret to daudzas dienas un uzbūvēja dažādas kara ierīces. 65 Bet Jonatāns atstāja pilsētā savu brāli Simonu un ar kādu karaspēka daļu devās tālāk tajā zemē. 66 Tur viņš kāva Odomeru un viņa brāļus un Fasirona dēlus viņu telšu apmetnē; kad viņš sāka cīņu un devās augšup ar savu karaspēku, 67 arī Simons ar saviem vīriem nāca ārā no pilsētas, nodedzināja kara ierīces, 68 cīnījās pret Bakhidu un satrieca viņu; tas viņam sagādāja lielas raizes, jo gan viņa nodoms, gan uzbrukums bija veltīgs. 69 Viņš iedegās dusmās uz tiem bezdievīgajiem vīriem, kas viņam bija ieteikuši nākt uz šo zemi, daudzus no tiem nokāva un nolēma doties projām uz savu zemi. 70 Kad Jonatāns to uzzināja, viņš nosūtīja pie tā vecajus, lai noslēgtu ar viņu mieru un lai tas atdotu viņiem gūstekņus. 71 Un Bakhids tam piekrita un darīja pēc viņa vārdiem; viņš arī zvērēja, ka nekad vairs savas dzīves laikā nedarīs Jonatānam neko ļaunu. 72 Tad viņš atdeva tam gūstekņus, ko iepriekš bija sagūstījis Jūdejas zemē, devās uz savu zemi un nekad vairs nenāca uz viņu robežām. 73 Un zobens Israēlā rimās; bet Jonatāns apmetās uz dzīvi Mahmasā un sāka tiesāt tautu un izdeldēja visus bezdievīgos Israēlā.