Do Not Judge Others
1 Welcome those who are weak in faith, but do not argue with them about their personal opinions. 2 Some people's faith allows them to eat anything, but the person who is weak in the faith eats only vegetables. 3 The person who will eat anything is not to despise the one who doesn't; while the one who eats only vegetables is not to pass judgment on the one who will eat anything; for God has accepted that person. 4 Who are you to judge the servants of someone else? It is their own Master who will decide whether they succeed or fail. And they will succeed, because the Lord is able to make them succeed.
5 Some people think that a certain day is more important than other days, while others think that all days are the same. We each should firmly make up our own minds. 6 Those who think highly of a certain day do so in honor of the Lord; those who will eat anything do so in honor of the Lord, because they give thanks to God for the food. Those who refuse to eat certain things do so in honor of the Lord, and they give thanks to God. 7 We do not live for ourselves only, and we do not die for ourselves only. 8 If we live, it is for the Lord that we live, and if we die, it is for the Lord that we die. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9 For Christ died and rose to life in order to be the Lord of the living and of the dead. 10 You then, who eat only vegetables—why do you pass judgment on others? And you who eat anything—why do you despise other believers? All of us will stand before God to be judged by him. 11 For the scripture says,
“As surely as I am the living God, says the Lord,
everyone will kneel before me,
and everyone will confess that I am God.”
12 Every one of us, then, will have to give an account to God.
Do Not Make Others Fall
13 So then, let us stop judging one another. Instead, you should decide never to do anything that would make others stumble or fall into sin. 14 My union with the Lord Jesus makes me certain that no food is of itself ritually unclean; but if you believe that some food is unclean, then it becomes unclean for you. 15 If you hurt others because of something you eat, then you are no longer acting from love. Do not let the food that you eat ruin the person for whom Christ died! 16 Do not let what you regard as good get a bad name. 17 For God's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of the righteousness, peace, and joy which the Holy Spirit gives. 18 And when you serve Christ in this way, you please God and are approved by others.
19 So then, we must always aim at those things that bring peace and that help strengthen one another. 20 Do not, because of food, destroy what God has done. All foods may be eaten, but it is wrong to eat anything that will cause someone else to fall into sin. 21 The right thing to do is to keep from eating meat, drinking wine, or doing anything else that will make other believers fall. 22 Keep what you believe about this matter, then, between yourself and God. Happy are those who do not feel guilty when they do something they judge is right! 23 But if they have doubts about what they eat, God condemns them when they eat it, because their action is not based on faith. And anything that is not based on faith is sin.
Jōatsatur nu vīglprōteigas tīsōšonas.
1 Pījemit (labsirdeigi) tū, kas ir nūvōjējis ticeibā, nasakildojūt par īskotu dažaideibu. 2 Vīns ir pōrlīcynōts, ka jam ir atļauts ēst vysu, vōjais, turpretim, ād tikai augļu bareibu. 3 Ādōjs lai napasmōdej tō, kas naād; naādōjs lai natīsoj tō, kas ād vysu, jo Dīvs jū ir pījēmis. 4 Un kas tu taids esi, ka tīsoj sveša kolpu? Jys tok sovam kungam stōv un kreit. Un jys stōvēs, jo kungs ir spējeigs jū taišni nūstōdeit. 5 Jo vīns īvāroj vīnu dīnu vairōk na ūtru, ūtram vysas dīnas ir vīnaidas, tad lai kotrs turīs pi sova īskota. 6 Kas dīnu īvāroj, tys jū īvāroj Kunga dēļ. Un kas ād, tys ād Kunga dēļ un pasateic Dīvam. Kas naād, tys naād Kunga dēļ un arī pasateic Dīvam, 7 jo nivīns nu mums sevis dēļ nadzeivoj un nivīns sevis dēļ namērst. 8 Tai tad, jo mes dzeivojam, tod dzeivojam Kunga dēļ, jo mērstam, tod mes mērstam dēļ Kunga. Vai mes dzeivojam, vai mērstam, mes pīdaram Kungam. 9 Tōpēc arī Kristus nūmyra un otkon ir atsadzeivynōjīs, lai Jys vaļdeitu par dzeivajim un nūmyrušim. 10 Un kōpēc tu tīsoj sovu brōli? Kōpēc tu sovu brōli pasmōdej? Mes vysi kūpā nūsastōsim pret Dīva tīsas krāslu. 11 Stōv arī raksteits: Kai patīši es dzeivoju, soka Kungs, pret mani nūsalīks ikvins ceļs un ikvīna mēle slavēs Dīvu. 12 Tai tad, ikvīnam nu mums byus reizi jōnūdūd Dīvam par sevi nūrēkins.
Jōsasorgoj nu īļaunōšonas.
13 Vīns ūtra lai natīsojam, bet gon sorgojitēs, ka nivīns sovam brōļam nabyutu par pīdauzeibu un īļaunōšonu. 14 Es zynu un ikš Kunga Jezus asmu pōrlīcynōts, ka pats par sevi nikas nav nateirs; tikai tam tys ir nateirs, kas kū par nateiru uzskota. 15 Tai tad, jo tovs brōļs kaida ēdīņa dēļ ir apkaitynōts, tod tu naesi darejis saskaņā ar mīlesteibu. Ar sovu ēdīni naved pazusšonā tō, par kuru ir nūmiris Kristus. 16 Jyusu lobums lai nateik saimōts. 17 Dīva vaļsteiba napastōv ēsšonā un dzeršonā, bet gon taisneigumā, mīrā un Svātō Gora prīkā. 18 Kas tamā kolpoj Kristum, tys Dīvam ir pateikams un cylvākim pījamams. 19 Tai tad, ryupejamēs par tū, kas nūdar mīram un sovstarpejai pamūdynōšonai uz lobu. 20 Vīna ēdīņa dēļ najauc Dīva lītas. Lai gon vyss ir teirs, tūmār cylvākam ir grāks, jo jys caur sovu ēsšonu īļaunoj cytus. 21 Lobōk ir atsaturēt nu gaļas ēsšonas, un veina dzeršonas, vai nu cyta kō, jo cytaiž tovs brōļs tyktu apkaitynōts (un īļaunōts un palyktu vōjs). 22 Pōrlīceibu, kas tev ir, patur sev Dīva prīškā. Svēteigs tys, kam nav sev jōpōrmat par tū, kū jys uzskota par lobu. 23 Bet tys, kas ādūt šaubōs, ir nūtīsōts, jo jys nadora tō nu pōrlīceibas. Vyss, kas napaīt nu pōrlīceibas, ir grāks.