Questions about Marriage
1 Now, to deal with the matters you wrote about.
A man does well not to marry. 2 But because there is so much immorality, every man should have his own wife, and every woman should have her own husband. 3 A man should fulfill his duty as a husband, and a woman should fulfill her duty as a wife, and each should satisfy the other's needs. 4 A wife is not the master of her own body, but her husband is; in the same way a husband is not the master of his own body, but his wife is. 5 Do not deny yourselves to each other, unless you first agree to do so for a while in order to spend your time in prayer; but then resume normal marital relations. In this way you will be kept from giving in to Satan's temptation because of your lack of self-control.
6 I tell you this not as an order, but simply as a permission. 7 Actually I would prefer that all of you were as I am; but each one has a special gift from God, one person this gift, another one that gift.
8 Now, to the unmarried and to the widows I say that it would be better for you to continue to live alone as I do. 9 But if you cannot restrain your desires, go ahead and marry—it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
10 For married people I have a command which is not my own but the Lord's: a wife must not leave her husband; 11 but if she does, she must remain single or else be reconciled to her husband; and a husband must not divorce his wife.
12 To the others I say (I, myself, not the Lord): if a Christian man has a wife who is an unbeliever and she agrees to go on living with him, he must not divorce her. 13 And if a Christian woman is married to a man who is an unbeliever and he agrees to go on living with her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is made acceptable to God by being united to his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made acceptable to God by being united to her Christian husband. If this were not so, their children would be like pagan children; but as it is, they are acceptable to God. 15 However, if the one who is not a believer wishes to leave the Christian partner, let it be so. In such cases the Christian partner, whether husband or wife, is free to act. God has called you to live in peace. 16 How can you be sure, Christian wife, that you will not save your husband? Or how can you be sure, Christian husband, that you will not save your wife?
Live As God Called You
17 Each of you should go on living according to the Lord's gift to you, and as you were when God called you. This is the rule I teach in all the churches. 18 If a circumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not try to remove the marks of circumcision; if an uncircumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not get circumcised. 19 For whether or not a man is circumcised means nothing; what matters is to obey God's commandments. 20 Each of you should remain as you were when you accepted God's call. 21 Were you a slave when God called you? Well, never mind; but if you have a chance to become free, use it. 22 For a slave who has been called by the Lord is the Lord's free person; in the same way a free person who has been called by Christ is his slave. 23 God bought you for a price; so do not become slaves of people. 24 My friends, each of you should remain in fellowship with God in the same condition that you were when you were called.
Questions about the Unmarried and the Widows
25 Now, concerning what you wrote about unmarried people: I do not have a command from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord's mercy is worthy of trust.
26 Considering the present distress, I think it is better for a man to stay as he is. 27 Do you have a wife? Then don't try to get rid of her. Are you unmarried? Then don't look for a wife. 28 But if you do marry, you haven't committed a sin; and if an unmarried woman marries, she hasn't committed a sin. But I would rather spare you the everyday troubles that married people will have.
29 What I mean, my friends, is this: there is not much time left, and from now on married people should live as though they were not married; 30 those who weep, as though they were not sad; those who laugh, as though they were not happy; those who buy, as though they did not own what they bought; 31 those who deal in material goods, as though they were not fully occupied with them. For this world, as it is now, will not last much longer.
32 I would like you to be free from worry. An unmarried man concerns himself with the Lord's work, because he is trying to please the Lord. 33 But a married man concerns himself with worldly matters, because he wants to please his wife; 34 and so he is pulled in two directions. An unmarried woman or a virgin concerns herself with the Lord's work, because she wants to be dedicated both in body and spirit; but a married woman concerns herself with worldly matters, because she wants to please her husband.
35 I am saying this because I want to help you. I am not trying to put restrictions on you. Instead, I want you to do what is right and proper, and to give yourselves completely to the Lord's service without any reservation.
36 In the case of an engaged couple who have decided not to marry: if the man feels that he is not acting properly toward the young woman and if his passions are too strong and he feels that they ought to marry, then they should get married, as he wants to. There is no sin in this. 37 But if a man, without being forced to do so, has firmly made up his mind not to marry, and if he has his will under complete control and has already decided in his own mind what to do—then he does well not to marry the young woman. 38 So the man who marries does well, but the one who doesn't marry does even better.
39 A married woman is not free as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, then she is free to be married to any man she wishes, but only if he is a Christian. 40 She will be happier, however, if she stays as she is. That is my opinion, and I think that I too have God's Spirit.
Lauleibas saišks ir naškirams.
1 Un par tū, kū jyus man rakstejot (jōsoka): Labi ir cylvākam sīvītes naaizskart, 2 bet lai nabyutu bezkauneibas, ikvīnam lai ir sova sīva un ikvīnai lai ir sovs veirs. 3 Veirs pret sīvu lai izpylda pīnōkumu, tai pat arī sīva pret veiru. 4 Sīvai pošai par sovu mīsu nav varas, bet gon veiram. Tai pat arī veiram pošam par sovu mīsu nav varas, bet gon sīvai. 5 Nasaškirit vīns nu ūtra, kai tikai tod, kod sovstarpeji nūrunojat un uz kaida laika, lai nūsadūtu lyugšonai. Bet tad otkon ejit kūpā, ka satans jyusus naīvastu kārdynōšonā jyusu naattureibas dēļ. 6 Šytū es jums soku atvālādams, bet na pīsaceidams. 7 Es gon grybātu, lai vysi ļaudis dzeivōtu tai, kai es. Ikvīns, tūmār, nu Dīva ir sajēmis atsevišku žēlesteibas dōvonu, vīns šaidu, ūtrs cytaidu.
8 Napracātajim un atraitnem es soku sekūšu: Labi byus, jo jī paliks (nasaprecējuši), kai es. 9 Bet jo jī dūmoj, ka naspēs attureigi dzeivōt, lai precejās. Jo lobōk ir precētīs, na kai kaisleibā degt.
10 Pracātajim pavēļu na es, bet gon Kungs jim pavēl: Sīva nadreikst nu veira škērtīs; 11 bet jo jei atsaškeire, tad lai vairs nasaprecej, vai arī izleigst otkon ar veiru. Tai pat arī veirs nadreikst atstōt sīvas. 12 Tad cytim na Kungs, bet es soku: Jo kaidam brōļam ir naticeiga sīva un jei labprōt grib ar jū kūpā dzeivōt, tad jys jōs lai naatstōj. 13 Un jo kaidai (ticeigai) sīvai ir naticeigs veirs, kas ar jū labprōt grib kūpā dzeivōt, tad jei veira lai naatstōj. 14 Naticeigais veirs caur sīvu teik svēteits, tai pat arī naticeigō sīva caur brōli teik svēteita; cytaiž jūs bārni byutu nateiri, bet jī ir svāti. 15 Bet jo naticeigō puse grib škērtīs, tad jei lai škyrās. Taidā gadejumā brōļs vai mōsa jau vairs nav saisteiti; jo Dīvs myusus ir paaicynōjis uz mīru. 16 Sīvīt, vai gon tu zini, ka tu veiru varēsi izglōbt? Veirs, vai gon tu zini, ka tu sīvu varēsi izglōbt?
17 Ikvins lai dzeivoj tai, kai Kungs jam ir devis, kai Dīvs jū ir paaicynōjis. Šytaidu nūrōdejumu es dūdu vysōs draudzēs. 18 Jo kas ir paaicynōts kai apgraizeitais, tad jys sev prīkšōdas lai nalīk. Jo kas ir paaicynōts kai naapgraizeitais, tys lai nalīk sevis apgraizeit. 19 Nakreit svorā ni apgraizeišona, ni naapgreizeišona, bet gon Dīva bausleibu izpiļdeišona. 20 Ikvins lai palīk tamā pasaukumā, kurā jys ir paaicynōts. 21 Jo tu esi paaicynōts kai vērgs, tad nu tō nasakautrej, bet jo tu vari kļyut breivs, tad tū vairōk šytū izlītoj. 22 Un tys, kas kai vērgs ikš Kristus ir paaicynōts, ir Kunga atbreivōtais, tai pat kai tys, kas kai breivs beja paaicynōts, ir Kristus vērgs. 23 Jyus asot atpērkti par dōrgu moksu, topēc napalīcit par cylvāku vērgim. 24 Brōli, palīcit pi Dīva ikvins tamā omotā kurā esit paaicynōti.
25 Kas atsateic uz jaunovom, tad man nu Kunga nikaida pīsacejuma nav, bet kai taids, kas caur Kunga žēlesteibu uzticeibas cīneigs, es dūdu jums padūmu: 26 Es dūmoju, ka pašreizejūs spaidu dēļ, cylvākam ir labi byut taidam, kai ir. 27 Jo tu esi pracāts ar sīvīti, tad nameklej šķēršonōs; jo esi napracāts, nameklej sīvas. 28 Bet jo tu precēsīs, nagrākōsi; un, jo jaunova īs pi veira, nagrākōs. Taidi gon mīsas dēļ nūnōks spaidūs, bet nu tim es jyusus grybu pōrsorgōt. 29 Un es jums, brōli, soku: Laiks ir eiss. Tōpēc pracātī lai dzeivoj tai, itkai nabyutu precējušīs; 30 raudūšī, itkai nabyutu raudōjuši; prīceigī, itkai nabyutu prīceigi; īgivēji, itkai jim nikas napīdarātu; 31 tī, kas dzeivoj šymā pasaulī, itkai tur nadzeivōtu, jo šō pasauļa īkōrta izneikst. 32 Es grybātu, lai jyus byutu bez ryupem. Nasaprecējušais ryupejās par lītom, kas pīdar Kungam, kai jys varātu īpatikt Kungam, 33 bet tys, kas ir apsaprecējis ryupejās par pasauleigom lītom, kai jys varātu īpatikt sīvai, 34 un tai jys ir sadaleits. Napracātō sīvīte un jaunova ryupejās par lītom, kas pīdar Kungam; jei grib byut svāta ar mīsu un dvēseli, appracātō, turpretim, ryupejās par pasauleigajom lītom, kai īpatikt veiram. 35 Es jums šytū soku jyusu loba dēļ un na tōpēc lai jums apmastu cylpu, bet gon, lai jyus bez traucējumim, labi un Kungam uzticeigi dzeivōtu.
36 Jo kas dūmoj, ka jys sovas jaunaveigōs meitas dēļ cīss kaunu, ka tei palīk vacōka, un tam tai byutu jōir, tad lai jys dora tai, kai jam pateik; jo jys izdūd pi veira, — nagrākoj. 37 Bet kas sovā sirdī ir nūlēmis, un nava padūts nikaidai napīcīšameibai, un sovu grybu var izpiļdeit, un ir nūlēmis sovu meitu paturēt jaunoveibā, tys labi dora. 38 Kas sovu meitu izdūd pi veira, tys dora labi, bet kas jōs pi veira naizdūd, tys dora lobōk.
39 Sīvīte ir saisteita, koleidz jōs veirs ir dzeivs. Kad jōs veirs nūmērst, tad jei ir breiva un, jo grib, var precētīs; tikai tam jōnūteik ikš Kunga. 40 Bet jei ir svēteigōka, jo palīk kaida bejuse. Šytys ir muns padūms un es asmu pōrlīcynōts, ka manī mit Dīva Gors.