Israēla Dievs ir tautu tiesnesis
1 Korvedim. Stīgu pavadījumam. Āsāfa psalms. Dziesma.
2 Pazīst gan Jūdā Dievu!
Israēlā liels viņa vārds!
3 Viņa mājvieta bija Šālēmā
un miteklis – Ciānā.
4 Tur viņš salauza uguns šautras,
vairogus, šķēpus un kara rīkus.
5 Spožs tu, dižens tu,
kas laupījuma kalnus
6 atņēmi drosmīgajiem!
Tie snauž, nevienam karotājam pat roka nepakust!
7 Tevis norāti, Jēkaba Dievs,
nemaņā gan braucēji, gan zirgi!
8 Tu, baiss esi tu!
Kurš nostāvēs tavā priekšā, kad tu dusmo?!
9 No debesīm tu spriedi tiesu –
zeme bijās un cieta klusu,
10 kad cēlās tiesāt Dievs,
glābt visus nabagos uz zemes!
11 Pat cilvēku naids tev sagādās slavu,
kas paliks pāri pēc naida –
to tu sev apjozīsi!
12 Solieties un dodiet Kungam, jūsu Dievam!
Visi, kas apkārt, nesiet veltes Bijājamam,
13 viņš dižajiem salauž garu
un zemes ķēniņiem iedveš bailes!
(A song and a psalm by Asaph for the music leader. Use stringed instruments.)
God Always Wins
1 You, our God,
are famous in Judah
and honored in Israel.
2 Your home is on Mount Zion,
the city of peace.
3 There you destroyed
fiery arrows, shields, swords,
and all the other weapons.
4 You are more glorious than
the eternal mountains.
5 Brave warriors were robbed
of what they had taken,
and now they lie dead,
unable to lift an arm.
6 God of Jacob, when you roar,
enemy chariots and horses
drop dead in their tracks.
7 Our God, you are fearsome,
and no one can oppose you
when you are angry.
8 From heaven you announced
your decisions as judge!
And all who live on this earth
were terrified and silent
9 when you took over as judge,
ready to rescue
everyone in need.
10 Even the most angry people
will praise you
when you are furious.
11 Everyone, make your promises
to the Lord your God
and do what you promise.
The Lord is fearsome,
and all his servants
should bring him gifts.
12 God destroys the courage
of rulers and kings
and makes cowards of them.