1 Un notika pēc tam, Absalomam, Dāvida dēlam, bija skaista māsa, vārdā Tamāra; tajā iemīlējās Amnons, cits Dāvida dēls. 2 Un Amnons ļoti nobēdājās savas mīlestības dēļ uz savu pusmāsu Tamāru, tā ka viņš palika slims, jo viņa bija vēl jaunava, un Amnonam šķita grūti viņai kaut ko darīt. 3 Bet Amnonam bija draugs, vārdā Jonadabs, Šimeas, Dāvida brāļa, dēls, un šis Jonadabs bija ļoti gudrs vīrs. 4 Un tas viņam jautāja: "Kādēļ tu, ķēniņa dēls, jo dienas jo vairāk izdilsti? Vai tu negribi man to uzticēt?" Tad Amnons viņam atbildēja: "Es mīlu Tamāru, sava brāļa Absaloma māsu." 5 Tad Jonadabs viņam sacīja: "Iegulies savā guļasvietā un izliecies slims. Kad tavs tēvs nāks tevi apraudzīt, tad saki viņam: lūdzu, lai atnāk mana māsa Tamāra un lai viņa man dod maizi un gatavo ēdienu manu acu priekšā, ka es to redzu un ēdu no viņas rokas!" 6 Tad Amnons iegūlās un izlikās slims; kad ķēniņš nāca viņu apraudzīt, tad Amnons sacīja ķēniņam: "Lūdzu sūti, lai nāk mana māsa Tamāra un lai viņa taisa manu acu priekšā pāris plāceņu, ka es tos ēdu no viņas rokas!" 7 Tad Dāvids sūtīja namā pie Tamāras un lika viņai sacīt: "Noej sava brāļa Amnona namā un sagatavo viņam ēdienu!" 8 Un Tamāra nogāja sava brāļa Amnona namā, un viņš gulēja savā guļasvietā. Un viņa ņēma mīklu, samīcīja to, viņam redzot, taisīja plāceņus un cepa tos. 9 Tad viņa ņēma pannu un cēla tos viņam priekšā; bet viņš liedzās ēst un pavēlēja, lai visi ļaudis iziet ārā. Un visi, kas pie viņa bija, izgāja. 10 Tad Amnons sacīja Tamārai: "Ienes man to ēdienu iekšējās telpās, ka es tur ēdu no tavas rokas." Un Tamāra ņēma plāceņus, ko viņa bija izcepusi, un ienesa tos savam brālim Amnonam iekštelpās. 11 Bet, kad viņa tos viņam pienesa, lai tas ēstu, tad viņš to sagrāba un tai sacīja: "Nāc, guli ar mani, mīļā māsa!" 12 Bet viņa tam sacīja: "Nē, mans brāli! Nepiesmej mani! Jo tādas lietas neklājas darīt Israēlā! Nedari tādu negantību! 13 Un es pati - kur lai es ietu ar savu kaunu? Un tu pats kļūtu līdzīgs nelgām Israēlā! Labāk tad jau parunā ar ķēniņu, viņš mani tev neliegs." 14 Bet viņš negribēja paklausīt viņas balsij un, būdams stiprāks par viņu, to pārvarēja un piegulēja. 15 Pēc tam Amnonu pēkšņi pārņēma dziļš pretīgums pret Tamāru, tā ka nepatika, ko viņš sajuta pret to, bija spēcīgāka par neseno mīlestību. Tāpēc Amnons tai uzkliedza: "Celies un ej prom!" 16 Bet tad viņa sacīja: "Ne tā, mans brāli! Tad jau šis ļaunums būtu vēl lielāks nekā tas pirmais, ko tu man nodarīji, ja tu mani dzen projām!" Bet viņš negribēja tai klausīt. 17 Un viņš pasauca savu puisi, kas viņam kalpoja, un tam pavēlēja: "Izraidi viņu prom no manis ārā un aizslēdz durvis aiz viņas!" 18 Bet viņai bija mugurā tērps ar piedurknēm, jo tā ģērbās ķēniņa meitas tik ilgi, kamēr tās vēl bija neprecētas. Kad nu viņa kalps to bija izvedis ārā un durvis aiz viņas aizslēdzis, 19 tad Tamāra kaisīja pīšļus uz savas galvas, saplēsa tērpu ar piedurknēm, kas tai bija mugurā, lika rokas uz savas galvas un staigāja apkārt vaimanādama. 20 Tad viņas brālis Absaloms tai sacīja: "Vai tavs brālis Amnons nebija kopā ar tevi? Bet nu tagad, mana māsa, ciet klusu! Viņš ir tavs brālis, neņem pārāk pie sirds šo notikumu!" Tā Tamāra palika vientuļa dzīvot sava brāļa Absaloma namā. 21 Kad ķēniņš Dāvids visus šos notikumus dzirdēja, tad viņš ļoti apskaitās. 22 Bet Absaloms nesacīja Amnonam nedz ko ļaunu, nedz arī ko labu, jo Absaloms ienīda Amnonu, tādēļ ka tas bija licis negodā viņa māsu Tamāru. 23 Tad notika, ka pēc pilniem diviem gadiem Absalomam bija avju cirpšana Baal-Hacorā, kas ir Efraima tuvumā, un Absaloms aicināja turp visus ķēniņa dēlus. 24 Absaloms arī nāca pie ķēniņa un sacīja: "Redzi, tavam kalpam ir avju cirpšana; kaut ķēniņš nāktu ar saviem pavadoņiem pie sava kalpa." 25 Bet ķēniņš atbildēja Absalomam: "Nē, mans dēls! Mēs taču visi nevaram iet, ka mēs nekļūstam tev par apgrūtinājumu." Un viņš centās ar varu to pierunāt, bet ķēniņš negribēja iet un to svētīja. 26 Tad Absaloms sacīja: "Ja tu negribi, tad lai ar mums kopā nāk mans brālis Amnons!" Un ķēniņš viņam jautāja: "Kādēļ viņam būtu jāiet ar tevi?" 27 Kad Absaloms ar varu pastāvēja uz savu lūgumu, tad viņš atļāva Amnonam un visiem ķēniņa dēliem iet tam līdzi. 28 Tad Absaloms pavēlēja saviem puišiem, sacīdams: "Uzmaniet to brīdi, kad Amnona sirds būs kļuvusi līksma no vīna un es jums uzsaukšu: sitiet Amnonu! Tad nogaliniet viņu, nebīstaities! Vai tad ne es to esmu jums pavēlējis? Esiet drosmīgi un turieties kā varonīgi vīri!" 29 Un Absaloma puiši darīja Amnonam, kā Absaloms bija pavēlējis; tad visi ķēniņa dēli cēlās un metās ikviens uz savu mūli un bēga. 30 Un, tiem vēl ceļā atrodoties, baumas jau bija nonākušas līdz Dāvidam, tās vēstīja: "Absaloms ir nositis visus ķēniņa dēlus, ka neviens pats no tiem nav palicis pie dzīvības." 31 Tad ķēniņš piecēlās un saplēsa savas drēbes, un viņš metās pie zemes; arī visi viņa galma ļaudis, kas pie viņa atradās, saplēsa savas drēbes. 32 Tad vārdu ņēma Jonadabs, Šimeas dēls, Dāvida brāļadēls, un viņš sacīja: "Mans kungs, nedomā, ka visi jaunekļi, ķēniņa dēli, ir nogalināti! Nē, bet vienīgi Amnons ir miris, jo Absaloms to bija apņēmies nogalināt jau kopš tās dienas, kad tas bija piesmējis viņa māsu Tamāru. 33 Un lai nu tagad mans kungs un ķēniņš neņem šo lietu tā pie sirds, ja saka, ka visi ķēniņa dēli ir beigti, jo vienīgi Amnons ir miris!" 34 Bet Absaloms bēga. Un zēns, kas bija nolikts par sargu, pacēla savas acis un skatījās, un redzi, viņš ieraudzīja daudz ļaužu, kas nāca pa ceļu cits aiz cita no kalna puses. 35 Tad Jonadabs sacīja ķēniņam: "Redzi, tur nāk ķēniņa dēli! Tiešām, kā tavs kalps ir sacījis, tā tas arī ir noticis!" 36 Un, tiklīdz viņš bija beidzis runāt, tad redzi, nāca ķēniņa dēli, un tie pacēla savas balsis un raudāja; un arī ķēniņš līdz ar visiem galma ļaudīm raudāja varen lielā raudāšanā. 37 Bet Absaloms bēga un nonāca pie Talmaja, Amihuda dēla, Gešūras ķēniņa. Bet pats Dāvids sēroja par savu dēlu Amnonu visu to laiku. 38 Tā Absaloms bija bēdzis un gāja uz Gešūru, un viņš palika tur trīs gadus. 39 Bet ķēniņš Dāvids mitējās dusmoties uz Absalomu, jo viņš bija samierinājies Amnona dēļ, ka tas bija miris.
Amnon and Tamar
1 David's son Absalom had a beautiful unmarried sister named Tamar. Amnon, another of David's sons, fell in love with her. 2 He was so much in love with her that he became sick, because it seemed impossible for him to have her; as a virgin, she was kept from meeting men. 3 But he had a friend, a very shrewd man named Jonadab, the son of David's brother Shammah. 4 Jonadab said to Amnon, “You are the king's son, yet day after day I see you looking sad. What's the matter?”
“I'm in love with Tamar, the sister of my half brother Absalom,” he answered.
5 Jonadab said to him, “Pretend that you are sick and go to bed. When your father comes to see you, say to him, ‘Please ask my sister Tamar to come and feed me. I want her to fix the food here where I can see her, and then serve it to me herself.’” 6 So Amnon pretended that he was sick and went to bed.
King David went to see him, and Amnon said to him, “Please let Tamar come and make a few cakes here where I can see her, and then serve them to me herself.”
7 So David sent word to Tamar in the palace: “Go to Amnon's house and fix him some food.” 8 She went there and found him in bed. She took some dough, prepared it, and made some cakes there where he could see her. Then she baked the cakes 9 and emptied them out of the pan for him to eat, but he wouldn't. He said, “Send everyone away”—and they all left. 10 Then he said to her, “Bring the cakes here to my bed and serve them to me yourself.” She took the cakes and went over to him. 11 As she offered them to him, he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me!”
12 “No,” she said. “Don't force me to do such a degrading thing! That's awful! 13 How could I ever hold up my head in public again? And you—you would be completely disgraced in Israel. Please, speak to the king, and I'm sure that he will give me to you.” 14 But he would not listen to her; and since he was stronger than she was, he overpowered her and raped her.
15 Then Amnon was filled with a deep hatred for her; he hated her now even more than he had loved her before. He said to her, “Get out!”
16 “No,” she answered. “To send me away like this is a greater crime than what you just did!”
But Amnon would not listen to her; 17 he called in his personal servant and said, “Get this woman out of my sight! Throw her out and lock the door!” 18 The servant put her out and locked the door.
Tamar was wearing a long robe with full sleeves, the usual clothing for an unmarried princess in those days. 19 She sprinkled ashes on her head, tore her robe, and with her face buried in her hands went away crying. 20 When her brother Absalom saw her, he asked, “Has Amnon molested you? Please, sister, don't let it upset you so much. He is your half brother, so don't tell anyone about it.” So Tamar lived in Absalom's house, sad and lonely.
21 When King David heard what had happened, he was furious. 22 And Absalom hated Amnon so much for having raped his sister Tamar that he would no longer even speak to him.
Absalom's Revenge
23 Two years later Absalom was having his sheep sheared at Baal Hazor, near the town of Ephraim, and he invited all the king's sons to be there. 24 He went to King David and said, “Your Majesty, I am having my sheep sheared. Will you and your officials come and take part in the festivities?”
25 “No, my son,” the king answered. “It would be too much trouble for you if we all went.” Absalom insisted, but the king would not give in, and he asked Absalom to leave.
26 But Absalom said, “Well, then, will you at least let my brother Amnon come?”
“Why should he?” the king asked. 27 But Absalom kept on insisting until David finally let Amnon and all his other sons go with Absalom.
Absalom prepared a banquet fit for a king 28 and instructed his servants: “Notice when Amnon has had too much to drink, and then when I give the order, kill him. Don't be afraid. I will take the responsibility myself. Be brave and don't hesitate!” 29 So the servants followed Absalom's instructions and killed Amnon. All the rest of David's sons mounted their mules and fled.
30 While they were on their way home, David was told: “Absalom has killed all your sons—not one of them is left!” 31 The king stood up, tore his clothes in sorrow, and threw himself to the ground. The servants who were there with him tore their clothes also. 32 But Jonadab, the son of David's brother Shammah, said, “Your Majesty, they haven't killed all your sons. Only Amnon is dead. You could tell by looking at Absalom that he had made up his mind to do this from the time that Amnon raped his sister Tamar. 33 So don't believe the news that all your sons are dead; only Amnon was killed.”
34 In the meantime Absalom had fled.
Just then the soldier on sentry duty saw a large crowd coming down the hill on the road from Horonaim. He went to the king and reported what he had seen. 35 Jonadab said to David, “Those are your sons coming, just as I said they would.” 36 As soon as he finished saying this, David's sons came in; they started crying, and David and his officials also cried bitterly.
37-38 Absalom fled and went to the king of Geshur, Talmai son of Ammihud, and stayed there three years. David mourned a long time for his son Amnon; 39 but when he got over Amnon's death, he was filled with longing for his son Absalom.