Pateicības dziesmas
1 Tajā dienā tu teiksi:
“Es tev pateicos, Kungs, –
tu biji dusmīgs pret mani,
bet novērsi dusmas, mierināji mani!
2 Redzi, Dievs – mana glābšana!
Es uzticos un nebīstos! –
Mans spēks un mana dziesma ir Kungs!
Viņš man par glābšanu kļuvis!”
3 Līksmi jūs ūdeni smelsiet no glābšanas avotiem!

4 Tajā dienā jūs sauksiet:
“Pateicieties Kungam, piesauciet viņa vārdu,
sakiet, lai tautas zina viņa darbus,
pieminiet, cik augsts viņa vārds!
5 Dziediet Kungam – viņš diženi dara,
lai zina to visa zeme!
6 Skandē un gavilē, Ciānas iemītniece,
jo varens pie tevis ir Israēla Svētais!”
A Song of Praise
1 At that time you will say,
“I thank you, Lord!
You were angry with me,
but you stopped being angry
and gave me comfort.
2 I trust you to save me,
Lord God,
and I won't be afraid.
My power and my strength
come from you,
and you have saved me.”

3 With great joy, you people
will get water
from the well of victory.
4 At that time you will say,
“Our Lord, we are thankful,
and we worship only you.
We will tell the nations
how glorious you are
and what you have done.
5 Because of your wonderful deeds
we will sing your praises
everywhere on earth.”

6 Sing, people of Zion!
Celebrate the greatness
of the holy Lord of Israel.
God is here to help you.