Sālamans ceļ templi
(2L 3:1–14)1 Četri simti astoņdesmitajā gadā kopš Israēla dēlu iziešanas no Ēģiptes zemes, kad Sālamans ceturto gadu valdīja pār Israēlu, ziva mēnesī, tas ir otrais mēnesis, viņš sāka celt namu Kungam. 2 Nams, kuru ķēniņš Sālamans cēla Kungam, bija sešdesmit elkoņus garš, divdesmit plats un trīsdesmit elkoņus augsts. 3 Lievenis tempļa priekšā bija divdesmit elkoņus plats – nama platumā un desmit elkoņus garš nama priekšā. 4 Viņš taisīja namam logus ar ārpusē sašaurinātām logu ailām. 5 Viņš cēla visapkārt nama mūrim piebūvi, visapkārt templim un vissvētākajai vietai viņš taisīja sānu telpas. 6 Apakšējā stāva platums bija pieci elkoņi, vidējais bija sešus elkoņus plats un trešais bija septiņus elkoņus plats. Ārpusē, visapkārt namam viņš lika balstus, lai piebūve nebalstās uz nama mūriem. 7 Namu viņš cēla no plēstiem akmeņiem, tā ka, namu ceļot, nedzirdēja ne āmuru, ne cirvi, ne kādu citu dzelzs rīku. 8 Ieeja vidējā stāva telpās bija nama labajā pusē – vītņu kāpnes veda augšup uz vidējo un no vidējā uz trešo stāvu. 9 Viņš namu cēla un pabeidza to, un pārsedza namu ar ciedra koka sijām un dēļiem. 10 Visapkārt namam viņš uzcēla piebūvi piecu elkoņu augstumā, ciedru baļķi to savienoja ar namu.
11 Un Kunga vārds nāca pār Sālamanu: 12 “Par namu, ko tu cel, – ja tu staigāsi manos likumos, pildīsi manus spriedumus un nenovērsdamies turēsi visus manus baušļus, tad es pildīšu pie tevis savu vārdu, kuru es teicu tavam tēvam Dāvidam, – 13 es mājošu Israēla dēlu vidū, un es neatstāšu savu tautu Israēlu.”
14 Un Sālamans cēla namu un pabeidza to. 15 Nama mūrus iekšpusē no grīdas līdz griestiem viņš noklāja ar ciedra koku un nama grīdu pārklāja ar cipreses koku. 16 Divdesmit elkoņu attālumā no nama gala viņš uzcēla sienu no ciedra koka, no grīdas līdz griestiem, un tur taisīja iekšnamu – svētumu svētumu. 17 Bet templis, proti, priekšējā svētnīca, bija četrdesmit elkoņu garumā. 18 Nama iekšpuse bija no ciedra ar grieztiem pumpuru un plaukstošu ziedu rotājumiem, viss bija no ciedra, akmens nebija redzams. 19 Iekšpusi, iekšnamu, viņš sagatavoja, lai noliktu tur Kunga derības šķirstu. 20 Iekšnams bija divdesmit elkoņus garš, divdesmit plats un divdesmit elkoņus augsts. Viņš to pārklāja ar tīru zeltu un pārklāja arī ciedra koka altāri. 21 Sālamans pārklāja nama iekšpusi ar tīru zeltu, iekšnamu aizšķērsoja ar zelta ķēdēm un pārklāja to ar zeltu. 22 Visu namu viņš pārklāja ar zeltu, līdz viss nams bija pabeigts, arī visu altāri, kas bija iekšnama priekšā, arī to viņš pārklāja ar zeltu.
Iekšnama iekārtojums
(2L 4:1–10, 2L 19–222L 5:1)23 Iekšnamā viņš no olīvkoka darināja divus ķerubus – desmit olektis augstus. 24 Viens ķeruba spārns bija piecus elkoņus un otrs piecus elkoņus plats – desmit elkoņi no viena spārna gala līdz otra spārna galam. 25 Tāpat desmit elkoņus plats bija otrs ķerubs, viens mērs un viens veids bija abiem ķerubiem. 26 Viena ķeruba augstums bija desmit elkoņi un tikpat arī otram ķerubam. 27 Viņš novietoja ķerubus iekštelpas vidū. Ķerubu spārni bija izplesti, tā ka viens spārns pieskārās sienai un otra ķeruba spārns pieskārās otrai sienai, un viņu spārni telpas vidū saskārās – spārns ar spārnu. 28 Ķerubus viņš pārklāja ar zeltu.
29 Visās nama sienās visapkārt viņš kokā iegreba ķerubus, palmas un plaukstošus ziedus – gan iekštelpās, gan ārējās telpās, 30 un nama grīdu viņš pārklāja ar zeltu – gan iekštelpās, gan ārējās telpās.
31 Iekšnama ieejai darināja olīvkoka durvis ar piecstūru durvju apmalēm. 32 Olīvkoka divviru durvis viņš izrotāja izgrieztiem ķerubiem, palmām un plaukstošiem ziediem un pārklāja tos ar zeltu, un apkala ķerubus un palmu rakstus ar zeltu.
33 Tāpat viņš darināja tempļa ieejai četrstūru olīvkoka apmales 34 un divviru cipreses koka durvis, katra durvju puse bija verama. 35 Viņš izgreba ķerubus, palmas un izplaukušus ziedus un pārklāja kokgriezumus ar zeltu. 36 Viņš uzcēla arī iekšējo pagalmu – trīs rindas skaldīta akmens un rinda tēstu ciedru.
37 Ceturtā gada ziva mēnesī Kunga namam tika likti pamati, 38 un vienpadsmitā gada būla mēnesī, tas ir astotais mēnesis, tika pabeigtas visas nama daļas un viss, kas bija paredzēts. Viņš to uzcēla septiņos gados.
The Outside of the Temple Is Completed
1 Solomon's workers started building the temple during Ziv, the second month of the year. It had been 4 years since Solomon became king of Israel, and 480 years since the people of Israel left Egypt.
2 The inside of the Lord's temple was 27 meters long, 9 meters wide, and 13.5 meters high. 3 A four-and-a-half-meter porch went all the way across the front of the temple. 4 The windows were narrow on the outside but wide on the inside.
5-6 Along the sides and back of the temple, there were three levels of storage rooms. The rooms on the bottom level were just over two meters wide, the rooms on the middle level were over two and a half meters wide, and those on the top level were just over three meters wide. There were ledges on the outside of the temple that supported the beams of the storage rooms, so that nothing was built into the temple walls.
7 Solomon did not want the noise of hammers and axes to be heard at the place where the temple was being built. So he gave orders for the workers to shape the blocks of stone at the quarry.
8 The entrance to the bottom storage rooms was on the south side of the building, and stairs to the other rooms were also there. 9 The roof of the temple was made out of beams and cedar boards.
The workers finished building the outside of the temple. 10 Storage rooms just over two meters high were all around the temple, and they were attached to the temple by cedar beams.
11 The Lord told Solomon:
12-13 If you obey my commands and do what I say, I will keep the promise I made to your father David. I will live among my people Israel in this temple you are building, and I will not desert them.
14 So Solomon's workers finished building the temple.
The Inside of the Temple Is Furnished
(2 Chronicles 3.8-14)15 The floor of the temple was made out of pine, and the walls were lined with cedar from floor to ceiling.
16 The most holy place was in the back of the temple, and it was nine meters square. Cedar boards standing from floor to ceiling separated it from the rest of the temple. 17 The temple's main room was 18 meters long, and it was in front of the most holy place.
18 The inside walls were lined with cedar to hide the stones, and the cedar was decorated with carvings of gourds and flowers.
19 The sacred chest was kept in the most holy place. 20-22 This room was nine meters long, nine meters wide, and nine meters high, and it was lined with pure gold. There were also gold chains across the front of the most holy place. The inside of the temple, as well as the cedar altar in the most holy place, was covered with gold.
23 Solomon had two statues of winged creatures made from olive wood to put in the most holy place. Each creature was four and a half meters tall 24-26 and four and a half meters across. They had two wings, and the wings were just over two meters long. 27 Solomon put them next to each other in the most holy place. Their wings were spread out and reached across the room. 28 The creatures were also covered with gold.
29 The walls of the two rooms were decorated with carvings of palm trees, flowers, and winged creatures. 30 Even the floor was covered with gold.
31-32 The two doors to the most holy place were made out of olive wood and were decorated with carvings of palm trees, flowers, and winged creatures. The doors and the carvings were covered with gold. The door frame came to a point at the top.
33-34 The two doors to the main room of the temple were made out of pine, and each one had two sections so they could fold open. The door frame was shaped like a rectangle and was made out of olive wood. 35 The doors were covered with gold and were decorated with carvings of palm trees, flowers, and winged creatures.
36 The inner courtyard of the temple had walls made out of three layers of cut stones with one layer of cedar beams.
37 Work began on the temple during Ziv, the second month of the year, four years after Solomon became king of Israel. 38 Seven years later the workers finished building it during Bul, the eighth month of the year. It was built exactly as it had been planned.