Israēla atkrišana ir kā vēja sēšana
1 Tev rags pie lūpām,
tu kā maitu lija pār Kunga namu –
tādēļ ka viņi pārkāpa manu derību
un pret manu bauslību noziedzās!
2 Uz mani tie brēca:
mans Dievs!
Mēs tevi pazīstam –
te Israēls!
3 Negribēja Israēls labu,
nu viņu vajā naidnieks!
4 Viņi ķēniņus ieceļ –
bet ne no manis,
dod amatus augstmaņiem,
bet es tos nepazīstu!
Savu sudrabu un zeltu
tie pārkaļ par elkiem,
nu paši tiks iznīdēti!
5 Atmests tavs teļš, Samarija,
kvēl manas dusmas pret tiem –
cik ilgi tie paliks nesodīti?!
6 Israēls – tas ir amatnieks, kas to taisījis,
un tas nav Dievs! –
skaidās būs Samarijas teļš!
7 Vēju tie sēj,
un vētru tie pļaus,
labība nav sadīgusi,
milti tur neiznāks;
varbūt ja iznāks,
tad sveši tos aprīs!
8 Aprīts Israēls,
tagad tas starp tautām
kā netīkams trauks!
9 Jo viņi uz Asīriju dodas,
kā ēzeļi klaiņā –
Efraims sev mīlniekus nolīdzis!
10 Kaut arī tie nolīgst sev tautas,
es viņus sapulcināšu,
un tie ies mazumā
zem lielkungu ķēniņa nastas!
11 Efraims gan cēla altārus,
bet tie viņam bija par grēku –
altārus, kur grēkot!
12 Es viņam rakstīju milzum daudz likumu,
bet tie viņam sveši!
13 Man pienesamos upurus tie kauj,
gaļu tie aprij,
bet Kungs tos negrib!
Tagad viņš atcerēsies to vainas
un piemeklēs viņu grēkus,
un tie atgriezīsies Ēģiptē!
14 Aizmirsa Israēls savu Radītāju un cēla pilis,
un Jūda tik cēla nocietinātas pilsētas –
bet es uzsūtīšu uguni viņa pilsētām,
un tā aprīs to nocietinājumus!
Israel Rejects the Lord
The Lord said:
1 Sound a warning!
Israel, you broke our agreement
and ignored my teaching.
Now an eagle is swooping down
to attack my land.
2 Israel, you say, “We claim you,
the Lord, as our God.”
3 But your enemies
will chase you for rejecting
our good agreement.
4 You chose kings and leaders
without consulting me;
you made silver and gold idols
that led to your downfall.
5 City of Samaria, I'm angry
because of your idol
in the shape of a calf.
When will you ever
be innocent again?
6 Someone from Israel built
that idol for you,
but only I am God.
And so it will be smashed
to pieces.
7 If you scatter wind
instead of wheat,
you will harvest a whirlwind
and have no wheat.
Even if you harvest grain,
enemies will steal it all.
8 Israel, you are ruined,
and now the nations
consider you worthless.
9 You are like a wild donkey
that goes its own way.
You've run off to Assyria
and hired them as allies.
10 You can bargain with nations,
but I'll catch you anyway.
Soon you will suffer abuse
by kings and rulers.
11 Israel, you have built
many altars where you offer
sacrifices for sin.
But these altars have become
places for sin.
12 My instructions for sacrifices
were written in detail,
but you ignored them.
13 You sacrifice your best animals
and eat the sacrificial meals,
but I, the Lord,
refuse your offerings.
I will remember your sins
and punish you.
Then you will return to Egypt.
14 Israel, I created you,
but you forgot me.
You and Judah built palaces
and many strong cities.
Now I will send fire to destroy
your towns and fortresses.