Pēdējo laiku bezdievība
1 Bet zini, ka pēdējās dienās iestāsies grūti laiki, 2 jo cilvēki būs patmīlīgi, naudaskāri, lielīgi, augstprātīgi, zaimotāji, nepaklausīgi saviem vecākiem, nepateicīgi, nešķīsti, 3 cietsirdīgi, nesamierināmi, apmelotāji, nesavaldīgi, mežonīgi, ļauni, 4 nodevīgi, pārgalvīgi, lepnuma apstulbināti, baudas vairāk mīlēdami nekā Dievu, 5 tērpušies dievbijības izskatā, bet tās spēku noliegdami. Arī no tādiem novērsies. 6 Tie ir tādi, kas ielavās mājās un savaņģo sievišķus, kuri ir grēku pilni un padodas dažādām iekārēm; 7 viņas vienmēr mācās, bet nekad nenonāk pie patiesības. 8 Tāpat kā Janne un Jambre pretojās Mozum, arī šie pretojas patiesībai – cilvēki ar samaitātu prātu, ticības pārbaudījumu viņi nav izturējuši. 9 Bet viņi neko vairāk nepanāks, jo arī viņu muļķība būs skaidri redzama visiem, kā ir noticis ar šiem diviem.
Paliec Svēto Rakstu mācībā
10 Bet tu esi cieši sekojis manai mācībai, dzīves veidam, manai apņēmībai, ticībai, pacietībai, mīlestībai, izturībai, 11 manām vajāšanām, ciešanām, kādas mani piemeklēja Antiohijā, Ikonijā, Listrās, – visām ciešanām, kuras es pārcietu un no kurām mani izglāba Kungs. 12 Visi, kas grib dievbijīgi dzīvot Kristū Jēzū, tiks vajāti. 13 Bet samaitātie cilvēki un krāpnieki grims dziļāk ļaunumā, maldinot citus un maldoties arī paši. 14 Bet tu paliec pie tā, ko esi iemācījies un kam esi uzticējies, zinādams, no kā esi mācījies. 15 Tu jau no agras bērnības pazīsti Svētos Rakstus. Tie dod tev gudrību, lai tu nonāktu pie pestīšanas caur ticību Kristum Jēzum. 16 Visi šie Raksti ir Dieva iedvesmoti un arī noderīgi mācībai, pārliecināšanai, labošanai, audzināšanai taisnīgumā, 17 lai Dieva cilvēks kļūtu pilnīgs un būtu sagatavots ikvienam labam darbam.
What People Will Be Like in the Last Days
1 You can be certain that in the last days there will be some very hard times. 2 People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud, stuck-up, rude, and disobedient to their parents. They will also be ungrateful, godless, 3 heartless, and hateful. Their words will be cruel, and they will have no self-control or pity. These people will hate everything good. 4 They will be sneaky, reckless, and puffed up with pride. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure. 5 Even though they will make a show of being religious, their religion won't be real. Don't have anything to do with such people.
6 Some men fool whole families, just to get power over those women who are slaves of sin and are controlled by all sorts of desires. 7 These women always want to learn something new, but they never can discover the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, these people are enemies of the truth. Their minds are sick, and their faith isn't real. 9 But they won't get very far with their foolishness. Soon everyone will know the truth about them, just as Jannes and Jambres were found out.
Paul's Last Instructions to Timothy
10 Timothy, you know what I teach and how I live. You know what I want to do and what I believe. You have seen how patient and loving I am, and how in the past I put up with 11 trouble and suffering in the cities of Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. Yet the Lord rescued me from all those terrible troubles. 12 In fact, anyone who belongs to Christ Jesus and wants to live right will have trouble from others. 13 But evil people who pretend to be what they are not will become worse than ever, as they fool others and are fooled themselves.
14 Keep on being faithful to what you were taught and to what you believed. After all, you know who taught you these things. 15 Since childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures that are able to make you wise enough to have faith in Christ Jesus and be saved. 16 Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. 17 The Scriptures train God's servants to do all kinds of good deeds.