1 “Redzi, cik tu skaista,
draudzene mana!
Redzi, cik tu skaista –
tavas acis ir dūjas
aiz tava plīvura.
Tavi mati ir kā kazu bars,
kas tek lejup no Gileāda kalniem.
2 Tavi zobi
ir cirptu avju pulks,
kas kāpj augšup pēc peldes –
katra no tām dvīņus atnesusi,
un izmetušos nav viņu vidū.
3 Kā purpura aukla
ir tavas lūpas,
un tava mute ir jauka.
Kā granātābola šķēles
tavi vaigi aiz plīvura.
4 Tavs kakls
kā Dāvida tornis,
kas celts priekš ieročiem –
tūkstoš vairogu pakārti tur,
un ikviens pieder varonim.
5 Abas tavas krūtis
kā divi stirnēni,
kā gazeļu dvīņi,
kas lilijās ganās.
6 Kamēr diena vēl dvašo
un ēnas bēg,
es došos uz mirru kalnu
un vīraka pauguru.
7 Visa tu esi skaista,
draudzene mana,
un tevī nav vainas.
8 Man līdzi no Lebanona,
līgava mana,
nāc man līdzi no Lebanona!
Dodies šurp no Amānas virsotnes,
no Senīra un Hermona virsotnes,
no lauvu mītnēm,
no panteru kalniem.
9 Tu mani iekveldināji,
māsa mana, līgava, –
tu mani iekveldināji
tik ar acu kaktiņu,
tik ar vienu krelli
no tavas rotas.
10 Cik brīnišķi tavi glāsti,
māsa mana, līgava, –
tavi glāsti
par vīnu gardāki,
tavas eļļas dvesma –
par visām smaržām.
11 Medus lāso tev lūpās, līgava, –
piens un medus
zem tavas mēles,
un tavas drēbes smaržo
kā Lebanona ciedri.
12 Aizslēgts dārzs,
tu māsa mana, līgava, –
aizslēgts avots,
aizzīmogota aka.
13 Tavs klēpis
ir granātu dārzs
ar saldiem augļiem,
ar hennu un nardēm.
14 Narde un safrāns,
kalme un kanēlis
ar visiem vīraka kokiem,
mirres un alvejas
līdz ar vislabākajām smaržām.”
15 “Dārzu avots, dzīvūdens aka
un straumes no Lebanona.
16 Mosties, ziemeli,
nāc, dienvidvējš,
dves manā dārzā –
izplūdīs smarža,
lai mans mīļotais
nāk savā dārzā
un ēd saldos augļus!”
What a Beautiful Bride
He Speaks:
1 My darling, you are lovely,
so very lovely—
as you look through your veil,
your eyes are those of a dove.
Your hair tosses about
as gracefully as goats
coming down from Gilead.
2 Your teeth are whiter
than sheep freshly washed;
they match perfectly,
not one is missing.
3 Your lips are crimson cords,
your mouth is shapely;
behind your veil are hidden
beautiful rosy cheeks.
4 Your neck is more graceful
than the tower of David,
decorated with thousands
of warriors' shields.
5 Your breasts are perfect;
they are twin deer
feeding among lilies.
6 I will hasten to those hills
sprinkled with sweet perfume
and stay there till sunrise.
7 My darling, you are lovely
in every way.
8 My bride, together
we will leave Lebanon!
We will say goodbye
to the peaks of Mount Amana,
Senir, and Hermon,
where lions and leopards
live in the caves.
9 My bride, my very own,
you have stolen my heart!
With one glance from your eyes
and the glow of your necklace,
you have stolen my heart.
10 Your love is sweeter than wine;
the smell of your perfume
is more fragrant than spices.
11 Your lips are a honeycomb;
milk and honey
flow from your tongue.
Your dress has the aroma
of cedar trees from Lebanon.
12 My bride, my very own,
you are a garden, a fountain
closed off to all others.
13 Your arms are vines,
covered with delicious fruits
and all sorts of spices—
henna, nard, 14 saffron,
calamus, cinnamon,
frankincense, myrrh, and aloes
—all the finest spices.
15 You are a spring in the garden,
a fountain of pure water,
and a refreshing stream
from Mount Lebanon.
She Speaks:
16 Let the north wind blow,
the south wind too!
Let them spread the aroma
of my garden,
so the one I love
may enter and taste
its delicious fruits.