Jūdas cilts apgabals
1 Bet Jūdas dēliem pēc viņu dzimtām lozē krita Edoma pierobeža no Cīna tuksneša līdz Negevai, līdz pašiem dienvidiem. 2 Un viņu dienvidu robeža – no Sāls jūras gala, no dienvidu līča, 3 tālāk uz dienvidiem līdz Skorpiju pārejai, pāri uz Cīnu, un tālāk augšup uz Kādēšbarnēu, šķērso Hecronu, iet augšup uz Adāru un nogriežas uz Karku, 4 tālāk pāri Acmonai stiepjas līdz Ēģiptes strautam – robeža beidzas pie jūras. Tā jums ir dienvidu robeža. 5 Austrumu robeža ir Sāls jūra līdz Jordānas ietekai. Ziemeļu robeža stiepjas no jūras līča, no Jordānas ietekas, 6 tad robeža pāri Bēthoglai iet uz ziemeļiem, uz Bētarābu, pēc tam robeža iet augšup līdz Rūbena dēla Bohana akmenim. 7 Tad robeža no Āhoras ielejas iet augšup līdz Debīrai un ziemeļos pagriežas uz Gilgālu, kas iepretī Adūmīmas pārejai ielejas dienvidos, tad robeža stiepjas uz Ēnšemešas ūdeņiem un beidzas pie Ēnrogēlas. 8 Tālāk robeža iet augšup cauri Benhinnomas ielejai līdz jebūsiešu kalnienei dienvidos, kur ir Jeruzāleme, un tālāk tā iet augšup līdz kalna virsotnei, kas paceļas pār Hinnomas ieleju rietumos, kur ziemeļos beidzas Refāiešu ieleja. 9 No kalna virsotnes robeža met līkumu līdz Neftohas ūdeņu avotam un tālāk iet līdz Efrona kalna pilsētām, tad atkal robeža met līkumu uz Baālu – tā ir Kirjatjeārīma. 10 No Baālas robeža pagriežas uz rietumiem, uz Seīra kalnu, un iet uz Jeārīma kalnu grēdu ziemeļos, kur ir Kesalona, tālāk tā sniedzas lejup uz Bētšemešu un aiziet uz Timnu. 11 Tad robeža stiepjas līdz Ekrona grēdai ziemeļos, un tālāk robeža met loku ap Šikāronu un iet līdz Baālas kalnam, tālāk tā stiepjas uz Jabneēlu – tur robeža beidzas pie jūras. 12 Rietumu robeža ir Lielās jūras krasts. Tādas ir visas Jūdas dēlu robežas pēc viņu dzimtām.
Kālebs iekaro savu īpašumu
(Soģ 1:11–15)
13 Kā Kungs Jozuam bija pavēlējis, tā viņš Kālebam, Jefunnes dēlam, deva daļu Jūdas dēlu vidū – anākiešu tēva pilsētu Kirjatarbu, tā ir Hebrona. 14 Kālebs no turienes izdzina trīs Anāka dēlus: Šēšaju, Ahīmanu un Talmaju – Anāka pēcnācējus. 15 No turienes viņš devās pret Debīras iemītniekiem – agrāk Debīru sauca Kirjatsēfera. 16 Un Kālebs sacīja: “Kurš sakaus Kirjatsēferu un to ieņems, tam es atdošu savu meitu Ahsu par sievu!” 17 Un to ieņēma Otniēls, Kāleba brāļa Kenaza dēls, un viņš tam deva par sievu savu meitu Ahsu. 18 Kad viņa nāca, viņa to pierunāja – savu tēvu, lūdzot tam tīrumu. Viņa nokāpa no ēzeļa, un Kālebs tai jautāja: “Kas tev?” 19 Viņa teica: “Dod man svētību! –
Ja izdevi mani uz Negevas zemi, tad iedod man ūdens avotus!” Un Kālebs tai deva augšējos avotus un lejas avotus.
Jūdas pilsētas
20 Šis ir Jūdas dēlu cilts mantojums pēc viņu dzimtām. 21 Jūdas dēlu galējās pilsētas dienvidos pie Edoma robežām bija: Kabceēla un Ēdera, un Jāgūra, 22 un Kīna, un Dīmona, un Adāda, 23 un Kedeša, un Hācora, un Jitnāna, 24 un Zīfa, un Telema, un Beālota, 25 un Hācorhadata, un Kerījothecrona, tā ir Hācora, 26 un Amāma, un Šema, un Molāda, 27 un Hacargada, un Hešmona, un Bētpeleta, 28 un Hacaršuāla, un Bēršeba, un Bizjotja, 29 un Baāla, un Ijīma, un Ecema, 30 un Eltolada, un Kesīla, un Horma, 31 un Ciklaga, un Madmanna, un Sansanna, 32 un Lebāota, un Šīlhīma, un Aina, un Rimmona – pavisam kopā divdesmit deviņas pilsētas un to ciemi.
33 Un līdzenumā: Eštāola, Cora un Ašna, 34 un Zānoha, un Ēngannīma, un Tapūha, un Ēnaima, 35 un Jarmūta, un Adullāma, un Soho, un Azēka, 36 un Šaaraima, un Adītaima, un Gedēra, un Gedērotaima – četrpadsmit pilsētas ar to ciemiem. 37 Arī Cenāna un Hadāša, un Migdalgāda, 38 un Dilāna, un Micpa, un Jokteēla, 39 un Lāhīša, un Bockata, un Eglona, 40 un Kabona, un Lahmāsa, un Kitlīša, 41 un Gedērota, un Bētdāgona, un Naama, un Makēda – sešpadsmit pilsētas ar to ciemiem.
42 Arī Libna un Etera, un Āšāna, 43 un Jiftāha, un Ašna, un Necība, 44 un Keīla, un Ahzīva, un Mārēša – deviņas pilsētas un to ciemi. 45 Ekrona ar tās piepilsētām un ciemiem. 46 Arī no Ekronas līdz jūrai un viss, kas blakus Ašdodai, un tās ciemi. 47 Arī Ašdoda ar tās piepilsētām un ciemiem, Gaza ar tās piepilsētām un ciemiem – līdz Ēģiptes strautam un Lielās jūras krastam.
48 Un visa kalniene – Šāmīra un Jatīra, un Soho, 49 un Danna, un Kirjatsanna, tā ir Debīra, 50 un Anāba, un Eštmo, un Anīma, 51 un Gošene, un Holona, un Gilo – vienpadsmit pilsētas ar to ciemiem. 52 Arāba un Rūma, un Ešāna, 53 un Jānūma, un Bēttapūha, un Afēka, 54 un Humta, un Kirjatarba, tā ir Hebrona, un Cīora – deviņas pilsētas ar to ciemiem.
55 Māona un Karmela, un Zīfa, un Jūta, 56 un Jizreēla, un Jokdeāma, un Zānoha, 57 un Kaina, un Giba, un Timna – desmit pilsētas ar to ciemiem. 58 Halhūla un Bētcūra, un Gdora, 59 un Maarāta, un Bētanota, un Eltkona – sešas pilsētas ar to ciemiem. 60 Kirjatbaāla, tā ir Kirjatjeārīma, un Raba – divas pilsētas ar to ciemiem.
61 Tuksnesī – Bētarāba, Midīna, Sehāha, 62 Nibšāna un Sāls pilsēta, un Ēngedī – sešas pilsētas ar to ciemiem. 63 Bet jebūsiešus, kas mita Jeruzālemē, Jūdas dēli nevarēja izdzīt – tā nu jebūsieši mīt kopā ar Jūdas dēliem Jeruzālemē līdz šai dienai.
Judah's Land
1 The clans of the Judah tribe were given land that went south along the border of Edom, and at its farthest point south it even reached the Zin Desert. 2 Judah's southern border started at the south end of the Dead Sea. 3 As it went west from there, it ran south of Scorpion Pass to Zin, and then came up from the south to Kadesh-Barnea. It continued past Hezron up to Addar, turned toward Karka, 4 and ran along to Azmon. After that, it followed the Egyptian Gorge and ended at the Mediterranean Sea. This was also Israel's southern border.
5 Judah's eastern border ran the full length of the Dead Sea.
The northern border started at the northern end of the Dead Sea. 6 From there it went west up to Beth-Hoglah, continued north of Beth-Arabah, and went up to the Monument of Bohan, who belonged to the Reuben tribe. 7 From there, it went to Trouble Valley and Debir, then turned north and went to Gilgal, which is on the north side of the valley across from Adummim Pass. It continued on to Enshemesh, Enrogel, 8 and up through Hinnom Valley on the land sloping south from Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem itself belonged to the Jebusites.
Next, the border went up to the top of the mountain on the west side of Hinnom Valley and at the north end of Rephaim Valley. 9 At the top of the mountain it turned and went to Nephtoah Spring and then to the ruins on Mount Ephron. From there, it went to Baalah, which is now called Kiriath-Jearim.
10 From Baalah the northern border curved west to Mount Seir and then ran along the northern ridge of Mount Jearim, where Chesalon is located. Then it went down to Beth-Shemesh and over to Timnah. 11 It continued along to the hillside north of Ekron, curved around to Shikkeron, and then went to Mount Baalah. After going to Jabneel, the border finally ended at the Mediterranean Sea, 12 which was Judah's western border.
The clans of Judah lived within these borders.
Caleb's Land
(Judges 1.12-15)
13 Joshua gave Caleb some land among the people of Judah, as God had told him to do. Caleb's share was Hebron, which at that time was known as Arba's Town, because Arba was the famous ancestor of the Anakim.
14 Caleb attacked Hebron and forced the three Anakim clans of Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai to leave. 15 Next, Caleb started a war with the town of Debir, which at that time was called Kiriath-Sepher. 16 He told his men, “The man who captures Kiriath-Sepher can marry my daughter Achsah.”
17 Caleb's nephew Othniel captured Kiriath-Sepher, and Caleb let him marry Achsah. 18 Right after the wedding, Achsah started telling Othniel that he ought to ask her father for a field. She went to see her father, and while she was getting down from her donkey, Caleb asked her, “What's bothering you?”
19 She answered, “I need your help. The land you gave me is in the Southern Desert, so I really need some spring-fed ponds for a water supply.”
Caleb gave her a couple of small ponds, named Higher Pond and Lower Pond.
Towns in Judah's Land
20 The following is a list of the towns in each region given to the Judah clans:
21-32 The first region was located in the Southern Desert along the border with Edom, and it had the following 29 towns with their surrounding villages:
Kabzeel, Eder, Jagur, Kinah, Dimonah, Aradah, Kedesh, Hazor of Ithnan, Ziph, Telem, Bealoth, Hazor-Hadattah, Kerioth-Hezron, which is also called Hazor, Amam, Shema, Moladah, Hazar-Gaddah, Heshmon, Beth-Pelet, Hazar-Shual, Beersheba and its surrounding villages, Baalah, Iim, Ezem, Eltolad, Chesil, Hormah, Ziklag, Madmannah, Sansannah, Lebaoth, Shilhim, and Enrimmon.
33-36 The second region was located in the northern part of the lower foothills, and it had the following 14 towns with their surrounding villages:
Eshtaol, Zorah, Ashnah, Zanoah, En-Gannim, Tappuah, Enam, Jarmuth, Adullam, Socoh, Azekah, Shaaraim, Adithaim, Gederah, and Gederothaim.
37-41 The third region was located in the southern part of the lower foothills, and it had the following 16 towns with their surrounding villages:
Zenan, Hadashah, Migdalgad, Dilan, Mizpeh, Joktheel, Lachish, Bozkath, Eglon, Cabbon, Lahmas, Chitlish, Gederoth, Beth-Dagon, Naamah, and Makkedah.
42-44 The fourth region was located in the central part of the lower foothills, and it had the following nine towns with their surrounding villages:
Libnah, Ether, Ashan, Iphtah, Ashnah, Nezib, Keilah, Achzib, and Mareshah.
45-47 The fifth region was located along the Mediterranean seacoast, and it had the following towns with their surrounding settlements and villages:
Ekron and the towns between there and the coast, Ashdod and the larger towns nearby, Gaza, the towns from Gaza to the Egyptian Gorge, and the towns along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
48-51 The sixth region was in the southwestern part of the hill country, and it had the following eleven towns with their surrounding villages:
Shamir, Jattir, Socoh, Dannah, Kiriath-Sannah, which is now called Debir, Anab, Eshtemoh, Anim, Goshen, Holon, and Giloh.
52-54 The seventh region was located in the south-central part of Judah's hill country, and it had the following nine towns with their surrounding villages:
Arab, Dumah, Eshan, Janim, Beth-Tappuah, Aphekah, Humtah, Kiriath-Arba, which is now called Hebron, and Zior.
55-57 The eighth region was located in the southeastern part of the hill country, and it had the following ten towns with their surrounding villages:
Maon, Carmel, Ziph, Juttah, Jezreel, Jokdeam, Zanoah, Kain, Gibeah, and Timnah.
58-59 The ninth region was located in the central part of Judah's hill country, and it had the following six towns with their surrounding villages:
Halhul, Beth-Zur, Gedor, Maarath, Beth-Anoth, and Eltekon.
The tenth region was located in the north-central part of Judah's hill country, and it had the following eleven towns with their surrounding villages:
Tekoa, Ephrath, which is also called Bethlehem, Peor, Etam, Culon, Tatam, Shoresh, Kerem, Gallim, Bether, and Manahath.
60 The eleventh region was located in the northern part of Judah's hill country, and it had the following two towns with their surrounding villages:
Rabbah, and Kiriath-Baal, which is also called Kiriath-Jearim.
61-62 The twelfth region was located in the desert along the Dead Sea, and it had the following six towns with their surrounding villages:
Beth-Arabah, Middin, Secacah, Nibshan, Salt Town, and En-Gedi.
The Jebusites
63 The Jebusites lived in Jerusalem, and the people of the Judah tribe could not capture the city and get rid of them. That's why Jebusites still live in Jerusalem along with the people of Judah.