Īzaka dzimšana
(Ebr 11:11)
1 Un Kungs pievērsās Sārai, kā viņš bija teicis, un Kungs darīja Sārai, kā bija teicis! 2 Sāra kļuva grūta, un Sāra dzemdēja Ābrahāmam vecumā dēlu – tajā laikā, par kuru Dievs bija runājis. 3 Un Ābrahāms nosauca savu dēlu, kas viņam bija piedzimis, ko viņam bija dzemdējusi Sāra, par Īzaku. 4 Savu dēlu Īzaku Ābrahāms apgraizīja astoņu dienu vecumā, kā Dievs viņam bija pavēlējis. 5 Ābrahāms bija simts gadu vecs, kad viņam piedzima dēls Īzaks. 6 Un Sāra teica: “Dievs man devis smieklus – ikviens, kas to dzirdēs, nu smiesies ar mani!” 7 Un viņa sacīja: “Kurš būtu teicis Ābrahāmam: Sāra vēl zīdīs dēlus! Bet es viņam dzemdēju dēlu vecumā!”
Hāgare un Ismaēls tuksnesī
(Gal 4:21–30)
8 Bērns auga un tika atšķirts no krūts, un dienā, kad viņu atšķīra, Ābrahāms sarīkoja lielas dzīres. 9 Un Sāra redzēja, ka ēģiptietes Hāgares dēls, kuru tā bija dzemdējusi Ābrahāmam, smejas. 10 Un viņa teica Ābrahāmam: “Patriec šo kalponi kopā ar viņas dēlu, jo šīs kalpones dēls nemantos kopā ar manu dēlu Īzaku!” 11 Bet Ābrahāmam tas visai nepatika, jo tas bija viņa dēls. 12 Un Dievs teica Ābrahāmam: “Nebēdā par zēnu un savu kalponi! Klausi visam, ko saka Sāra, tavi pēcnācēji nāks no Īzaka! 13 Bet arī šīs kalpones dēlu es darīšu par tautu, jo viņš ir no tavas sēklas!” 14 Ābrahāms cēlās agri no rīta, ņēma maizi un ūdens maisu, iedeva Hāgarei, uzkrāva viņai plecos un kopā ar bērnu sūtīja viņu prom. Un viņa gāja un klīda pa Bēršebas tuksnesi. 15 Ūdens maisā beidzās, un viņa pameta bērnu zem kāda krūma, 16 aizgāja un apsēdās viņam iepretim iztālēm, loka šāviena attālumā. Viņa sacīja: “Lai man nav jānoskatās bērna nāvē!” Viņa sēdēja tam iepretim, pacēla savu balsi un raudāja. 17 Tad Dievs izdzirdēja zēna balsi, un Dieva eņģelis sauca uz Hāgari no debesīm un teica viņai: “Kas tev, Hāgare? Nebaidies, jo Dievs ir sadzirdējis zēna balsi, kur viņš ir! 18 Celies, ņem zēnu un turi viņu stipri savās rokās, jo es viņu darīšu par lielu tautu!” 19 Un Dievs atvēra viņas acis, un viņa redzēja ūdens aku, gāja un piepildīja savu maisu ar ūdeni un deva zēnam dzert. 20 Dievs bija ar zēnu, un viņš uzauga, dzīvoja tuksnesī un kļuva par loka šāvēju. 21 Viņš dzīvoja Pārānas tuksnesī, un viņa māte ņēma viņam sievu no Ēģiptes zemes.
Ābrahāms un Abīmelehs slēdz derību
22 Tajos laikos notika tā – Abīmelehs un Pīhols, viņa karaspēka pavēlnieks, teica Ābrahāmam: “Dievs ir ar tevi it visā, ko tu dari. 23 Un tagad – zvēri man še pie Dieva, ka nekrāpsi mani un manus pēcnācējus, bet darīsi man un zemei, kur tu mīti, tikpat labi, kā es darīju tev!” 24 Un Ābrahāms teica: “Es zvēru!” 25 Tad Ābrahāms pārmeta Abīmeleham par ūdens aku, ko bija sagrābuši Abīmeleha vergi. 26 Bet Abīmelehs teica: “Es nezinu, kas to ir izdarījis, un tu man arī neesi teicis, un līdz šai dienai es neko par to neesmu dzirdējis!” 27 Ābrahāms ņēma avis un vēršus, deva Abīmeleham, un viņi noslēdza derību. 28 Un Ābrahāms nolika savrup septiņus jērus. 29 Abīmelehs teica Ābrahāmam: “Kas tie par septiņiem jēriem, ko tu noliki savrup?” 30 Bet viņš sacīja: “Tev jāņem no manis šie septiņi jēri, lai tu būtu man par liecinieku, ka es esmu izracis šo aku!” 31 Tādēļ viņš nosauca šo vietu par Bēršebu – jo tur viņi abi zvērēja. 32 Bēršebā viņi noslēdza derību, un tad Abīmelehs un viņa karaspēka pavēlnieks Pīhols cēlās un atgriezās filistiešu zemē. 33 Un Ābrahāms Bēršebā stādīja tamarisku un piesauca tur Kunga, mūžīgā Dieva, vārdu. 34 Ābrahāms mita filistiešu zemē ilgu laiku.
Sarah Has a Son
1 The Lord was good to Sarah and kept his promise. 2 Although Abraham was very old, Sarah had a son exactly at the time God had said. 3 Abraham named his son Isaac, 4 and when the boy was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, just as God had commanded.
5 Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born, 6 and Sarah said, “God has made me laugh. And now everyone will laugh with me. 7 Who would have dared to tell Abraham that someday I would have a child? But in his old age, I have given him a son.”
8 The time came when Sarah no longer had to nurse Isaac, and on that day Abraham gave a big feast.
Hagar and Ishmael Are Sent Away
9-10 One day, Sarah noticed Hagar's son Ishmael playing, and she said to Abraham, “Get rid of that Egyptian slave woman and her son! I don't want him to inherit anything. It should all go to my son.”
11 Abraham was worried about Ishmael. 12 But God said, “Abraham, don't worry about your slave woman and the boy. Just do what Sarah tells you. Isaac will inherit your family name, 13 but the son of the slave woman is also your son, and I will make his descendants into a great nation.”
14 Early the next morning Abraham gave Hagar an animal skin full of water and some bread. Then he put the boy on her shoulder and sent them away.
They wandered around in the desert near Beersheba, 15 and after they had run out of water, Hagar put her son under a bush. 16 Then she sat down a long way off, because she could not bear to watch him die. And she cried bitterly.
17 When God heard the boy crying, the angel of God called out to Hagar from heaven and said, “Hagar, why are you worried? Don't be afraid. I have heard your son crying. 18 Help him up and hold his hand, because I will make him the father of a great nation.” 19 Then God let her see a well. So she went to the well and filled the skin with water, then gave some to her son.
20-21 God blessed Ishmael, and as the boy grew older, he became an expert at hunting with his bow and arrows. He lived in the Paran Desert, and his mother chose an Egyptian woman for him to marry.
A Peace Treaty
22 About this time Abimelech and his army commander Phicol said to Abraham, “God blesses everything you do! 23 Now I want you to promise in the name of God that you will always be loyal to me and my descendants, just as I have always been loyal to you in this land where you have lived as a foreigner.” 24 And so, Abraham promised he would.
25 One day, Abraham told Abimelech, “Some of your servants have taken over one of my wells.”
26 “This is the first I've heard about it,” Abimelech replied. “Why haven't you said something before? I don't have any idea who did it.” 27 Abraham gave Abimelech some sheep and cattle, then the two men made a peace treaty.
28 Abraham separated seven female lambs from his flock of sheep, 29 and Abimelech asked, “Why have you done this?”
30 Abraham replied, “I want you to accept these seven lambs as proof that I dug this well.” 31 So they called the place Beersheba, because they made a treaty there.
32 When the treaty was completed, Abimelech and his army commander Phicol went back to the land of the Philistines. 33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and worshiped the eternal Lord God. 34 Then Abraham lived a long time as a foreigner in the land of the Philistines.