Sestais redzējums: lidojošais rakstu rullis
1 Tad es atkal pacēlu savas acis, skatījos, un redzi – lidojošs rakstu rullis! 2 Viņš man jautāja: ko tu redzi? – Un es atbildēju: es redzu lidojošu rakstu rulli, kas ir divdesmit elkoņus garš un desmit elkoņus plats. 3 Un viņš man teica: tas ir lāsts, kas nāk pār visu zemi, jo pēc tā turpmāk iznīdēs ikvienu, kas zog, un pēc tā turpmāk iznīdēs ikvienu, kas melīgi zvēr.
4 To es esmu uzsūtījis,
saka Pulku Kungs,
lai tas iet uz zagļa namu
un uz tā namu, kas melīgi zvērējis manā vārdā,
lai tas apmetas to namos,
lai piebeidz koku un akmeni!
Septītais redzējums: sieva labības mērā
5 Tad eņģelis, kas ar mani bija runājis, iznāca priekšā un sacīja: pacel acis un paraugies, kas tur nāk! – 6 Un es teicu: kas tas tāds? – Un viņš teica: tas ir lielais labības mērs, kas tur nāk! Un vēl viņš sacīja: tik daudz tiem vainas visā zemē! 7 Un, redzi, mēram pacēlās svina vāks, un tur iekšā sēdēja sieva! 8 Un viņš teica: tā ir ļaundarība! – tad viņš to iegrūda atpakaļ mērā un atkal uzlika mēram svina vāku.
9 Tad es pacēlu savas acis, un redzi – iznāca divas sievas, un vējš bija tām spārnos – viņām bija tādi spārni kā stārķiem! – viņas pacēla labības mēru starp debesīm un zemi! 10 Tad es teicu eņģelim, kas bija ar mani runājis: kurp viņas nes labības mēru? – 11 Un viņš man teica: tam ceļ namu Šināras zemē, un, kad tas būs gatavs, viņas to noliks uz tā pamata!
Sixth Vision: A Flying Scroll
1 When I looked the next time, I saw a flying scroll, 2 and the angel asked, “What do you see?”
“A flying scroll,” I answered. “About nine meters long and four and a half meters wide.”
3 Then he told me:
This scroll puts a curse on everyone in the land who steals or tells lies. The writing on one side tells about the destruction of those who steal, while the writing on the other side tells about the destruction of those who lie.
4 The Lord All-Powerful has said, “I am sending this scroll into the house of everyone who is a robber or tells lies in my name, and it will remain there until every piece of wood and stone in that house crumbles.”
Seventh Vision: A Woman in a Basket
5 Now the angel who was there to explain the visions came over and said, “Look up and tell me what you see coming.”
6 “I don't know what it is,” was my reply.
“It's a big basket,” he said. “And it shows what everyone in the land has in mind.”
7 The lead cover of the basket was opened, and in the basket was a woman. 8 “This woman represents evil,” the angel explained. Then he threw her back into the basket and slammed the heavy cover down tight.
9 Right after this I saw two women coming through the sky with wings outstretched like a stork in the wind. Suddenly they lifted the basket into the air, 10 and I asked the angel, “Where are they taking the basket?”
11 “To Babylonia,” he answered, “where they will build a house for the basket and set it down inside.”