Slava Dievam, pasaules radītājam
1 Teici To Kungu, mana dvēsele! Kungs, mans Dievs, cik Tu esi liels, cildenumā un godībā tērpies. 2 Tu ģērbies gaismā kā tērpā, Tu izplet debesis kā telts segu. 3 Tu ūdeņus liec Savai pilij par pamatu, Tu brauc uz mākoņiem kā ar ratiem, Tu skrien ar vēja spārniem; 4 Tu dari vējus par Saviem vēstnešiem un uguns liesmas par Saviem kalpiem. 5 Tu pamatojis zemi uz stipriem balstiem, ka tā nesvārstās nemūžam. 6 Ar pirmplūdiem Tu biji apsedzis to kā ar drēbēm, ūdeņi stāvēja pāri kalniem; 7 no Taviem draudu saucieniem tie bēga, no Tava pērkona tie aizsteidzās bailēs. 8 Kalni pacēlās augstu, un lejas nogrima līdz tai vietai, kā Tu tām biji licis. 9 Tu robežas esi licis, ko ūdeņiem nebūs pārkāpt, tie neapplūdinās vairs zemi. 10 Tu pievadi avotus strautiem pa ielejām, tā ka šie strauti priecīgi burbuļo dziļumos starp kalniem. 11 Tie dzirdina tālāk visus kustoņus laukā, tur meža ēzeļi dzesē savas slāpes. 12 Viņu krastos dzīvo debess putni un dzied koku zaros dziesmas. 13 Tu veldzē kalnus no Savas debess pils; ar augļiem, ko Tu audzē, piepildās zeme. 14 Tu liec augt zālei par barību lopiem un dažādiem augiem cilvēku vajadzībām, Tu liec zaļot sējai, lai nāktu no zemes maize 15 un vīns, kas iepriecina cilvēka sirdi, lai viņa vaigs spīdētu no eļļas un maize lai stiprinātu viņa miesu. 16 Ar valgumu pildās Tā Kunga koki, Libanona ciedru koki, ko Viņš stādījis, 17 kur putni taisa savas ligzdas, kur stārķi dzīvo ciprešu galotņu zaros. 18 Augstie kalni ir par mājokli kalnu kazām, un klintis āpšiem par patvērumu. 19 Tu radīji mēnesi laika noteikšanai, un sauli, kas pati zina savu gaitu. 20 Kad iestājas tumsa, tad metas nakts, tad kustas visi meža zvēri. 21 Jaunie lauvas rūc pēc laupījuma un gaida savu barību no Dieva. 22 Kad saule uzlec, tad tie pazūd un apgulstas savās alās; 23 tad cilvēks iziet pie sava darba, iegrimdams savā darbā līdz vakara laikam. 24 Cik lieli ir Tavi darbi, ak, Kungs! Cik daudz ir to, un tos visus Tu esi ar gudrību radījis; zeme ir Tavu radījumu pilna. 25 Redzi, jūra - cik liela un plaša tā uz visām pusēm! Tur mudžēt mudž neskaitāmā daudzumā visādi kustoņi, lieli un mazi. 26 Tur brauc kuģi, tur ir leviatāns, ko Tu esi radījis, lai tas rotaļājas tanī. 27 Viņi visi gaida uz Tevi, lai Tu viņiem barību dod savā laikā. 28 Kad Tu to viņiem dod, tad viņi to sakrāj; kad Tu atver Savu roku, tad viņi top paēdināti ar visu labu. 29 Bet, kad Tu apslēp Savu vaigu, tad viņi krīt bailēs; kad Tu viņiem atņem dvašu, tad viņi mirst un atgriežas pīšļos. 30 Kad Tu sūti Savu Garu, tad viņi top dzīvi radījumi, tā Tu atjauno zemes seju. 31 Tā Kunga godība lai paliek mūžīgi, Tas Kungs priecājas par Saviem darbiem! 32 Kad Viņš uzlūko zemi, tad tā trīc; kad Viņš aizskar kalnus, tad tie kūp. 33 Es dziedāšu Tam Kungam visu savu mūžu, es slavēšu savu Dievu, kamēr vien šeit mītu! 34 Manas sirds domas lai Viņam patīk, es priecāšos Tam Kungam! 35 Grēcinieki lai pazūd no zemes virsas, un kaut bezdievju nebūtu vairs. Teici To Kungu, mana dvēsele! Alelujā!
In Praise of the Creator
1 Praise the Lord, my soul!
O Lord, my God, how great you are!
You are clothed with majesty and glory;
2 you cover yourself with light.
You have spread out the heavens like a tent
3 and built your home on the waters above.
You use the clouds as your chariot
and ride on the wings of the wind.
4 You use the winds as your messengers
and flashes of lightning as your servants.

5 You have set the earth firmly on its foundations,
and it will never be moved.
6 You placed the ocean over it like a robe,
and the water covered the mountains.
7 When you rebuked the waters, they fled;
they rushed away when they heard your shout of command.
8 They flowed over the mountains and into the valleys,
to the place you had made for them.
9 You set a boundary they can never pass,
to keep them from covering the earth again.

10 You make springs flow in the valleys,
and rivers run between the hills.
11 They provide water for the wild animals;
there the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
12 In the trees near by,
the birds make their nests and sing.

13 From the sky you send rain on the hills,
and the earth is filled with your blessings.
14 You make grass grow for the cattle
and plants for us to use,
so that we can grow our crops
15 and produce wine to make us happy,
olive oil to make us cheerful,
and bread to give us strength.

16 The cedars of Lebanon get plenty of rain—
the Lord's own trees, which he planted.
17 There the birds build their nests;
the storks nest in the fir trees.
18 The wild goats live in the high mountains,
and the rock badgers hide in the cliffs.

19 You created the moon to mark the months;
the sun knows the time to set.
20 You made the night, and in the darkness
all the wild animals come out.
21 The young lions roar while they hunt,
looking for the food that God provides.
22 When the sun rises, they go back
and lie down in their dens.
23 Then people go out to do their work
and keep working until evening.

24 Lord, you have made so many things!
How wisely you made them all!
The earth is filled with your creatures.
25 There is the ocean, large and wide,
where countless creatures live,
large and small alike.
26 The ships sail on it, and in it plays Leviathan,
that sea monster which you made.

27 All of them depend on you
to give them food when they need it.
28 You give it to them, and they eat it;
you provide food, and they are satisfied.
29 When you turn away, they are afraid;
when you take away your breath, they die
and go back to the dust from which they came.
30 But when you give them breath, they are created;
you give new life to the earth.

31 May the glory of the Lord last forever!
May the Lord be happy with what he has made!
32 He looks at the earth, and it trembles;
he touches the mountains, and they pour out smoke.

33 I will sing to the Lord all my life;
as long as I live I will sing praises to my God.
34 May he be pleased with my song,
for my gladness comes from him.
35 May sinners be destroyed from the earth;
may the wicked be no more.

Praise the Lord, my soul!
Praise the Lord!