Dieva taisnīgā tiesa
1 Tādēļ, cilvēk, tu, kas tiesā citu, tev pašam nav ar ko aizbildināties: par ko tu tiesā citu, par to tu notiesā pats sevi, jo, tiesātājs būdams, tu dari to pašu. 2 Bet mēs zinām, ka pār tiem, kas tā rīkojas, nāk Dieva taisnīgā tiesa. 3 Vai tiešām tu, cilvēk, domā, ka, citus tiesādams par to, ko pats dari, tu izbēgsi Dieva sodam? 4 Vai varbūt tu nicini viņa labestības, pacietības un lēnprātības bagātību, nesaprazdams, ka Dieva labestība tevi vada uz atgriešanos? 5 Bet ar savu stūrgalvību un nocietināto sirdi, kas neatgriežas no grēkiem, tu krāj dusmas pret sevi tai Dieva dusmības dienai, kad atklāsies viņa taisnā tiesa. 6 Un viņš atmaksās ikvienam pēc viņa darbiem: 7 tiem, kas neatlaidīgi ar labiem darbiem meklē godu, slavu un neiznīcību, viņš dos mūžīgo dzīvību, 8 bet pār tiem, kas ir savtīgi un nepaklausa patiesībai, bet ir paklausīgi netaisnībai, nāks dusmas un bardzība. 9 Ciešanas un izmisums ikvienai cilvēka dvēselei, kas rīkojas nekrietni, – jūdam vispirms un arī grieķim! 10 Gods, slava un miers ikvienam, kas rīkojas krietni, – jūdam vispirms un arī grieķim. 11 Jo Dievam nav svarīga cilvēka āriene. 12 Kas grēkojuši, bauslību nepazīdami, bez bauslības ies arī bojā, bet, kas grēkojuši, zem bauslības būdami, pēc bauslības tiks tiesāti. 13 Jo ne jau tie, kas bauslību klausās, ir taisni Dieva priekšā, bet bauslības turētāji tiks attaisnoti. 14 Kad pagāni, kam nav bauslības, pēc dabas dara to, ko bauslība prasa, tie, būdami bez bauslības, paši sev ir bauslība. 15 Viņi parāda, ka bauslība ir ierakstīta viņu sirdīs, to apliecina arī viņu sirdsapziņa un viņu domas, ar kādām tie cits citu vai nu apsūdz, vai aizstāv. 16 Kā esmu sludinājis savā evaņģēlijā – nāk diena, kad Dievs caur Jēzu Kristu tiesās visu, kas cilvēkā apslēpts.
Jūdi un bauslība
17 Ja tu saucies jūds un paļaujies uz bauslību un dižojies Dievā, 18 ja tu zini viņa gribu un, bauslībā mācījies, atšķir noderīgo 19 un ja tev ir pārliecība, ka esi ceļa vadonis akliem, gaisma tiem, kas tumsā, 20 un audzinātājs neprašām un skolotājs zīdaiņiem, un ja tu esi tāds, kas bauslībā rod atziņas un patiesības iemiesojumu, – 21 kā tad tu, citus mācīdams, nemāci sevi? Sludinādams, ka nebūs zagt, tu zodz, 22 teikdams, lai citi nav laulības pārkāpēji, tu pats esi tāds? Tev riebj elki, bet elku tempļus tu aplaupi? 23 Tu, kas ar bauslību dižojies, tu, pats to pārkāpdams, apkauno Dievu. 24 Kā ir rakstīts: jūsu dēļ Dieva vārds tiek zaimots citās tautās. 25 Apgraizīšana der, ja tu rīkojies pēc bauslības, bet, ja esi bauslības pārkāpējs, tad tava apgraizīšana ir tas pats, kas neapgraizīšana. 26 Un, ja neapgraizītais tur bauslības taisnību, vai viņa neapgraizīšana neskaitīsies apgraizīšana? 27 Vai tas, kas pēc dabas ir neapgraizīts, bet pilda bauslību, vai viņš netiesās tevi, kas esi bauslības pārkāpējs, lai gan tev ir Raksti un apgraizīšana? 28 Ne jau tas ir jūds, kas ārēji tāds, nedz tā ir apgraizīšana, kas ārēji pie miesas, 29 bet jūds ir tas, kas tāds ir iekšēji, kam sirds ir apgraizīta pēc Gara, nevis pēc burta, un tādam uzslava ne no cilvēkiem, bet no Dieva.
God's Judgment Is Fair
1 Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things. 2 We know that God is right to judge everyone who behaves in this way. 3 Do you really think God won't punish you, when you behave exactly like the people you accuse? 4 You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don't you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him?
5 But you are stubborn and refuse to turn to God. So you are making things even worse for yourselves on that day when he will show how angry he is and will judge the world with fairness. 6 God will reward each of us for what we have done. 7 He will give eternal life to everyone who has patiently done what is good in the hope of receiving glory, honor, and life that lasts forever. 8 But he will show how angry and furious he can be with every selfish person who rejects the truth and wants to do evil. 9 All who are wicked will be punished with trouble and suffering. It doesn't matter if they are Jews or Gentiles. 10 But all who do right will be rewarded with glory, honor, and peace, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. 11 God doesn't have any favorites!
12 Those people who don't know about God's Law will still be punished for what they do wrong. And the Law will be used to judge everyone who knows what it says. 13 God accepts those who obey his Law, but not those who simply hear it.
14 Some people naturally obey the Law's commands, even though they don't have the Law. 15 This proves that the conscience is like a law written in the human heart. And it will show whether we are forgiven or condemned, 16 when God appoints Jesus Christ to judge everyone's secret thoughts, just as my message says.
The Jews and the Law
17 Some of you call yourselves Jews. You trust in the Law and take pride in God. 18 By reading the Scriptures you learn how God wants you to behave, and you discover what is right. 19 You are sure that you are a guide for the blind and a light for all who are in the dark. 20 And since there is knowledge and truth in God's Law, you think you can instruct fools and teach young people.
21 But how can you teach others when you refuse to learn? You preach it is wrong to steal. But do you steal? 22 You say people should be faithful in marriage. But are you faithful? You hate idols, yet you rob their temples. 23 You take pride in the Law, but you disobey the Law and bring shame to God. 24 It is just as the Scriptures tell us, “You have made foreigners say insulting things about God.”
25 Being circumcised is worthwhile, if you obey the Law. But if you don't obey the Law, you are no better off than people who are not circumcised. 26 In fact, if they obey the Law, they are as good as anyone who is circumcised. 27 So everyone who obeys the Law, but has never been circumcised, will condemn you. Even though you are circumcised and have the Law, you still don't obey its teachings.
28 Just because you live like a Jew and are circumcised doesn't make you a real Jew. 29 To be a real Jew you must obey the Law. True circumcision is something that happens deep in your heart, not something done to your body. And besides, you should want praise from God and not from humans.