Israēla vaina un sods
1 Klausieties šos vārdus, ko Kungs runājis par jums, Israēla dēli, – par visām dzimtām, ko es ņēmu no Ēģiptes zemes:
2 “Tikai jūs vien pazinu no visām zemes dzimtām,
tādēļ jūs arī sodīšu par visām vainām!”
3 Vai divi ceļo kopā, ja iepriekš nav norunājuši?
4 Vai lauva rēc mežā, ja viņam nav laupījuma,
vai lauvēns ieņurdas migā, ja nav neko saplosījis?
5 Vai putns uz zemes krīt cilpā, ja nav bijis lamatu?
Vai cilpu no zemes parauj gaisā un neko nenoķer?
6 Ja pilsētā pūš ragu, vai ļaudis tad nesabīstas?
Vai ir posts pilsētā, ja Kungs to nenodara?
7 Jo Kungs Dievs nedara neko,
kamēr nav atklājis noslēpumu
saviem kalpiem, praviešiem!
8 Lauva rēc – kas nebīsies?!
Kungs Dievs runā – kas nepravietos?!
9 Sludiniet Ašdodas mūriem un Ēģiptes zemes mūriem:
“Pulcējieties Samarijas kalnos,
skatiet – tur nekārtība un apspiešana!
10 Taisnprātīgi darīt tie neprotas,
saka Kungs,
savos mūros kaudzēm vien vairo
varasdarbus un apspiešanu!”
11 Tādēļ tā saka Kungs Dievs:
“Naidnieks aplenks zemi, atņems tev spēku
un ielauzīsies tavos nocietinājumos!”
12 Tā saka Kungs:
“Kā gans izrauj lauvam no rīkles
tik divus stilbus vai auss ļerpatu –
tā paglābsies arī Israēla dēli, kas Samarijā gulšņā
ieritinājušies gultu stūros un uz Damaskas zviļņiem!
13 Klausieties un lieciniet Jēkaba namam, saka Kungs Dievs, Pulku Dievs,
14 ka tajā dienā, kad es piemeklēšu Israēla grēkus,
es piemeklēšu arī Bēteles altārus,
tad altāra ragus nogriezīs un tie nokritīs zemē!
15 Es sagraušu gan ziemas namu, gan vasaras namu,
pagalam būs ziloņkaula nami,
beigas būs daudzajiem namiem,”
saka Kungs.
1 People of Israel,
I rescued you from Egypt.
Now listen to my judgment
against you.
2 Of all nations on earth,
you are the only one
I have chosen.
That's why I will punish you
because of your sins.
The Work of a Prophet
3 Can two people walk together
without agreeing to meet?
4 Does a lion roar in the forest
unless it has caught
a victim?
Does it growl in its den
unless it is eating?
5 How can anyone catch a bird
without using a net?
Does a trap spring shut
unless something is caught?

6 Isn't the whole city frightened
when the trumpet
signals an attack?
Isn't the Lord the one who brings
disaster on a city?
7 Whatever the Lord God
plans to do,
he tells his servants,
the prophets.
8 Everyone is terrified
when a lion roars—
and ordinary people
become prophets
when the Lord God speaks.
Samaria Is Doomed
9 Here is a message
for the leaders
of Philistia and Egypt—
tell everyone to come together
on the hills of Samaria.
Let them see the injustice
and the lawlessness
in that city.
10 The Lord has said
that they don't even know how
to do right.
They have become rich
from violence and robbery.
11 And so the Lord God has sworn
that they will be surrounded.
Enemies will break through
their defenses
and steal their treasures.

12 The Lord has promised
that only a few from Samaria
will escape with their lives
and with some broken pieces
of their beds and couches.
It will be like when a shepherd
rescues two leg bones
and part of a sheep's ear
from the jaws of a lion.
The Altars at Bethel
13 The Lord God All-Powerful
told me to speak this message
against Jacob's descendants:
14 When I, the Lord, punish Israel
for their sins,
I will destroy the altars
at Bethel.
Even the corners of the altar
will be left in the dirt.
15 I will tear down winter homes
and summer homes.
Houses decorated with ivory
and all other mansions
will be gone forever.
I, the Lord, have spoken!