Slava Dievam, kas taisni tiesā
1 Korvedim. Pēc meldijas “Neizposti!”. Āsāfa psalms. Dziesma.
2 Mēs pateicamies tev, Dievs, mēs pateicamies,
tavs vārds ir tuvu – to liecina tavi brīnumi!

3 Redzi, es nolieku laiku un es taisnīgi tiesāšu –
4 kad sabirzīs zeme un viss, kas tur mīt,
es noturēšu tās stabus!
5 Es lielīgajiem saku: nelielieties!
un ļaundariem: neslejiet ragu!
6 Neslejiet augstu savus ragus,
nerunājiet un nestīvējieties,
7 jo ne no austrumiem, ne rietumiem,
ne no tuksneša nenāks paaugstināšana,
8 jo tikai Dievs tiesās –
vienu nogāzīs, bet citu paaugstinās!
9 Jo kauss Kungam rokā
ar putojošu vīnu, garšvielām jauktu,
viņš lies no tā – jā, līdz mielēm tie sūks,
tie dzers, visi zemes ļaundari!

10 Bet es liecināšu mūžam,
es dziedāšu slavu Jēkaba Dievam!
11 Visu ļaundaru ragus es aplauzīšu –
augstu sliesies taisno ragi!
(A psalm and a song by Asaph for the music leader. To the tune “Don't Destroy.” )
Praise God for All He Has Done
1 Our God, we thank you
for being so near to us!
Everyone celebrates
your wonderful deeds.

2 You have set a time
to judge with fairness.
3 The earth trembles,
and its people shake;
you alone keep
its foundations firm.
4 You tell every bragger,
“Stop bragging!”
And to the wicked you say,
“Don't boast of your power!
5 Stop bragging! Quit telling me
how great you are.”

6 Our Lord and our God,
victory doesn't come
from the east or the west
or from the desert.
7 You are the one who judges.
You can take away power
and give it to others.
8 You hold in your hand
a cup filled with wine,
strong and foaming.
You will pour out some
for every sinful person
on this earth,
and they will have to drink
until it is gone.
9 But I will always tell about
you, the God of Jacob,
and I will sing your praise.

10 Our Lord, you will destroy
the power of evil people,
but you will give strength
to those who are good.