Par Dieva derību ar Dāvidu
1 Ezrāhieša Ētāna dziesma pamācībai.
2 Par Kunga žēlastību dziedāšu mūžos,
es vēstīšu audžu audzēm par tavu uzticību!
3 Es teicu: tava žēlastība celta uz mūžiem,
debesīs nolikta tava uzticība. –
4 Es slēdzu derību ar savu izredzēto,
es zvērēju Dāvidam, savam kalpam:
5 uz mūžiem es iedibināšu tavu dzimumu
un celšu uz audžu audzēm tavu troni! –
6 Debesīs slavē tavus brīnumus
un tavu uzticību svēto pulkā,
7 jo kurš padebešos līdzīgs Kungam,
kurš ir kā Kungs starp dievu dēliem?
8 Dievs, bijāts svēto sapulcē,
liels un baiss visiem, kas apkārt!
9 Kungs, Pulku Dievs, – kurš ir kā tu?
Varenais Kungs,
tava uzticība – ap tevi!
10 Tu valdi pār lepno jūru –
kad tā slej viļņus, tu rāmini tos!
11 Tu padarīji Rahabu par līķi,
ar savu stipro elkoni izsvaidīji naidniekus.
12 Tev pieder debesis un tev – zeme,
zemes virsa un viss uz tās –
tu esi tās dibinājis.
13 Ziemeļus un dienvidus tu esi radījis,
Tābors un Hermons gavilē tavu vārdu.
14 Tev elkonis varens,
stipra tev roka,
pacelta tava labā roka!
15 Taisnība un tiesa – tava troņa pamats,
žēlastība un patiesība iet tev pa priekšu.
16 Svētīta tauta, kas gavilēt prot, –
Kungs, tava vaiga gaismā tie staigā,
17 tavu vārdu tie dzied augu dienu
un tavu taisnību tie cildina,
18 jo viņu spēka rota – tu,
un tava vēlība mūs stiprina!
19 Jo no Kunga – mūsu vairogs,
no Israēla Svētā – mūsu ķēniņš!
20 Reiz tu runāji parādībā,
saviem uzticīgajiem tu teici:
es palīdzēju varonim,
es paaugstināju izredzēto tautā!
21 Es atradu Dāvidu, savu kalpu,
ar savu svēto eļļu es svaidīju viņu –
22 mana roka to balstīs vienumēr,
un mans elkonis stiprinās viņu!
23 Nepieveiks naidnieks viņu,
un ļaundaris viņu nepazemos –
24 es satriekšu pretiniekus viņa priekšā,
un tos, kas viņu nīst, es sadragāšu.
25 Mana uzticība un žēlastība ar viņu,
manā vārdā sliesies viņa rags.
26 Es likšu pār jūru viņa roku
un pār upēm viņa labo roku.
27 Viņš sauks man: tu – mans Tēvs,
mans Dievs, mana glābiņa klints! –
28 Tiešām es viņu darīšu par savu pirmdzimto,
par visaugstāko starp zemes ķēniņiem.
29 Mūžam ar viņu būs mana žēlastība
un mana derība ar viņu stipra.
30 Uz laikiem esmu nolicis viņa dzimumu
un viņa troni – kamēr debesis stāvēs.
31 Ja viņa dēli atmetīs manu bauslību
un nepildīs manas tiesas,
32 ja manus likumus tie pārkāps
un manus baušļus neņems vērā,
33 es sodīšu ar rīksti viņu pārkāpumu
un ar sērgu viņu vainu!
34 Bet viņam es neatraušu savu žēlastību
un nelikšu vilties savā uzticībā,
35 savu derību es nepārkāpšu,
ko esmu teicis, es nemainīšu,
36 reiz esmu zvērējis pie sava svētuma –
vai es Dāvidam melotu?!
37 Viņa dzimums mūžam būs
un viņa tronis kā saule man priekšā,
38 kā mēness uz mūžiem,
kā patiess liecinieks padebešos! –
39 Bet nu tu viņu atmet un atraidi
un skaisties uz savu svaidīto,
40 tu lauz derību ar savu kalpu,
tu vārti zemē viņa kroni,
41 tu sašķel visus viņa vaļņus,
sagāz viņa cietokšņus gruvešos,
42 ik garāmgājējs viņu aplaupa,
kaimiņiem viņš par apsmieklu,
43 tu cel viņa pretinieku labo roku,
tu priecē visus viņa naidniekus,
44 tu atcērt viņa zobena asmeni
un nebalsti viņu kaujā,
45 tu esi atņēmis viņa spožumu
un viņa troni nogāzis zemē,
46 apcirpis viņa jaunības dienas,
apklājis viņu ar kaunu.
47 Cik ilgi vēl, Kungs? Vai mūžam tu slēpsies?
Vai kā uguns degs tavs niknums?
48 Atceries, cik man mūža –
tik dvesmai tu radījis visus cilvēkbērnus!
49 Kurš cilvēks dzīvo un neredz nāvi,
un paglābjas no šeola varas?
50 Kur tava agrākā žēlastība, mans Kungs,
ko zvērēji Dāvidam savā uzticībā?
51 Atceries, mans Kungs, tavu kalpu negodu!
Es nēsāju krūtīs to visu no daudzām tautām,
52 ar ko apsmej tavi naidnieki, Kungs,
ar ko tie apsmej tava svaidītā soļus!
53 Lai slavēts Kungs mūžam!
Patiesi un patiesi!
(A special psalm by Ethan the Ezrahite.)
The Lord's Agreement with David
1 Our Lord, I will sing
of your love forever.
Everyone yet to be born
will hear me praise
your faithfulness.
2 I will tell them, “God's love
can always be trusted,
and his faithfulness lasts
as long as the heavens.”
3 You said, “David, my servant,
is my chosen one,
and this is the agreement
I made with him:
4 David, one of your descendants
will always be king.”
5 Our Lord, let the heavens
now praise your miracles,
and let all your angels
praise your faithfulness.
6 None who live in the heavens
can compare with you.
7 You are the most fearsome
of all who live in heaven;
all the others fear
and greatly honor you.
8 You are Lord God All-Powerful!
No one is as loving
and faithful as you are.
9 You rule the roaring sea
and calm its waves.
10 You crushed the monster Rahab,
and with your powerful arm
you scattered your enemies.
11 The heavens and the earth
belong to you.
And so does the world
with all its people
because you created them
12 and everything else.
Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon
gladly praise you.
13 You are strong and mighty!
14 Your kingdom is ruled
by justice and fairness
with love and faithfulness
leading the way.
15 Our Lord, you bless those
who join in the festival
and walk in the brightness
of your presence.
16 We are happy all day
because of you,
and your saving power
brings honor to us.
17 Your own glorious power
makes us strong,
and because of your kindness,
our strength increases.
18 Our Lord and our King,
the Holy One of Israel,
you are truly our shield.
19 In a vision, you once said
to your faithful followers:
“I have helped a mighty hero.
I chose him from my people
and made him famous.
20 David, my servant, is the one
I chose to be king,
21 and I will always be there
to help and strengthen him.
22 “No enemy will outsmart David,
and he won't be defeated
by any hateful people.
23 I will strike down and crush
his troublesome enemies.
24 He will always be able
to depend on my love,
and I will make him strong
with my own power.
25 I will let him rule the lands
across the rivers and seas.
26 He will say to me,
‘You are my Father
and my God,
as well as the mighty rock
where I am safe.’
27 “I have chosen David
as my first-born son,
and he will be the ruler
of all kings on earth.
28 My love for him will last,
and my agreement with him
will never be broken.
29 “One of David's descendants
will always be king,
and his family will rule
until the sky disappears.
30 Suppose some of his children
should reject my Law
and refuse my instructions.
31 Or suppose they should disobey
all of my teachings.
32 Then I will correct
and punish them
because of their sins.
33 But I will always love David
and faithfully keep all
of my promises to him.
34 “I won't break my agreement
or go back on my word.
35 I have sworn once and for all
by my own holy name,
and I won't lie to David.
36 His family will always rule.
I will let his kingdom last
as long as the sun 37 and moon
appear in the sky.”
38 You are now angry, Lord,
and you have turned your back
on your chosen king.
39 You broke off your agreement
with your servant, the king,
and you completely destroyed
his kingdom.
40 The walls of his city
have been broken through,
and every fortress
now lies in ruins.
41 All who pass by
take what they want,
and nations everywhere
joke about the king.
42 You made his enemies powerful
and let them celebrate.
43 But you forced him to retreat
because you did not fight
on his side.
44 You took his crown
and threw his throne
in the dirt.
45 You made an old man of him
and put him to shame.
46 How much longer, Lord?
Will you hide forever?
How long will your anger
keep burning like fire?
47 Remember, life is short!
Why did you empty our lives
of all meaning?
48 No one can escape the power
of death and the grave.
49 Our Lord, where is the love
you have always shown
and that you promised
so faithfully to David?
50 Remember your servant, Lord!
People make jokes about me,
and I suffer many insults.
51 I am your chosen one,
but your enemies chase
and make fun of me.
52 Our Lord, we praise you
forever. Amen and amen.