1 Tanī dienā septiņas sievas pieķersies vienam vīram un sacīs: "Mēs ēdīsim pašas savu maizi un tērpsimies pašas savās drēbēs, tikai ļauj mums saukties tavā vārdā, atņem mums mūsu negodu!" 2 Tanī dienā Tā Kunga jauno atvašu dzinums būs par glītumu un par godu un zemes auglis par lepnumu un jaukumu Israēla izglābtajiem. 3 Tad Ciānā pāri palikušie un Jeruzālemē savu dzīvību paglābušie tiks nosaukti: Viņa svētie, visi, kas Jeruzālemē uz dzīvi pierakstīti. 4 Kad Tas Kungs nomazgās Ciānas sievu un meitu nešķīstumus un iznīdēs Jeruzālemes vidū tās daudzos asinsgrēkus ar tiesas un šķīstīšanas garu, 5 tad Tas Kungs klās pār visu Ciānas kalnu un tā svētku sapulcēm padebesi un dūmus dienā un uguns gaismas mirdzumu naktī; un pār visu klāsies Tā Kunga godības pārsegs, 6 kas dos pavēni no saules karstuma dienā un pajumti negaisā un lietū.
1 When that time comes, seven women will grab hold of one man and say, “We can feed and clothe ourselves, but please let us say you are our husband, so that we won't have to endure the shame of being unmarried.”
Jerusalem Will Be Restored
2 The time is coming when the Lord will make every plant and tree in the land grow large and beautiful. All the people of Israel who survive will take delight and pride in the crops that the land produces. 3 Everyone who is left in Jerusalem, whom God has chosen for survival, will be called holy. 4 By his power the Lord will judge and purify the nation and wash away the guilt of Jerusalem and the blood that has been shed there. 5 Then over Mount Zion and over all who are gathered there, the Lord will send a cloud in the daytime and smoke and a bright flame at night. God's glory will cover and protect the whole city. 6 His glory will shade the city from the heat of the day and make it a place of safety, sheltered from the rain and storm.