Pateiciet un paklausiet Kungam!
1 Nāciet, dziedāsim Kungam,
uzgavilēsim mūsu glābiņa Klintij!
2 Nāksim viņa priekšā ar pateicību,
ar slavas dziesmām tam uzgavilēsim –
3 jo liels Dievs ir Kungs
un liels ķēniņš pār visiem dieviem,
4 kuram rokā zemes dzīles
un kalnu gali – arī tam,
5 kuram jūra, un viņš to darinājis,
un sauszemi viņa rokas veidojušas!
6 Nāciet, nolieksimies, metīsimies ceļos
Kunga, mūsu Radītāja, priekšā,
7 jo viņš ir mūsu Dievs
un mēs – viņa ganību tauta
un avis, ko viņa roka gana!
Kaut šodien jūs viņam klausītu!
8 Nenocietiniet sirdis kā pie Merības,
kā todien pie Masas tuksnesī,
9 kad mani kārdināja jūsu tēvi –
tie mani pārbaudīja, kaut redzēja manus darbus!
10 Četrdesmit gadus man derdzās šī audze,
un es teicu: tā ir tauta ar aplamām sirdīm,
un tie nevēro manus ceļus! –
11 Tad es zvērēju savās dusmās:
tie vis neienāks manā miera vietā!
Worship and Obey the Lord
1 Sing joyful songs to the Lord!
Praise the mighty rock
where we are safe.
2 Come to worship him
with thankful hearts
and songs of praise.
3 The Lord is the greatest God,
king over all other gods.
4 He holds the deepest part
of the earth in his hands,
and the mountain peaks
also belong to him.
5 The ocean is the Lord's
because he made it,
and with his own hands
he formed the dry land.
6 Bow down and worship
the Lord our Creator!
7 The Lord is our God,
and we are his people,
the sheep he takes care of
in his own pasture.
Listen to God's voice today!
8 Don't be stubborn and rebel
as your ancestors did
at Meribah and Massah
out in the desert.
9 For forty years
they tested God and saw
the things he did.
10 Then God got tired of them
and said,
“You never show good sense,
and you don't understand
what I want you to do.”
11 In his anger, God told them,
“You people will never enter
my place of rest.”