Sound Doctrine
1 But you must teach what agrees with sound doctrine. 2 Instruct the older men to be sober, sensible, and self-controlled; to be sound in their faith, love, and endurance. 3 In the same way instruct the older women to behave as women should who live a holy life. They must not be slanderers or slaves to wine. They must teach what is good, 4 in order to train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, and to be good housewives who submit themselves to their husbands, so that no one will speak evil of the message that comes from God.
6 In the same way urge the young men to be self-controlled. 7 In all things you yourself must be an example of good behavior. Be sincere and serious in your teaching. 8 Use sound words that cannot be criticized, so that your enemies may be put to shame by not having anything bad to say about us.
9 Slaves are to submit themselves to their masters and please them in all things. They must not talk back to them 10 or steal from them. Instead, they must show that they are always good and faithful, so as to bring credit to the teaching about God our Savior in all they do.
11 For God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all people. 12 That grace instructs us to give up ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world, 13 as we wait for the blessed Day we hope for, when the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ will appear. 14 He gave himself for us, to rescue us from all wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good.
15 Teach these things and use your full authority as you encourage and rebuke your hearers. Let none of them look down on you.
Nūrōdejumi dvēseļu vadeišonā.
1 Bet tu sludynoj tū, kas saskan ar vasalū mōceibu: 2 Vaci veirīši lai ir attureigi, cīneigi, gūdprōteigi, vasali ticeibā, mīlesteibā un pacīteibā. 3 Tai pat arī vacōs sīvītes sovā izaturēšonā lai ir svātajim pīdīneigā tārpā, jōs nadreikst cytus apmalōt, ni arī pasadūt dzeršonai; jōs lai ir kai paraugs lobā. 4 Un jom jaunōs sīvītes jōīmōca mīļōt sovus veirus un bārnus, 5 byut saprateigom, teirom, (attureigom), strōdeigom, mōjā lobom un sovim veirim padūtom, lai Dīva Vōrds natyktu saimōts. 6 Tai pat arī jaunūs veirīšus uzaicynoj uz gūdprōteigu dzeivi. 7 Un vysā kamā dūd jim pats lobu dorbu paraugu. Mōceibā esi gūdprōteigs un cīneigs. 8 Ikvīns vōrds lai ir vasals un bez ībyldumim, lai pretinīks teik aizkaunāts un nikō ļauna par mums navar pasaceit.
9 Vērgi lai ir vysā paklauseigi sovim kungim, lai jim īpateik un pretim lai narunoj. 10 Lai jī nav nikamā nūdeveigi, bet gon vysā piļneigi uzticeigi, lai jī Dīva myusu Pesteitōja mōceibu vysā kamā greznōtu.
11 Dīva žēlesteiba, kas visim cylvākim nas pesteišonu, ir pasarōdejuse. 12 Un jei myusus vad uz tū, lai mes nu bezdīveibas un pasauleigūs izprīcu atsateiktu un mūdri, taisneigi un dīvabaileigi šymā pasaulī dzeivōtu, 13 un pastōvātu svēteigā cereibā uz myusu lelō Dīva, Pesteitōja Jezus Kristus gūdeibas pasarōdeišonu. 14 Jys pats sevi atdeve, lai myusus nu ikvīnas nataisneibas izpesteitu un sev sagatavōtu teiru tautu, kas lobūs dorbūs ir centeiga. 15 Tai mōci, pamūdynoj un pōrsorgoj vysā nūpītneibā, un lai nivīns tevis napasmōdej.