Lūgšana ciešanu laikā
1 Korvedim. Pēc meldijas “Lilijas”. Dāvida psalms.
2 Glāb mani, Dievs!
Ūdeņi uzkāpuši man līdz kaklam!
3 Es stiegu dziļā muklājā, nav kur nostāties,
es esmu ūdens dzelmē, un pali veļas man pāri!
4 Es esmu apguris saukt, mana rīkle ir sausa,
nogurst man acis, gaidot uz Dievu!
5 Vairāk nekā matu uz galvas ir to,
kas bez iemesla nīst mani,
vareni ir tie, kas grib mani iznīdēt, – melīgie naidnieki!
Kā lai atdodu to, ko neesmu zadzis?!
6 Dievs, tu pazīsti manu muļķību,
mani grēki tev nav apslēpti!
7 Lai netiek apkaunoti caur mani
tie, kas cer uz tevi, Kungs, Pulku Kungs!
Lai netiek pazemoti caur mani
tie, kas meklē tevi, Israēla Dievs!
8 Dēļ tevis es dzirdu paļas,
negods klāj manu vaigu,
9 svešs esmu kļuvis saviem brāļiem
un kā citzemnieks savas mātes dēliem!
10 Dedzība par tavu namu mani aprij,
kad pēlēji tevi peļ, pār mani tas nāk!
11 Gavēdams raudāju par savu dvēseli,
bet saņēmu paļas!
12 Kad maisu paņēmu sev par apģērbu,
kļuvu tiem par izsmieklu!
13 Aprunā mani tie, kas sēž vārtos,
un dzērāji apdzied mani,
14 bet es izlūdzos no tevis, Kungs, vēlības brīdi!
Dievs, atbildi man
savā lielajā žēlastībā,
savā uzticībā glāb mani!
15 Velc mani no dūņām, ka nenogrimstu,
ka glābjos no tiem, kas mani nīst, un ūdens dzelmes!
16 Lai neveļas pali pār mani,
lai neaprij mani dzelme,
lai nesakļauj aka savu muti pār mani!
17 Atbildi man, Kungs, jo laba ir tava žēlastība,
savā lielajā žēlsirdībā pievērsies man!
18 Neslēp vaigu no sava kalpa,
jo postā es, steidzies atbildēt man,
19 nāc, izpērc mani,
man ir naidnieki – glāb tu mani!
20 Tu zini manu neslavu, kaunu un negodu –
visi mani naidnieki tavā priekšā.
21 Paļas salauzušas manu sirdi, viss man derdzas!
Es meklēju līdzjūtību, bet velti,
un mierinātājus, bet neatrodu.
22 Manam ēdienam tie pielika indi,
kad man slāpa, tie man deva dzert etiķi.
23 Viņu galds lai top viņiem par cilpu
un viņu viesiem par slazdu!
24 Lai aptumst tiem acis, ka vairs neredz,
un viņu gurni lai ļogās!
25 Izlej pār tiem savu bardzību!
Tavu dusmu svelme lai tos ķer!
26 Lai to apmetne paliek pamesta,
lai viņu teltīs neviens nemīt!
27 Tādu tie vajā, ko tu jau sitis,
tu viņu ievaino, par viņa sāpēm tie tenko!
28 Pieliec vēl vainu pie viņu vainas,
lai pat necer, ka tu tos taisnosi!
29 Lai tie izdzēsti no dzīvo grāmatas,
lai starp taisnajiem netiek ierakstīti!
30 Bet es esmu nabaga cietējs,
glāb, Dievs, un pasargā mani!
31 Dziesmā es slavēšu Dieva vārdu,
es daudzināšu viņu ar pateicību –
32 tas patiks Kungam labāk nekā vērsis,
nekā ragainais šķeltnadzis bullis!
33 Zemie to redz un priecājas,
tie, kas meklē Dievu, –
lai jūsu sirdis ir možas,
34 jo Kungs uzklausa cietējus,
un tos, kas gūstā, viņš nenicina!
35 Lai slavē viņu debesis un zeme,
jūras un viss, kas tajās ņudz,
36 jo Dievs glābs Ciānu un uzcels Jūdas pilsētas,
un tie tur dzīvos, un tiem tās piederēs!
37 Viņa kalpu dzimums tās mantos,
kas mīl viņa vārdu, tur mitīs!
(By David for the music leader. To the tune “Lilies.”)
God Can Be Trusted
1 Save me, God!
I am about to drown.
2 I am sinking deep in the mud,
and my feet are slipping.
I am about to be swept under
by a mighty flood.
3 I am worn out from crying,
and my throat is dry.
I have waited for you
till my eyes are blurred.
4 There are more people
who hate me for no reason
than there are hairs
on my head.
Many terrible enemies
want to destroy me, God.
Am I supposed to give back
something I didn't steal?
5 You know my foolish sins.
Not one is hidden from you.
6 Lord God All-Powerful,
ruler of Israel,
don't let me embarrass anyone
who trusts and worships you.
7 It is for your sake alone
that I am insulted
and blush with shame.
8 I am like a stranger
to my relatives
and like a foreigner
to my own family.
9 My love for your house
burns in me like a fire,
and when others insult you,
they insulted me as well.
10 I cried and went without food,
but they still insulted me.
11 They sneered at me
for wearing sackcloth
to show my sorrow.
12 Rulers and judges gossip
about me,
and drunkards make up songs
to mock me.
13 But I pray to you, Lord.
So when the time is right,
answer me and help me
with your wonderful love.
14 Don't let me sink in the mud,
but save me from my enemies
and from the deep water.
15 Don't let me be
swept away by a flood
or drowned in the ocean
or swallowed by death.
16 Answer me, Lord!
You are kind and good.
Pay attention to me!
You are truly merciful.
17 Don't turn away from me.
I am your servant,
and I am in trouble.
Please hurry and help!
18 Come and save me
from my enemies.
19 You know how I am insulted,
mocked, and disgraced;
you know every one
of my enemies.
20 I am crushed by insults,
and I feel sick.
I had hoped for mercy and pity,
but there was none.
21 Enemies poisoned my food,
and when I was thirsty,
they gave me vinegar.
22 Make their table a trap
for them and their friends.
23 Blind them with darkness
and make them tremble.
24 Show them how angry you are!
Be furious and catch them.
25 Destroy their camp
and don't let anyone live
in their tents.
26 They cause trouble for people
you have already punished;
their gossip hurts those
you have wounded.
27 Make them guiltier than ever
and don't forgive them.
28 Wipe their names from the book
of the living;
remove them from the list
of the innocent.
29 I am mistreated and in pain.
Protect me, God,
and keep me safe!
30 I will praise the Lord God
with a song
and a thankful heart.
31 This will please the Lord
better than offering an ox
or a full-grown bull.
32 When those in need see this,
they will be happy,
and the Lord's worshipers
will be encouraged.
33 The Lord will listen
when the homeless cry out,
and he will never forget
his people in prison.
34 Heaven and earth
will praise our God,
and so will the oceans
and everything in them.
35 God will rescue Jerusalem,
and he will rebuild
the towns of Judah.
His people will live there
on their own land,
36 and when the time comes,
their children will inherit
the land.
Then everyone who loves God
will also settle there.