1 Jo katrs no cilvēku vidus ņemtais augstais priesteris cilvēku labā tiek iecelts kalpošanai Dievam, lai nestu dāvanas un upurus par grēkiem; 2 viņš var iežēloties par nezinātājiem un maldīgajiem, tāpēc ka arī viņš pats vājības apņemts. 3 Un tās dēļ viņam pienākas kā tautas, tā arī sevis dēļ upurēt par grēkiem. 4 Un neviens sev pats neņem šo godu, bet Dieva aicināts, tāpat kā Ārons. 5 Tāpat arī Kristus nav pats Sev piešķīris augstā priestera godu, bet Tas, kas Viņam ir teicis: Mans Dēls Tu esi, šodien Es Tevi esmu dzemdinājis. 6 Kā arī citā vietā Viņš saka: Tu esi priesteris mūžīgi pēc Melhisedeka kārtas. - 7 Savās miesas dienās ar stipru balsi un asarām Viņš ir raidījis daudz karstu lūgšanu pie Tā, kas Viņu varēja izglābt no nāves, un ir ticis atpestīts no bailēm 8 un, Dēls būdams, tomēr ir mācījies paklausību no tā, ko cietis. 9 Un, pilnību sasniedzis, Viņš ir palicis visiem, kas Viņam paklausa, par mūžīgās pestīšanas gādnieku, 10 Dieva nosaukts par augsto priesteri pēc Melhisedeka kārtas. 11 Par to mums būtu daudz ko runāt, bet ir grūti darīt to saprotamu, tāpēc ka jūs esat kūtri palikuši dzirdēt. 12 Jo, lai gan laika ziņā jums pašiem pienākas būt tiem, kas māca, jums atkal vajadzīgs kāds, kas jums māca Dieva vārdu pirmsākumus, un esat tapuši par tādiem, kam vajag piena, ne cietas barības. 13 Jo katrs, kas bauda pienu, ir taisnības vārda nepratējs, jo tas ir bērns. 14 Bet pilngadīgiem pienākas cieta barība, tiem, kam ir piedzīvojumi un kam prāti vingrināti izšķirt labu un ļaunu.
1 Every high priest is chosen from his fellow-men and appointed to serve God on their behalf, to offer sacrifices and offerings for sins. 2 Since he himself is weak in many ways, he is able to be gentle with those who are ignorant and make mistakes. 3 And because he is himself weak, he must offer sacrifices not only for the sins of the people but also for his own sins. 4 No one chooses for himself the honor of being a high priest. It is only by God's call that a man is made a high priest—just as Aaron was.
5 In the same way, Christ did not take upon himself the honor of being a high priest. Instead, God said to him,
“You are my Son;
today I have become your Father.”
6 He also said in another place,
“You will be a priest forever,
in the priestly order of Melchizedek.”
7 In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. 8 But even though he was God's Son, he learned through his sufferings to be obedient. 9 When he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, 10 and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.
Warning against Abandoning the Faith
11 There is much we have to say about this matter, but it is hard to explain to you, because you are so slow to understand. 12 There has been enough time for you to be teachers—yet you still need someone to teach you the first lessons of God's message. Instead of eating solid food, you still have to drink milk. 13 Anyone who has to drink milk is still a child, without any experience in the matter of right and wrong. 14 Solid food, on the other hand, is for adults, who through practice are able to distinguish between good and evil.