Lielā netikle uz zvēra
1 Tad nāca viens no septiņiem eņģeļiem, kam bija septiņi trauki, un viņš sāka runāt ar mani: “Nāc šurp, es tev rādīšu, kādu sodu saņem lielā netikle, kas sēž pār daudzajiem ūdeņiem, 2 ar kuru zemes ķēniņi piekopuši netiklību, un zemes iedzīvotāji apdzērušies no viņas netiklības vīna.” 3 Un eņģelis mani garā aiznesa tuksnesī. Es ieraudzīju kādu sievieti sēžam uz tumšsarkana zvēra, pilna ar zaimošanas vārdiem. Tam bija septiņas galvas un desmit ragu. 4 Sieviete bija tērpusies purpura un tumšsarkanā tērpā un bija greznojusies ar zeltu, dārgakmeņiem un pērlēm un turēja rokā zelta kausu, kas bija pilns ar negantībām un viņas netiklības nešķīstību. 5 Uz pieres viņai bija rakstīts noslēpumains vārds: lielā Bābele, zemes netikļu un negantību māte. 6 Es redzēju, ka sieviete apreibusi no svēto un Jēzus liecinieku asinīm. Viņu ieraudzījis, es ļoti izbrīnījos. 7 Tad eņģelis man teica: “Kādēļ tu brīnies? Es tev pastāstīšu noslēpumu par šo sievieti un zvēru ar septiņām galvām un desmit ragiem, kas viņu nes.” 8 Zvērs, ko tu redzēji, bija, tagad nav, bet viņš izkāps no bezdibeņa un tad ies pazušanā. Visi zemes iedzīvotāji, kuru vārdi no pasaules radīšanas nav rakstīti dzīvības grāmatā, brīnīsies, redzot, ka zvērs bija un tad viņa vairs nav, bet viņš atkal būs klāt. 9 Šeit vajag prātu, kurā mīt gudrība: septiņas galvas nozīmē septiņus kalnus, uz kuriem tā sieviete ir apsēdusies, un arī septiņus ķēniņus. 10 Pieci ir krituši, viens ir pašreiz, viens vēl nav nācis, bet, kad atnāks, viņam būs jāpaliek īsu brīdi. 11 Bet zvērs, kas bija un kura vairs nav, pats viņš ir astotais un viens no tiem septiņiem, un viņš ies pazušanā. 12 Un desmit ragi, kurus tu redzēji, ir desmit ķēniņi, kas ķēniņa varu vēl nav saņēmuši, bet viņi to saņems uz vienu stundu reizē ar zvēru. 13 Viņiem ir viens nodoms un spēks, un savu varu tie piešķir zvēram. 14 Tie karos pret Jēru, un Jērs viņus uzvarēs, jo viņš ir kungu Kungs un ķēniņu Ķēniņš, un kopā ar viņu ir aicinātie, izredzētie un uzticamie. 15 Tad eņģelis man saka: “Tie ūdeņi, ko tu redzēji, kur sēž netikle, tie ir ļaudis un ļaužu pūļi, tautas un valodas. 16 Un tie desmit ragi, ko tu redzēji, un zvērs, tie ienīdīs mauku, izpostīs un atstās to kailu, viņas miesas apēdīs un viņu sadedzinās ugunī, 17 jo Dievs lika tiem sirdīs darīt viņa nodomu un darboties saskanīgi, nododot savu valstību zvēram, līdz kamēr piepildīsies Dieva vārdi. 18 Un sieviete, ko tu redzēji, ir lielā pilsēta, kas valda pār zemes ķēniņiem.”
The Prostitute and the Beast
1 One of the seven angels who had emptied the bowls came over and said to me, “Come on! I will show you how God will punish that shameless prostitute who sits on many oceans. 2 Every king on earth has slept with her, and her shameless ways are like wine that has made everyone on earth drunk.”
3 With the help of the Spirit, the angel took me into a desert, where I saw a woman sitting on a red beast. The beast was covered with names that were an insult to God, and it had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet robes, and she wore jewelry made of gold, precious stones, and pearls. In her hand she held a gold cup filled with the filthy and nasty things she had done. 5 On her forehead a mysterious name was written:
I AM THE GREAT CITY OF BABYLON, THE MOTHER OF EVERY IMMORAL AND FILTHY THING ON EARTH.6 I could tell that the woman was drunk on the blood of God's people who had given their lives for Jesus. This surprising sight amazed me, 7 and the angel said:
Why are you so amazed? I will explain the mystery about this woman and about the beast she is sitting on, with its seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast you saw is one that used to be and no longer is. It will come back from the deep pit, but only to be destroyed. Everyone on earth whose names were not written in the book of life before the time of creation will be amazed. They will see this beast that used to be and no longer is, but will be once more.
9 Anyone with wisdom can figure this out. The seven heads that the woman is sitting on stand for seven hills. These heads are also seven kings. 10 Five of the kings are dead. One is ruling now, and the other one has not yet come. But when he does, he will rule for only a little while.
11 You also saw a beast that used to be and no longer is. That beast is one of the seven kings who will return as the eighth king, but only to be destroyed.
12 The ten horns you saw are ten more kings, who have not yet come into power, and they will rule with the beast for only a short time. 13 They all think alike and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These kings will go to war against the Lamb. But he will defeat them, because he is Lord over all lords and King over all kings. His followers are chosen and special and faithful.
15 The oceans you saw the prostitute sitting on are crowds of people from all races and languages. 16 The ten horns and the beast will start hating the shameless woman. They will strip off her clothes and leave her naked. Then they will eat her flesh and throw the rest of her body into a fire. 17 God is the one who made these kings all think alike and decide to give their power to the beast. And they will do this until what God has said comes true.
18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over all kings on earth.