1 Kad ķēniņš Cedekija, Josijas dēls, ko Bābeles ķēniņš Nebukadnēcars bija iecēlis par ķēniņu Konjas, Jojakīma dēla, vietā, valdīja Jūdas zemē, 2 tad neviens - ne ķēniņš, ne viņa kalpi, ne zemes iedzīvotāji neuzklausīja Tā Kunga vārdu, ko Tas Kungs runāja ar pravieša Jeremijas muti. 3 Tad ķēniņš Cedekija sūtīja Juhalu, Šelemjas dēlu, un priesteri Cefanju, Maāsejas dēlu, pie pravieša Jeremijas un lika viņam sacīt: "Lūdz par mums To Kungu, mūsu Dievu!" 4 Jeremija vēl varēja brīvi nākt un iet tautas vidū, jo nebija vēl apcietināts. 5 Faraona karaspēks toreiz bija ceļā no Ēģiptes, un kaldeji, kas aplenca Jeruzālemi, to izdzirduši, bija aizgājuši no Jeruzālemes projām. 6 Tad Tā Kunga vārds nāca pār pravieti Jeremiju: 7 "Tā saka Tas Kungs, Israēla Dievs: paziņojiet Jūdas ķēniņam, kas jūs sūtījis pie Manis, lai Man jautātu: redzi, faraona karaspēks, kas jums nāca palīgā, drīz atgriezīsies atkal savā zemē Ēģiptē. 8 Atgriezīsies atpakaļ arī kaldeji, lai aplenktu šo pilsētu; tie to ieņems un nodedzinās ar uguni." 9 Tā saka Tas Kungs: "Nepievilieties, domādami, ka kaldeji aizies no jums, jo tie neaizies. 10 Nē, kad jūs arī sakautu visu kaldeju karaspēku, kas ar jums karo, un atliktu tikai daži ievainoti vīri, tie atspirgs atkal ikviens savā teltī, celsies un nodedzinās pilsētu!" 11 Un notika, ka kaldeju karaspēks atkāpās no Jeruzālemes bailēs no faraona karaspēka. 12 Tad Jeremija atstāja Jeruzālemi, dodamies uz Benjamīna zemi, lai tur ar saviem radiniekiem nokārtotu kādu mantojuma lietu. 13 Kad viņš nonāca Benjamīna vārtos, sardzē tur stāvēja virsnieks Jirija, Šelemjas dēls, tas bija Hananjas dēls; viņš aizturēja Jeremiju, tam pārmezdams: "Tu gribi pāriet pie kaldejiem!" 14 Jeremija tam atbildēja: "Nav taisnība! Es negribu pāriet pie kaldejiem!" Bet Jirija tam nepiegrieza vērību un apcietināja Jeremiju un veda to pie zemes varenajiem. 15 Tie bija pret Jeremiju naidīgi noskaņoti, lika to pērt un ieslodzīt valsts rakstveža Jonatāna namā, ko tie bija pārveidojuši par cietumu. 16 Kad Jeremija bija ievietots ūdens piegādes nama dziļajā pagrabtelpā un bija tur pavadījis jau ilgāku laiku, 17 tad ķēniņš Cedekija sūtīja ļaudis un lika atvest Jeremiju un tam jautāja slepenībā savā pilī: "Vai ir kāds vārds bijis no Tā Kunga?" Jeremija atbildēja: "Ir gan, un proti - tevi nodos Bābeles ķēniņa rokās." 18 Tad Jeremija sacīja ķēniņam Cedekijam: "Ko es esmu apgrēkojies pret tevi, pret taviem kalpiem un pret šo tautu, ka jūs mani likāt cietumā? 19 Kur tad nu paliek jūsu pravieši, kuri jums sludināja, ka Bābeles ķēniņš nedošoties karā pret jums un pret šo zemi? 20 Un tagad uzklausi jel mani, mans kungs un ķēniņ, un lai mana lūgšana atrod pie tevis dzirdīgas ausis: nesūti mani atpakaļ valsts rakstveža Jonatāna namā, lai man tur nav jāmirst!" 21 Tad ķēniņš pavēlēja novietot Jeremiju pils sardzes pagalma cietumā un deva viņam katru dienu klaipu maizes no cepēju ielas, kamēr pilsētā maize izbeidzās. Tā Jeremija palika pils sardzes pagalma cietumā.
Zedekiah's Request to Jeremiah
1 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia made Zedekiah son of Josiah king of Judah in the place of Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim. 2 But neither Zedekiah nor his officials nor the people obeyed the message which the Lord had given me.
3 King Zedekiah sent Jehucal son of Shelemiah and the priest Zephaniah son of Maaseiah to ask me to pray to the Lord our God on behalf of our nation. 4 I had not yet been put in prison and was still moving about freely among the people. 5 The Babylonian army had been besieging Jerusalem, but when they heard that the Egyptian army had crossed the Egyptian border, they retreated.
6 Then the Lord, the God of Israel, told me 7 to say to Zedekiah, “The Egyptian army is on its way to help you, but it will return home. 8 Then the Babylonians will come back, attack the city, capture it, and burn it down. 9 I, the Lord, warn you not to deceive yourselves into thinking that the Babylonians will not come back, because they will. 10 Even if you defeat the whole Babylonian army, so that only wounded men are left, lying in their tents, they would still get up and burn this city to the ground.”
Jeremiah Is Arrested and Imprisoned
11 The Babylonian army retreated from Jerusalem because the Egyptian army was approaching. 12 So I started to leave Jerusalem and go to the territory of Benjamin to take possession of my share of the family property. 13 But when I reached the Benjamin Gate, the officer in charge of the soldiers on duty there, a man by the name of Irijah, the son of Shelemiah and grandson of Hananiah, stopped me and said, “You are deserting to the Babylonians!”
14 I answered, “That's not so! I'm not deserting.” But Irijah would not listen to me. Instead, he arrested me and took me to the officials. 15 They were furious with me and had me beaten and locked up in the house of Jonathan, the court secretary, whose house had been made into a prison. 16 I was put in an underground cell and kept there a long time.
17 Later on King Zedekiah sent for me, and there in the palace he asked me privately, “Is there any message from the Lord?”
“There is,” I answered, and added, “You will be handed over to the king of Babylonia.” 18 Then I asked, “What crime have I committed against you or your officials or this people, to make you put me in prison? 19 What happened to your prophets who told you that the king of Babylonia would not attack you or the country? 20 And now, Your Majesty, I beg you to listen to me and do what I ask. Please do not send me back to the prison in Jonathan's house. If you do, I will surely die there.”
21 So King Zedekiah ordered me to be locked up in the palace courtyard. I stayed there, and each day I was given a loaf of bread from the bakeries until all the bread in the city was gone.