Stūrgalvīgais, pretestības pilnais Israēls
1 Septītā gada piektā mēneša desmitajā dienā daži Israēla vecajie nāca iztaujāt Kungu. Viņi nosēdās manā priekšā. 2 Kunga vārds nāca pār mani: 3 “Cilvēka dēls, runā ar Israēla vecajiem, saki tiem: tā saka Kungs Dievs: vai jūs atnācāt mani iztaujāt?! – kā es esmu dzīvs! – nejautājiet man neko, – saka Kungs Dievs. 4 Vai tu tos tiesāsi, vai tiesāsi, cilvēka dēls? Stāsti tiem par viņu tēvu pastrādātajām preteklībām! 5 Saki tiem: tā saka Kungs Dievs: todien, kad es izvēlējos Israēlu, es zvērēju Jēkaba pēcnācējiem, es tiem atklājos Ēģiptes zemē un tiem zvērēju: es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs! 6 Tajā pašā dienā es zvērēju, ka izvedīšu viņus no Ēģiptes zemes uz zemi, ko esmu tiem izraudzījies, kur plūst piens un medus, – visjaukāko no visām zemēm! 7 Es sacīju tiem: metiet prom savas riebeklības, kas apgāna jūsu acis, un atmetiet smirdīgos Ēģiptes dievekļus! Nesagānieties! Es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs! 8 Bet viņi dumpojās pret mani, negribēja klausīt mani, ikviens raudzījās tik uz savu riebeklību, tie nemeta prom Ēģiptes elkus un neatstājās no tiem. Tad es sacīju: es pār tiem izgāzīšu savu niknumu un Ēģiptes zemē izliešu pār tiem savas dusmas. 9 Bet sava vārda dēļ – lai tautas, kas mīt visapkārt, to negāna, – es viņiem atklājos, izvezdams viņus no Ēģiptes zemes.
10 Es viņus izvedu no Ēģiptes zemes un vadīju viņus tuksnesī. 11 Es tiem devu savus likumus un darīju zināmas savas tiesas. Kurš tās ievēros, tas dzīvos! 12 Es tiem devu arī savu sabatu par zīmi starp mums, lai tie zina, ka es, Kungs, esmu darījis viņus svētus! 13 Bet tuksnesī Israēla nams dumpoja pret mani. Tie nepildīja manus likumus un atmeta manas tiesas – bet dzīvos vienīgi tas, kurš tās ievēro, – un sabatu tie pilnīgi sagānīja. Tad es teicu: es izliešu pār tiem savu versmi un nobeigšu tos tuksnesī! 14 Bet sava vārda dēļ, lai tautas to negānītu, tautām redzot, es viņus no turienes izvedu, 15 kaut arī tuksnesī tiem biju zvērējis nevest tos uz zemi, ko tiem devu, kur plūst piens un medus, – visjaukāko no visām zemēm –, 16 tādēļ ka tie atmeta manas tiesas, nepildīja manus likumus un sagānīja sabatu, no sirds tiekdamies pēc saviem elkiem! 17 Es par tiem apžēlojos un neiznīcināju tos, es nenobeidzu tos tuksnesī!
18 Tuksnesī es teicu viņu dēliem: nepildiet savu tēvu likumus, neievērojiet viņu spriedumus un neapgānieties ar viņu elkiem. 19 Es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs! Pildiet manus likumus un ievērojiet manas tiesas – tā dariet! 20 Svētiet manu sabatu – tā ir zīme starp mums, lai jūs zinātu, ka es esmu Kungs, jūsu Dievs! 21 Bet arī viņu dēli dumpoja pret mani, tie nepildīja manus likumus un neievēroja manas tiesas – bet dzīvos vienīgi tas, kurš tās ievēro, – un sabatu tie sagānīja. Tad es teicu: es izliešu pār tiem savu versmi un nobeigšu tos tuksnesī! 22 Bet no tā es atturējos sava vārda dēļ, lai tautas to negānītu, tautām redzot, es viņus no turienes izvedu, 23 kaut tuksnesī biju zvērējis tos izkaisīt starp tautām un izkliedēt pa visu zemi, 24 jo tie nepildīja manas tiesas, bija atmetuši manus likumus un sagānījuši sabatu, tik raudzījās pēc tēvu elkiem! 25 Tad es tiem devu likumus, kas nebija labi, un tiesas, kas nedeva dzīvību! 26 Es tos sagānīju ar to dāvanām, kad tie saviem pirmdzimtajiem lika iet cauri ugunij, es tos deldēju tādēļ, lai tie zina, ka es esmu Kungs!
27 Tādēļ, cilvēka dēls, runā ar Israēla namu un saki: tā saka Kungs Dievs: jau jūsu tēvi mani zaimoja – tie bija man neuzticīgi! 28 Es viņus aizvedu uz zemi, ko biju apsolījis dot ar zvērestu, un, kad tie ieraudzīja kādu augstāku pakalnu vai zaļoksnu koku, tad viņi tur upurēja, pienesa kaitinošus upurus, pielabinājās ar smaržas upuriem un lejamiem upuriem! 29 Es tiem sacīju: kas ir tā augstiene, kurp jūs ejat? – par augstieni to sauc līdz šai dienai.
Dieva tiesa un Israēla atjaunošana
30 Tādēļ saki Israēla namam: tā saka Kungs Dievs: vai jūs, tāpat kā jūsu tēvi, apgānīsieties, piekopjot netiklību ar viņu riebeklībām!? 31 Jūs taču pienesat dāvanas un saviem dēliem likāt iet cauri ugunij, apgānīdamies ar elkiem līdz pat šai dienai! Israēla nams, vai tad jums mani jāiztaujā? Kā es esmu dzīvs! – saka Kungs Dievs – es jums neatbildēšu! 32 Tas, kas jums ienācis prātā, nekad nenotiks! Jūs sakāt: mēs būsim kā tautas, kā dzimtas citās zemēs, kalposim kokam un akmenim!
33 Kā es esmu dzīvs! – saka Kungs Dievs – es valdīšu pār jums ar stipru roku un atvēztu elkoni, niknumu liedams! 34 Es jūs izvedīšu no tautām, es jūs sapulcēšu no zemēm, kur esat izkaisīti, – ar stipru roku, atvēztu elkoni, niknumu liedams! 35 Es jūs vedīšu tautu tuksnesī, un tur es jūs tiesāšu vaigu vaigā, 36 kā Ēģiptes tuksnesī es tiesāju jūsu tēvus, tāpat es jūs tiesāšu! – saka Kungs Dievs. 37 Es jūs vadīšu ar rīksti, un es jūs vedīšu ar derības saitēm! 38 Es jūs attīrīšu no dumpiniekiem un pārkāpējiem, kas pret mani, – es tos gan izvedīšu no zemes, kur tie mita, bet Israēla zemē tie nenonāks, – tad tie zinās, ka es esmu Kungs!
39 Un jūs, Israēla nams, tā saka Kungs Dievs, Israēla nams, ejiet, kalpojiet katrs savam elkam, bet tad vairs neklausieties manī! Manu svēto vārdu vairs neapgāniet ar savām dāvanām un elkiem, 40 jo manā svētajā kalnā, Israēla visaugstajā kalnā, saka Kungs Dievs, man kalpos viss Israēla nams, visi, kas tajā zemē! Tur es būšu labvēlīgs, es pieņemšu jūsu ziedojumus, pirmo augļu upurus un visu, ko jūs man svētīsiet! 41 Es jūs pieņemšu ar samierinājuma smaržas upuri, es jūs izvedīšu no tām tautām un sapulcināšu no zemēm, kur tikāt izkaisīti, – tad tautas redzēs, ka es esmu svēts! 42 Jūs zināsiet, ka es esmu Kungs! Es jūs atvedīšu uz Israēla zemi – uz zemi, ko es zvērēju dot jūsu tēviem! 43 Tad jūs pieminēsiet savu gājumu un visu, ko esat darījuši, kā esat apgānījušies, un tad jums pašiem riebsies viss ļaunais, ko esat darījuši. 44 Jūs zināsiet, ka es esmu Kungs! Israēla nams, tā es jums darīšu sava vārda dēļ, nevis jūsu ļauno gaitu un posta darbu dēļ!” saka Kungs Dievs.
Israel Keeps On Rebelling
1 Seven years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, some of Israel's leaders came to me on the tenth day of the fifth month. They sat down and asked for a message from the Lord. 2 Just then, the Lord God said:
3 Ezekiel, son of man, these leaders have come to find out what I want them to do. As surely as I live, I will not give them an answer of any kind.
4 Are you willing to warn them, Ezekiel? Then remind them of the disgusting sins of their ancestors.
5 Tell them that long ago I, the Lord God, chose Israel to be my own. I appeared to their ancestors in Egypt and made a solemn promise that I would be their God and the God of their descendants. 6 I swore that I would rescue them from Egypt and lead them to a land I had already chosen. This land was rich with milk and honey and was the most splendid land of all. 7 I told them to get rid of their disgusting idols and not to sin by worshiping the gods of Egypt. I reminded them that I was the Lord their God, 8 but they still rebelled against me. They refused to listen and kept on worshiping their idols and foreign gods.
In my anger, I decided to punish the Israelites in Egypt. 9 But that would have made me look like a liar, because I had already promised in front of everyone that I would lead them out of Egypt. 10 So I brought them out and led them into the desert. 11 I gave them my laws and teachings, so they would know how to live right. 12 And I commanded them to respect the Sabbath as a way of showing that they were holy and belonged to me. 13 But the Israelites rebelled against me in the desert. They refused to obey my laws and teachings, and they treated the Sabbath like any other day.
Then in my anger, I decided to destroy the Israelites in the desert once and for all. 14 But that would have disgraced me, because many other nations had seen me bring the Israelites out of Egypt. 15 Instead, I told them in the desert that I would not lead them into the beautiful, fertile land I had promised. 16 I said this because they had not only ignored my laws and teachings, but had disgraced my Sabbath and worshiped idols.
17 Yet, I felt sorry for them and could not let them die in the desert. 18 So I warned the children not to act like their parents or follow their evil ways or worship their idols. 19 I reminded them that I was the Lord their God and that they should obey my laws and teachings. 20 I told them to respect my Sabbath to show that they were my people and that I was the Lord their God. 21 But the children also rebelled against me. They refused to obey my laws and teachings, and they treated the Sabbath as any other day.
I became angry and decided to punish them in the desert. 22 But I did not. That would have disgraced me in front of the nations that had seen me bring the Israelites out of Egypt. 23 So I solemnly swore that I would scatter the people of Israel across the nations, 24 because they had disobeyed my laws and ignored my teachings; they had disgraced my Sabbath and worshiped the idols their ancestors had made. 25 I gave them laws that bring punishment instead of life, 26 and I let them offer me unacceptable sacrifices, including their first-born sons. I did this to horrify them and to let them know that I, the Lord, was punishing them.
27 Ezekiel, tell the people of Israel that their ancestors also rejected and insulted me 28 by offering sacrifices, incense, and wine to gods on every hill and under every large tree. I was very angry, because they did these things in the land I had given them! 29 I asked them where they went to worship those gods, and they answered, “At the local shrines.” And those places of worship are still called shrines.
30 Then ask the Israelites why they are following the example of their wicked ancestors 31 by worshiping idols and by sacrificing their own children as offerings. They commit these sins and still think they can ask me for a message. As surely as I am the living Lord God, I will give them no answer. 32 They may think they can be like other nations and get away with worshiping idols made of wood and stone. But that will never happen!
The Lord Promises To Restore Israel
The Lord said to the people of Israel:
33 As surely as I am the living Lord God, I will rule over you with my powerful arm. You will feel my fierce anger 34 and my power, when I gather you from the places where you are scattered 35 and lead you into a desert surrounded by nations. I will meet you there face to face. Then I will pass judgment on you 36 and punish you, just as I punished your ancestors in the desert near Egypt. 37 I will force each of you to obey the regulations of our solemn agreement. 38 I will separate the sinful rebels from the rest of you, and even though I will bring them from the nations where they live in exile, they won't be allowed to return to Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
39 Go ahead and worship your idols for now, you Israelites, because soon I will no longer let you dishonor me by offering gifts to them. You will have no choice but to obey me! 40 When that day comes, everyone in Israel will worship me on Mount Zion, my holy mountain in Jerusalem. I will once again call you my own, and I will accept your sacred offerings and sacrifices. 41 When I bring you home from the places where you are now scattered, I will be pleased with you, just as I am pleased with the smell of the smoke from your sacrifices. Every nation on earth will see that I am holy, 42 and you will know that I, the Lord, am the one who brought you back to Israel, the land I promised your ancestors. 43 Then you will remember your wicked sins, and you will hate yourselves for doing such horrible things. They have made you unacceptable to me, 44 so you deserve to be punished. But I will treat you in a way that will bring honor to my name, and you will know that I am the Lord God.
Fire from the South
45 The Lord said, 46 “Ezekiel, son of man, turn toward the south and warn the forests 47 that I, the Lord God, will start a fire that will burn up every tree, whether green or dry. Nothing will be able to put out the blaze of that fire as it spreads to the north and burns everything in its path. 48 Everyone will know that I started it, and that it cannot be stopped.”
49 But I complained, “Lord God, I don't want to do that! People already say I confuse them with my messages.”