Lūgšana pēc palīga pret Dieva tautas naidniekiem
1 Dziesma. Āsāfa psalms.
2 Dievs, neciet klusu! Neesi mēms,
jel neklusē, Dievs!
3 Jo, redzi, tavi naidnieki ņurd,
tie, kas nīst tevi, jau ceļ galvu,
4 pret tavu tautu tie viltu kaļ
un padomu lolo pret tiem, ko tu sargi,
5 tie saka: ejam, izdeldam
viņus starp tautām,
lai Israēla vārdu nepiemin vairs! –
6 Jau tie padomu meklē kopā,
pret tevi tie derību slēdz –
7 Edoma teltis un ismaēlieši,
Moābs un hagrieši,
8 Gebala, Amona un Amālēks,
Filistija un tie, kas mīt Tīrā,
9 un Asīrija kopā ar tiem –
tie visi nu – Lata dēlu stiprums!
10 Dari tiem kā Midjānam, kā Sīsram,
kā Jābīnam pie Kīšonas strauta,
11 kā tiem, kas iznīcināti pie Ēndoras
un tapuši zemei par mēsliem!
12 Dari tiem – to augstmaņiem –
kā Orēbam un Zeēvam,
visiem to dižvīriem – kā Zebaham un Calmunnam!
13 Tie teica: kaut mēs mantotu ko
no Dieva ganībām! –
14 Mans Dievs, dari tos
kā putekļu vērpeti, kā pelavas vējā!
15 Kā uguns aizdedzina mežu
un kā liesma iesveļ kalnus,
16 tā vajā tu tos ar savu vētru
un ar savu viesuli tos izbiedē!
17 Klāj viņu sejas ar negodu –
ka tie sāk meklēt tavu vārdu, Kungs!
18 Lai tie apkaunoti izbīstas
uz laiku laikiem,
lai tie pazemoti iet bojā,
19 lai zina, ka tu, kam vārds – Kungs,
tu viens – Visuaugstais pār visu zemi!
(A song and a psalm by Asaph.)
God Rules All the Earth
1 Our God, don't just sit there,
silently doing nothing!
2 Your hateful enemies
are turning against you
and rebelling.
3 They are sly, and they plot
against those you treasure.
4 They say, “Let's wipe out
the nation of Israel
and make sure that no one
remembers its name!”
5 All of them fully agree
in their plans against you,
and among them are
6 Edom and the Ishmaelites;
Moab and the Hagrites;
7 Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek;
Philistia and Phoenicia.
8 Even Assyria has joined forces
with Moab and Ammon.
9 Our Lord, punish all of them
as you punished Midian.
Destroy them, as you destroyed
Sisera and Jabin
at Kishon Creek 10 near Endor,
and let their bodies rot.
11 Treat their leaders as you did
Oreb and Zeeb,
Zebah and Zalmunna.
12 All of them said, “We'll take
God's valuable land!”
13 Our God, scatter them around
like dust in a whirlwind.
14 Just as flames destroy forests
on the mountains,
15 pursue and terrify them
with storms of your own.
16 Make them blush with shame,
until they turn and worship
you, our Lord.
17 Let them be forever ashamed
and confused.
Let them die in disgrace.
18 Make them realize that you
are the Lord Most High,
the only ruler of earth!