Netiesājiet cits citu!
1 Pieņemiet tādu, kas ticībā vājš, bet neielaidieties strīdos par dažādiem viedokļiem. 2 Dažam pārliecība atļauj ēst visu, bet ticībā vājais ēd tikai dārza augļus. 3 Tas, kas ēd visu, lai nenoniecina to, kas neēd, un tas, kas neēd visu, lai netiesā to, kas ēd. Jo Dievs viņu ir pieņēmis. 4 Kas tu tāds esi, ka tiesā citam namam piederīgu kalpu? Viņš stāv un krīt sava saimnieka priekšā; un viņš stāvēs, Kungs taču dod viņam spēku nostāvēt. 5 Dažs šķir dienu no dienas, citam visas dienas ir vienādas; ikviens lai droši paliek pie sava ieskata. 6 Tas, kurš atzīmē kādu dienu, to dara Kungam par godu. Tas, kurš ēd, ēd Kungam, jo viņš pateicas Dievam. Arī tas, kurš neēd, neēd Kungam par godu un pateicas Dievam. Un arī tas, kas visu neēd, atturas Kungam par godu un pateicas Dievam. 7 Neviens no mums nedzīvo sev pašam un neviens nemirst sev pašam. 8 Jo, ja dzīvojam, mēs dzīvojam Kungam, un, ja mirstam, mēs mirstam Kungam. Tātad – vai nu dzīvojam, vai mirstam, mēs piederam Kungam. 9 Tādēļ jau Kristus nomira un tapa dzīvs, lai valdītu pār dzīviem un mirušiem. 10 Kādēļ tu tiesā savu brāli? Un kādēļ tu noniecini savu brāli? Mums visiem būs jāstājas Dieva soģa krēsla priekšā, 11 jo ir rakstīts:
tik tiešām, es dzīvoju, saka Kungs,
manā priekšā visi ceļi locīsies
un visas mēles apliecinās Dievu!
12 Tā nu ikviens no mums dos Dievam norēķinu par sevi.
Neapgrēcini savu brāli!
13 Tādēļ netiesāsim vairs cits citu, bet labāk apņemieties nelikt brālim ceļā šķēršļus vai būt viņam par piedauzību. 14 Es zinu un esmu pārliecināts Kungā Jēzū, ka nekas nav nešķīsts pats par sevi, vienīgi tam, kas uzskata kaut ko par nešķīstu, tas tāds arī ir. 15 Ja tavs brālis kāda ēdiena dēļ ir apbēdināts, tad tu vairs nedzīvo mīlestībā. Sava ēdiena dēļ nepazudini to, par ko Kristus ir miris. 16 Lai tas, ko esat atzinuši par labu, netiek zaimots! 17 Ne jau ēdieni un dzērieni ir Dieva valstība. Dieva valstība ir taisnība, miers un prieks Svētajā garā. 18 Kas šajās lietās kalpo Kristum, tas Dievam ir tīkams un pie cilvēkiem cieņā. 19 Tad nu dzīsimies pēc miera un pēc tā, lai varētu celt cits citu. 20 Neposti Dieva darbu ēdiena dēļ! Viss gan ir šķīsts, bet viss nāk par ļaunu cilvēkam, kas ēd apgrēcinādamies. 21 Tad ir labāk neēst gaļu un nedzert vīnu, un nedarīt ko tādu, kas liek tavam brālim klupt. 22 Tev ir sava pārliecība? Paturi to pie sevis, Dieva priekšā. Laimīgs, kas sevi netiesā par to, ko atzīst par labu! 23 Bet, ja kāds šaubās un tomēr ēd, tāds jau ir nosodīts, jo nedara to ticībā; viss, kas nav darīts ticībā, ir grēks.
Don't Criticize Others
1 Welcome all the Lord's followers, even those whose faith is weak. Don't criticize them for having beliefs that are different from yours. 2 Some think it is all right to eat anything, while those whose faith is weak will eat only vegetables. 3 But you should not criticize others for eating or for not eating. After all, God welcomes everyone. 4 What right do you have to criticize someone else's servants? Only their Lord can decide if they are doing right, and the Lord will make sure that they do right.
5 Some of the Lord's followers think one day is more important than another. Others think all days are the same. But each of you should make up your own mind. 6 Any followers who count one day more important than another day do it to honor their Lord. And any followers who eat meat give thanks to God, just like the ones who don't eat meat.
7 Whether we live or die, it must be for God, rather than for ourselves. 8 Whether we live or die, it must be for the Lord. Alive or dead, we still belong to the Lord. 9 This is because Christ died and rose to life, so that he would be the Lord of the dead and of the living. 10 Why do you criticize other followers of the Lord? Why do you look down on them? The day is coming when God will judge all of us. 11 In the Scriptures God says,

“I swear by my very life
that everyone will kneel down
and praise my name!”

12 And so, each of us must give an account to God for what we do.
Don't Cause Problems for Others
13 We must stop judging others. We must also make up our minds not to upset anyone's faith. 14 The Lord Jesus has made it clear to me that God considers all foods fit to eat. But if you think some foods are unfit to eat, then for you they are not fit.
15 If you are hurting others by the foods you eat, you are not guided by love. Don't let your appetite destroy someone Christ died for. 16 Don't let your right to eat bring shame to Christ. 17 God's kingdom isn't about eating and drinking. It is about pleasing God, about living in peace, and about true happiness. All this comes from the Holy Spirit. 18 If you serve Christ in this way, you will please God and be respected by people. 19 We should try to live at peace and help each other have a strong faith.
20 Don't let your appetite destroy what God has done. All foods are fit to eat, but it is wrong to cause problems for others by what you eat. 21 It is best not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else that causes problems for other followers of the Lord. 22 What you believe about these things should be kept between you and God. You are fortunate, if your actions don't make you have doubts. 23 But if you do have doubts about what you eat, you are going against your beliefs. And you know that is wrong, because anything you do against your beliefs is sin.