Dāvids – ķēniņš pār Israēlu
(1L 11:1–3)
1 Visas Israēla ciltis atnāca pie Dāvida uz Hebronu un sacīja: “Redzi, mēs esam no tava kaula un tavas miesas! 2 Arī agrāk, kad mūsu ķēniņš bija Sauls, tu biji tas, kurš vadīja Israēlu, un tev Kungs ir sacījis: tu ganīsi manu tautu Israēlu, tu būsi valdnieks pār Israēlu.” 3 Un visi Israēla vecajie atnāca pie ķēniņa uz Hebronu, un ķēniņš Dāvids Hebronā slēdza ar viņiem Kunga priekšā derību, un viņi svaidīja Dāvidu par Israēla ķēniņu.
4 Dāvids bija trīsdesmit gadus vecs, kad kļuva par ķēniņu; viņš bija ķēniņš četrdesmit gadus. 5 Septiņus gadus un sešus mēnešus viņš valdīja pār Jūdu Hebronā, un Jeruzālemē viņš valdīja trīsdesmit trīs gadus pār visu Israēlu un Jūdu.
Jeruzāleme – ķēniņvalsts galvaspilsēta
(1L 11:4–91L 14:1–7)
6 Ķēniņš ar saviem vīriem devās uz Jeruzālemi pret jebūsiešiem, kas mita tajā zemē. Viņi sacīja Dāvidam: “Tu šeit neienāksi, jo pat aklie un tizlie tevi atvairīs!” Viņi domāja: Dāvids šeit neienāks! 7 Bet Dāvids ieņēma Ciānas cietoksni – nu tā ir Dāvida pilsēta! 8 Todien Dāvids sacīja: “Ikviens, kas kauj jebūsiešus, lai uzrāpjas pa ūdens akas eju un sasniedz tos tizlos un aklos, ko ienīst Dāvida sirds!” Tāpēc arī saka: “Akls un tizls neienāks namā!” 9 Dāvids apmetās cietoksnī un nosauca to par Dāvida pilsētu. Dāvids to apbūvēja, sākot no Millo. 10 Un Dāvids augtin auga varenībā, un Kungs, Pulku Dievs, bija ar viņu.
11 Tīras ķēniņš Hīrāms sūtīja pie Dāvida vēstnešus. Viņš sūtīja arī ciedru kokus, kokgriezējus un akmeņkaļus, un tie uzcēla Dāvidam namu. 12 Dāvids saprata, ka Kungs viņu ir apstiprinājis par Israēla ķēniņu un ir paaugstinājis viņa valdīšanu savas tautas Israēla dēļ.
13 Un Dāvids ņēma vēl vairāk blakussievu un sievu no Jeruzālemes, kad viņš bija atnācis no Hebronas, un tās dzemdēja Dāvidam vēl vairāk dēlu un meitu. 14 Šie ir vārdi tiem, kas viņam piedzima Jeruzālemē: Šammua, Šobābs, Nātāns, Sālamans, 15 Jibhārs, Elīšūa, Nefegs, Jāfīa, 16 Elīšāma, Eljāda un Elīfelets.
Filistiešu uzbrukums atsists
(1L 14:8–17)
17 Kad filistieši padzirdēja, ka Dāvids svaidīts par Israēla ķēniņu, tie visi devās meklēt Dāvidu. Kad Dāvids to uzzināja, viņš devās lejā uz cietoksni. 18 Filistieši nāca un izvietojās Refāiešu ielejā. 19 Dāvids izjautāja Kungu: “Vai man doties pret filistiešiem? Vai tu tos nodosi manā rokā?” Kungs atbildēja: “Ej! Es atdošu filistiešus tavā rokā.” 20 Dāvids devās uz Baālpracīmu un sakāva tur filistiešus. Tad Dāvids teica: “Kungs satrieca manus ienaidniekus pirms manis – kā ūdens šalti.” Tāpēc šo vietu sauc Baālpracīma . 21 Filistieši tur pameta savus elkus, un Dāvids ar saviem vīriem tos aiznesa.
22 Tad filistieši nāca vēlreiz un izvietojās Refāiešu ielejā. 23 Dāvids izjautāja Kungu, un viņš teica: “Neej taisni, apej no aizmugures un dodies pret tiem no balzamkoku puses. 24 Tiklīdz balzamkoku galotnēs sadzirdēsi soļus, traucies, jo tad Kungs būs izgājis sakaut filistiešu karapulku!” 25 Dāvids darīja, kā Kungs viņam lika, un kāva filistiešus no Gebas līdz pat Gezerai.
David Becomes King of Israel
(1 Chronicles 11.1-3)
1 Israel's leaders met with David at Hebron and said, “We are your relatives. 2 Even when Saul was king, you led our nation in battle. And the Lord promised that someday you would rule Israel and take care of us like a shepherd.”
3 During the meeting, David made an agreement with the leaders and asked the Lord to be their witness. Then the leaders poured olive oil on David's head to show that he was now the king of Israel.
4 David was 30 years old when he became king, and he ruled for 40 years. 5 He lived in Hebron for the first seven and a half years and ruled only Judah. Then he moved to Jerusalem, where he ruled both Israel and Judah for 33 years.
How David Captured Jerusalem
(1 Chronicles 11.4-91 14.11 2)
6 The Jebusites lived in Jerusalem, and David led his army there to attack them. The Jebusites did not think he could get in, so they told him, “You can't get in here! We could keep you out, even if we couldn't see or walk!”
7-9 David told his troops, “You will have to go up through the water tunnel to get those Jebusites. I hate people like them who can't walk or see.”
That's why there is still a rule that says, “Only people who can walk and see are allowed in the temple.”
David captured the fortress on Mount Zion, then he moved there and named it David's City. He had the city rebuilt, starting with the landfill to the east. 10 David became a great and strong ruler, because the Lord All-Powerful was on his side.
11 King Hiram of Tyre sent some officials to David. Carpenters and stone workers came with them, and they brought cedar logs so they could build David a palace.
12 David knew that the Lord had made him king of Israel and that he had made him a powerful ruler for the good of his people.
David's Sons Born in Jerusalem
(1 Chronicles 14.3-7)
13 After David left Hebron and moved to Jerusalem, he married many women from Jerusalem, and he had a lot of children. 14 His sons who were born there were Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, 15 Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia, 16 Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.
David Fights the Philistines
(1 Chronicles 14.8-17)
17 The Philistines heard that David was now king of Israel, and they came into the hill country to try and capture him. But David found out and went into his fortress. 18 So the Philistines camped in Rephaim Valley.
19 David asked the Lord, “Should I attack the Philistines? Will you let me win?”
The Lord told David, “Attack! I will let you win.”
20 David attacked the Philistines and defeated them. Then he said, “I watched the Lord break through my enemies like a mighty flood.” So he named the place “The Lord Broke Through.” 21 David and his troops also carried away the idols that the Philistines had left behind.
22 Some time later, the Philistines came back into the hill country and camped in Rephaim Valley. 23 David asked the Lord what he should do, and the Lord answered:
Don't attack them from the front. Circle around behind and attack from among the balsam trees. 24 Wait until you hear a sound in the treetops like marching troops. Then attack quickly! That sound will mean I have marched out ahead of you to fight the Philistine army.
25 David obeyed the Lord and defeated the Philistines. He even chased them all the way from Geba to the entrance to Gezer.